Hey Police Penis Sucking Goat Fucker

Since that makes you sound like a heartless piece of shit who should sit in a cell for 80 years just to know how it feels. Just go to prison for 80 years for doing nothing but helping families by legally providing them with medicine. Go to prison for the rest of your life for being a innocent man, I don’t think you would be saying he deserves to rot in prison then.

What exactly did he do where he deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life?

A)Did he kill someone?
B)Did he molest a bunch of kids?
C)Did he legally provide medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients?

Choice C sounds like the last reason why a innocent man is sitting behind bars until he dies but the sad part is that it's true. You get less time in prison for rape and molesting kids. Even if you kill someone you can get less time in prison then Chris Williams. That is when you know that something is fucked up. Even in your fiction story I got less time in prison for killing a family then Chris Williams did for helping out many families and now he is be taken away from his own. Right now Chris Williams is sitting in a private prison that is making some greedy fuck rich.

Tell me a few things

Why do you think that Chris Williams deserves to rot in prison?
You said you support medical marijuana. Why do you want to see a man spend the rest of his life in prison for legally providing medicine to terminally ill and disabled patients?
Do you believe that child molesters,rapist, and killers should get less time in prison then Chris William?
Even Joe Garner a man who on Christmas morning killed his father and ate his brains got less time than Chris Williams.
Do you think that killing your dad and eating his brains is worse than a man who legally provides medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients?

I'm sure if you really feel this way or is just saying it to make me mad, but if you really mean it then you need to re evaluate your life. Since you said that a man who legally provides medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients deserves to rot in prison.
Since that makes you sound like a heartless piece of shit who should sit in a cell for 80 years just to know how it feels. Just go to prison for 80 years for doing nothing but helping families by legally providing them with medicine. Go to prison for the rest of your life for being a innocent man, I don’t think you would be saying he deserves to rot in prison then.

What exactly did he do where he deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life?

A)Did he kill someone?
B)Did he molest a bunch of kids?
C)Did he legally provide medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients?

Choice C sounds like the last reason why a innocent man is sitting behind bars until he dies but the sad part is that it's true. You get less time in prison for rape and molesting kids. Even if you kill someone you can get less time in prison then Chris Williams. That is when you know that something is fucked up. Even in your fiction story I got less time in prison for killing a family then Chris Williams did for helping out many families and now he is be taken away from his own. Right now Chris Williams is sitting in a private prison that is making some greedy fuck rich.

Tell me a few things

Why do you think that Chris Williams deserves to rot in prison?
You said you support medical marijuana. Why do you want to see a man spend the rest of his life in prison for legally providing medicine to terminally ill and disabled patients?
Do you believe that child molesters,rapist, and killers should get less time in prison then Chris William?
Even Joe Garner a man who on Christmas morning killed his father and ate his brains got less time than Chris Williams.
Do you think that killing your dad and eating his brains is worse than a man who legally provides medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients?

I'm sure if you really feel this way or is just saying it to make me mad, but if you really mean it then you need to re evaluate your life. Since you said that a man who legally provides medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients deserves to rot in prison.

Oddly enough there are a lot of intriguing points brought up in this argument. If anyone is faulting PPSGF for not having anything smart to say then they are just being shit disturbers.
Since that makes you sound like a heartless piece of shit who should sit in a cell for 80 years just to know how it feels. Just go to prison for 80 years for doing nothing but helping families by legally providing them with medicine. Go to prison for the rest of your life for being a innocent man, I don’t think you would be saying he deserves to rot in prison then.

What exactly did he do where he deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life?

A)Did he kill someone?
B)Did he molest a bunch of kids?
C)Did he legally provide medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients?

Choice C sounds like the last reason why a innocent man is sitting behind bars until he dies but the sad part is that it's true. You get less time in prison for rape and molesting kids. Even if you kill someone you can get less time in prison then Chris Williams. That is when you know that something is fucked up. Even in your fiction story I got less time in prison for killing a family then Chris Williams did for helping out many families and now he is be taken away from his own. Right now Chris Williams is sitting in a private prison that is making some greedy fuck rich.

Tell me a few things

Why do you think that Chris Williams deserves to rot in prison?
You said you support medical marijuana. Why do you want to see a man spend the rest of his life in prison for legally providing medicine to terminally ill and disabled patients?
Do you believe that child molesters,rapist, and killers should get less time in prison then Chris William?
Even Joe Garner a man who on Christmas morning killed his father and ate his brains got less time than Chris Williams.
Do you think that killing your dad and eating his brains is worse than a man who legally provides medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients?

I'm sure if you really feel this way or is just saying it to make me mad, but if you really mean it then you need to re evaluate your life. Since you said that a man who legally provides medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients deserves to rot in prison.

You didn't answer any of my questions

Is that because you know nothing about what your’re talking about?
To be fair, Williams was offered a deal that would decrease his sentence by 86% & he refused to take it.
I think it's a shitty situation and shows how fucked up the federal government can be.
They did a statewide raid on a state where medical marijuana was legal. They knew they were going to find people growing marijuana there. Big bust there guys. Maybe next they can do a raid on prostitution in Las Vegas.

What I still don't get is why is this the only case that is in the media? There is no way all the medical marijuana in this state was coming from this one place.

Why was he the only one arrested? He had at least one partner. Why was he not arrested?

Is there more to the story that hasn't come out?
I think it's a shitty situation and shows how fucked up the federal government can be.
They did a statewide raid on a state where medical marijuana was legal. They knew they were going to find people growing marijuana there. Big bust there guys. Maybe next they can do a raid on prostitution in Las Vegas.

What I still don't get is why is this the only case that is in the media? There is no way all the medical marijuana in this state was coming from this one place.

Why was he the only one arrested? He had at least one partner. Why was he not arrested?

Is there more to the story that hasn't come out?

I'm sure there is. The government is probably just making an example out of the poor guy. I feel bad for him.
In the one of the articles in the case it talks about his partners their punishment is no where near as severe as Chris Williams. Although one of his partners Richard Flor died during a prison transfer.

Good news we managed to reach 25,000 signatures and lets all hope for the best.
In the one of the articles in the case it talks about his partners their punishment is no where near as severe as Chris Williams. Although one of his partners Richard Flor died during a prison transfer.

Good news we managed to reach 25,000 signatures and lets all hope for the best.
Ah okay. I only read one article and just saw that he was arrested.
Any lawyer worth their salt would have said "Chris, it might be legal under state law, and while federal guidance currently says not to raid state-legal dispensaries and farms, that could change at any time, so you run the risk of going to prison for a long time over this."

"And also, you might want to hire a private security firm instead of having your buddies stash their guns there."

Unless he was a complete moron, he knew the risks of what he was doing. Those risks came true.
In the one of the articles in the case it talks about his partners their punishment is no where near as severe as Chris Williams. Although one of his partners Richard Flor died during a prison transfer.

Good news we managed to reach 25,000 signatures and lets all hope for the best.

25,000 signatures? Man you guys are really pushing the envelope to free this guy from an 80 year sentence.
Any lawyer worth their salt would have said "Chris, it might be legal under state law, and while federal guidance currently says not to raid state-legal dispensaries and farms, that could change at any time, so you run the risk of going to prison for a long time over this."

"And also, you might want to hire a private security firm instead of having your buddies stash their guns there."

Unless he was a complete moron, he knew the risks of what he was doing. Those risks came true.
"Chris Williams had reason to believe his risk of federal prosecution was minimal, following the release of a 2009 memo by the Justice Department stating that the federal government should not focus federal resources on medical marijuana growers and patients who complied with their own state laws."

I guess he is a moron then.

You realize that what you linked is an editorial, right? It's not some immutable fact you're quoting, it's what someone says when they're expressing their thoughts on Chris Williams?

Here's an article- a news article from the same online newspaper, not an editorial- with more factual information.


Judge Dana Christensen agreed with federal prosecutors that Chris Williams couldn't use the defense that he was following state law in defending himself from charges under the federal Controlled Subtances Act. This is how we resolve questions of how law apply in this country; we put them before a judge. If we don't like what the judge has to say, we can try to push for laws to change that. If those laws aren't successful, there's a damn good reason.

Also, pot charges aside, he also violated federal firearms laws.
You realize that what you linked is an editorial, right? It's not some immutable fact you're quoting, it's what someone says when they're expressing their thoughts on Chris Williams?

Here's an article- a news article from the same online newspaper, not an editorial- with more factual information.


Judge Dana Christensen agreed with federal prosecutors that Chris Williams couldn't use the defense that he was following state law in defending himself from charges under the federal Controlled Subtances Act. This is how we resolve questions of how law apply in this country; we put them before a judge. If we don't like what the judge has to say, we can try to push for laws to change that. If those laws aren't successful, there's a damn good reason.

Also, pot charges aside, he also violated federal firearms laws.

You do realize I was agreeing with you right?
I posted that to show that he knew there was some risk involved, even if it was minimal, and he went ahead and did it anyway.
You know, the more I read about this Chris Williams guy, the more he looks like an absolutely terrible martyr for the medical marijuana movement.

Source: Helena Independent Record (A local newspaper in Montana)

Helena Independent Record said:
Numerous garbage bag-sized pouches of marijuana and a range of handguns and rifles exhibited as evidence Tuesday in the federal court trial of Christopher Williams gave a surreal aura to the Paul G. Hatfield Courthouse, where cellphones and even Swiss Army knives are prohibited beyond the metal detectors and federal marshals at the front entrance.

A murmur went through the courtroom as Carl Anuszczyk, a special agent with the federal Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), sat on the witness stand and held up one of 20 rifles, shotguns and handguns seized in a March 14, 2011, raid of the Richard and Sheri Flor home. Richard Flor was one of the five original partners, along with Williams, in the Helena-based Montana Cannabis medical marijuana business.

“This is a Chinese made SKS 7.62 caliber,” said Anuszczyk, showing the gun to the jury. “It was found loaded with a magazine in the pantry area between the living room and kitchen.

Seven additional guns were entered into evidence that were found at the Montana Cannabis nursery on Highway 12 just west of Helena during the March 2011 raid.

But Williams’ attorney, Michael Donahoe, questioned whether any of the guns found could be traced back to his client. Four of the eight charges faced by Williams involve a firearm being present during drug trafficking; the other four charges include various marijuana manufacturing, possession and distribution counts.

Williams has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and a 13-member jury is hearing the case this week; one juror will be selected as an alternate when they get the case.

Donahoe noted that Williams only went to the Flor home a few times, mainly to harvest and pick up marijuana from their garden.

Witnesses have testified that Williams occasionally wore a holster with a small handgun in it and one matching that description was found during the Helena raid, but so far it hasn’t been tied to Williams. Four of the weapons found at the former State Nursery site were in a trailer where security guard Dan Nichols slept. Another handgun found in a backpack was owned by Bret Thompson of Helena, who performed construction work at the site. The fourth gun was a rifle in a corner next to the handgun and holster.

“I carried a gun for the sheer fact that if somebody did break in, I wanted to protect myself,” Thompson testified. “It wasn’t to protect the drugs, but to protect myself.”

Assistant U.S. Attorney Paulette Stewart, who handled the introduction of the guns as evidence, countered that just because a person doesn’t own a firearm doesn’t mean they don’t possess it, and argued that Williams did have access to the guns as part of his business.

Prosecutors also showed the jury photos of the marijuana growing operations and numerous pouches of confiscated marijuana from various Montana Cannabis stores. At the Helena facility alone, more than 950 plants were seized and a 26-foot trailer was needed to carry the cannabis and associated equipment away from the site.

Williams isn’t denying that he was one of five partners in Montana Cannabis, which sold medical marijuana to consumers from Miles City to Missoula. But he’s argued that he was doing it in line with the state laws, setting up the operations to run like a legitimate business where they kept ledgers, paid taxes and set up regular schedules for employees.

Thompson did note that employees also got regular bonuses of a quarter-ounce of marijuana, which he would turn around and sell. Thompson, along with his wife, other former employees and business partners, have been granted immunity from prosecution for their testimony.

Regardless of the business practices, Williams isn’t getting to use his preferred defense of pitting state against federal laws, after U.S. District Court Judge Dana Christensen ruled that Williams “was not permitted to introduce evidence concerning the Montana Medical Marijuana Act, compliance with state law, or his belief regarding the legality of medical marijuana under state law because it is irrelevant.”

Prosecutors note that under federal law, marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug and its manufacture, production and distribution remains illegal regardless of state laws.

Donahoe revealed another argument that he’ll put before jurors when he starts to present his defense of Williams on Wednesday. He said that federal and state law enforcement agents knew about the Flor family’s marijuana growing and distribution operations as early as 2006, but didn’t confiscate plants and shut down their operation until March 2011 — a full five years later.

Donahoe said that Williams only met the Flor family in 2009, and implied that if the agents had stopped the Miles City couple from growing marijuana when they first learned about it, Williams wouldn’t have become involved in a business partnership with them.

He expects to recall two of Williams’ former partners — Thomas Daubert and Chris Lindsey — to the stand to testify as defense witnesses, possibly on Wednesday. The case is expected to go to the jury on Thursday.
So, we're talking about a guy who kept loaded assault rifles on his drug farm. This doesn't sound like a state-licensed operation following all state laws to me. Would I want an armed presence on my drug farm? Absolutely. Hire a damn security team to do it legally.

He's as guilty as sin on the firearms charges. You can't just have your buddies stashing their guns at your business because they might need them to shoot people. The weapons violations go right past the federal guidance (which is advisory, not mandatory); last I checked, a grow operation in accordance with all state laws likely didn't have loaded rifles propped against the wall in the kitchen. They also weren't giving out bags of pot to employees to sell.

It's tough to find actual information about this guy. Do a google search on him, you'll find plenty of pages with people telling you how important it is to free him, and how horrible what's happening to him is, but you have to do some digging to find actual information about what he was doing and what he was charged with. "The gun I had wasn't mine" is an old and pretty ineffective defense.
How can you possibly think that Chris Williams is a terrible person?

It is legal to own a gun. Why hire a security team when you can protect your own farm? You pick out two minor things and make a big deal like he is some terrible person. So what he has a few guns and gives his employs pot that they sold. He sold some pot to people who were not prescribed medical marijuana. Marijuana should be for everyone and if it were legal they could sell it without a problem. You're acting as if he had a gun in the cops face when I know that he probably had multiple cops with guns pointing at his face. I guess its OK if you have a badge. He wasn't going out killing anyone he didn't threaten to shoot anyone in the raid they were only there for his protection. You know just as well as I do that a medical marijuana dispensary would be a good spot for someone to rob, it is a huge investment if you can get away with it. Those are also the type of people who are not going to do it empty handed too. The sad part is that he actually did get robbed but it was OK since they had badges. It is actually pretty easy to find information on him. All those sites that says it is horrible what they are doing to him is right. This is a man who was legally providing medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients. How is 80 years OK? How is it you can get less time for killing your dad on Christmas morning and eat his brains than legally providing medicine to sick people? You can’t find anything wrong about Chris Williams because he didn’t do anything wrong.
I don't expect you to know much about firearm safety, but it's about a thousand different kinds of illegal to keep a loaded rifle unlocked at your drug farm. Which is why you hire private security. So you don't get accused of having loaded guns loose all over the drug farm where you're distributing pot to your employees to sell.

So- just to sum this up- he broke a bunch of laws, including firearm laws and distributing drugs to his employees for sale, but since you're OK with it, he shouldn't be in jail.

Just wanted to make sure that's where this discussion ended up, along with another rant about "what's right", like every other discussion you have.

If you'd really like to, we can debate this question as part of the $50 challenge I've offered you. "Should Chris Williams Be In Jail?"
Todd, he is in more trouble because of the guns and being stupid than the actual marijuana.

Please stop supporting the legalization of marijuana, because the "movement' doesn't need ignorant fools like you fucking it up.

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