Herman Cain

What do you think of Herman Cain?

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
So I finally looked into that Herman Cain fellow the GOP is touting these days. Seriously, this is your golden boy? Another dinosaur strict Christian anti-personal rights, anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-war Republican that wants to give tax breaks to corporations? Wow, what a revolutionary concept. Hey wait, didn't we elect some guy on similar grounds? Oh right, his name was George W. Bush and his presidency is a leading contender for "Worst President Ever". Yeah, we totally need another one of those guys. Hey look, he's black too! That means he must be a reasonable, down to earth liberal, right? Wrong. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Fuck Hermain Cain, Fuck the GOP, fuck the Republicans, fuck the Democrats, fuck the libertarians, fuck 'em all man. We need to elect a leader, not a cardboard cut-out liberal or conservative, a real person who uses logic and reason as opposed to towing the party line. I don't know who he or she is or if they're out there, but please, please, make yourself heard because I'm getting tired of all of these cons in Washington.

What do you guys think about this dude?
What you want will never, ever happen. We're into deep with the current party system now, beyond a point of no return. The only way out is some sort of huge revolution.

But Herman Cain sucks, I'd take Obama over him 10 times out of 10.
X, I wish there was a word for when you agree with someone so hard, you wonder if you aren't living some kind of Fight Club style double life and the other guy is just posting all your ideas. Seriously, I couldn't agree more with all of this. I've gotten so entirely sick of politics anymore. It's all bullshit. It doesn't matter if you elect a Republican or a Democrat or whatever, they're just corporate puppets who want to take away your rights, and they fool everybody all the damn time. Herman Cain's just another one. Same shit, different face.

Fuck it. I'm moving to Norway at first opportunity.
You gotta believe JGlass. The moment you lose hope is the moment you've let those fucks win. Someone, someday, sometime, is going to break through this moronic two party system we have and I can't wait for it to happen. And if it doesn't happen in our lifetime, we'll have to make it happen.
Lewis Black said it best

"our 2 party system is a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself"
You gotta believe JGlass. The moment you lose hope is the moment you've let those fucks win. Someone, someday, sometime, is going to break through this moronic two party system we have and I can't wait for it to happen. And if it doesn't happen in our lifetime, we'll have to make it happen.

What's believing going to do? If I believe in something hard enough is it going to change?

No, it's not. It's just going to be the same shit.

I don't know how to change it, but these corporate sponsored movements like the Tea Party or these limited engagement movements like Occupy Wallstreet (guess what kids, standing around on the street in a show of solidarity isn't going to make the bigwigs want to stop padding their coffers) aren't going to change shit. It's going to take a very, VERY real threat to our way of life to motivate enough people to treat politics differently... and it might need to get ugly.
What's believing going to do? If I believe in something hard enough is it going to change?

No, it's not. It's just going to be the same shit.

I don't know how to change it, but these corporate sponsored movements like the Tea Party or these limited engagement movements like Occupy Wallstreet (guess what kids, standing around on the street in a show of solidarity isn't going to make the bigwigs want to stop padding their coffers) aren't going to change shit. It's going to take a very, VERY real threat to our way of life to motivate enough people to treat politics differently... and it might need to get ugly.

Oh man I know. Revolution does require the breaking of the law and bending of the rules. You need to do like the student activists of the 60s did, use the masses to rush capitol buildings and take control of them like they did with their colleges to change school policies. If Occupy want to be productive they should all march on capitol hill and take it over by force. I support civil disobedience but I tow the line at physical violence inflicted on other people, so it wouldn't be a freaking junta or anything. Just take control, let your messages be heard loud and fucking clear, and don't give up the fight until the politicians, the congress, senate, and even those soulless corporate special interest groups will all have to compromise to logic and reason for the middle class.

Wow, I'm really ranting here, aren't I? Lulz, that's what this insane cocktail of chemicals I'm currently on will do to you I guess.
Wanna know my feelings on the Cain cat?

I'd rather own the Bat Credit Card, or see it in the next movie, whilst Christian Bale dons the rubber nipples of doom, and Halle Berry does her best Catwoman, than have this dude as President.
As a Brit, I envy your political system. I don't envy your politicians. Someone like him wouldn't have a chance at even being elected as an MP here, thankfully.
Hey, where the fuck is the lemonade?

It's metaphorical lemonade. I'm deep like that.

As a Brit, I envy your political system. I don't envy your politicians. Someone like him wouldn't have a chance at even being elected as an MP here, thankfully.

Yeah to be honest as much as I hate our system, I'd hate even more to be a citizen in the UK with their system. You guys are like one step away from becoming the literal Big Brother government straight out of 1984. Cameras on every street corner, that's honestly absolutely disgraceful in my opinion. I'd fuckin' make it my mission to destroy as many cameras in my town as possible. Fuck Big Brother.
Yeah to be honest as much as I hate our system, I'd hate even more to be a citizen in the UK with their system. You guys are like one step away from becoming the literal Big Brother government straight out of 1984. Cameras on every street corner, that's honestly absolutely disgraceful in my opinion. I'd fuckin' make it my mission to destroy as many cameras in my town as possible. Fuck Big Brother.

Agreed. That show fucking sucks. No idea how it's still going.
I hate all politicians equally. The only thing I hate more than politicians is Hines Ward. God I hate Hines Ward.
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:lmao: All this I hate big brother and government talk is killing me. :p Smh

Our government structure is fine.

As long as a black man is president. Obama or Cain we are fine.

And Fried Chicken and Kool-Aid is the national meal.
Yeah to be honest as much as I hate our system, I'd hate even more to be a citizen in the UK with their system. You guys are like one step away from becoming the literal Big Brother government straight out of 1984. Cameras on every street corner, that's honestly absolutely disgraceful in my opinion. I'd fuckin' make it my mission to destroy as many cameras in my town as possible. Fuck Big Brother.

No offense, X, but from what I have seen, the American two party system is far more embarrassing than the constitutional monarchy that Great Britain still employs has even been. And the Patriot Act trumphs anything Big Brotherish that might exist this side of the Pond.
Herman Cain isn't going to win the nomination. It's going to be Mitt Romney's nomination to lose and Obama's reelection team is scared shitless over this fact. They better start working on an ad that brainwashes people into thinking that Mormans are evil.
Herman Cain isn't going to win the nomination. It's going to be Mitt Romney's nomination to lose and Obama's reelection team is scared shitless over this fact. They better start working on an ad that brainwashes people into thinking that Mormans are evil.

A Morman isn't getting voted into office, bro, especially one as fickle as Romney is. Obama won't have to say anything about Mormonism during the campaign... it'll always be the elephant in the room whenever Romney's presence is being felt.

Besides, when Romney and Cain are the Republicans best choices... I mean, could the party be more in shambles at this point? Jesus Christ almighty.
Im with X here. If enough people believe in something enough to do something about it, belief can do an awful lot. Be they right or wrong, look at how many religions began because people believed strongly enough to tell others, who then told others. Belief is a very powerful thing.
Forgive my ignorance ,but what is the Patriot Act exactly?


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