Hennig/Otunga Missed Potential...


The Abdi
Don't get me wrong I am a huge fan of Kofi and Evan Bourne and I for one am very pleased that they won the tag titles so this thread doesn't really have much to do with both men. However this thread is about how come David Otunga and Joe Hennig don't have any sort of character right now both men form a decent tag team but they don't portray as much character as they should. I mean David Otunga "The A-List" which was a great gimmick and persona and he could even mention every now and then how he's married to a celebrity Jessica Hudson and Joe Hennig has a royal lineage of hall of famers in his family. He's the son of one of the best ever for crying out loud. They should be allowed to use this to their advantage. I was watching Raw episodes from 2006 and I remembered the formidable tag team Carlito and Masters and how they had a little bit of character they were pretty nice together. Why can't Hennigg and Otunga have a little more to thier on screen characters. They both could be very good together. If Hennig helped Otunga with his technical in ring ability and if Otunga helped Hennig with speaking on the mic they could be a great tag team. I like Otunga and Hennig pretty much believe me. If they didn't look like two random guys mixed together they would be great. I think they're both talented in thier own ways and they should get more mic time. They should cut a promo together next Monday to add more onto thier persona's having Otunga talk about the A list stuff like he did on NXT and Hennig talk about his dad and how he will become better than his dad and to basically cut a tag team promo together. Otunga has mic skills IMO and Hennig is average on the mic. What do you guys think? I'm also excited for the tag team division to be improved.
I am with you I made a post a few weeks ago about Otunga and Hennig, they have not been given ANY opponents to build them up, then one comes along and they lose the titles immediately.
Based on the one time David Otunga got to guest host Raw, I thought he had a shot to be very entertaining, being that he had an extremely unique gimmick. I can remember him organizing this backstage affair, forcing his planners to bring him only green M&M's. He's married to a Hollywood celebrity, and if you look at his credentials as a person, he's actually a very intelligent guy.

That said, his persona has just about nothing in common to that of Will Ferrell's now that the faction they once represented is no more. Joe Hennig comes from a wrestling lineage, but has chosen not to embrace it and incorporate that aspect into his character. He's solid enough in the ring to carry a tag team, but as partners Otunga does nothing for him since they don't get any mic time. Their entrance attire is totally random (backwards hat, really?) and on a nightly basis get the biggest Charlie Haas pop since, well, Charlie Haas.

You're right about one thing though: there is a place for both of these guys on the WWE main roster. Despite his piss-poor wrestling skills combined with lack of experience, David Otunga CAN talk. That is why a guy like him would be best suited as a commentator, or as a manager. His role could be similar to Matt Striker's this way, who has done a fine job no matter what obstacle WWE has thrown in his way. As for McGillicutty, barring a name change, his potential in the company might be limited. IWC or not, I think everybody can agree that Michael McGillicutty MIGHT be one of the worst names in pro wrestling history. But he can work. So even as Michael McGillicutty, as long as he talks up his family's history and how he is carrying on the Legacy of Mr. Perfect, he can at least be a serviceable midcarder. His father won the Intercontinental Championship twice and is considered one of the greatest midcard workers of all time. You could use this to do an angle on McGillicutty and his pursuit of Intercontinental Championship. Not an overly flashy angle, but a storyline nonetheless.

But perhaps a disbandment could be a good thing not only for David and Joe, but for the IWC as well, as we wouldn't have to hear the hideous artificial name, "McTungacutty" ever again.
I thought the same thing really... Otunga and Hennig were really starting to mesh well as a tag team... i liked how they did a lot of tag team moves, they even used Demolition's old finisher...

I think with a little character development and work... They could be a good tag team...
i agree i thought hennig and otunga make a entertaining team and i hope they stay together! otunga could captalize on the a-list gimmick and mcgillicutty should change his name to Joe Hennig and captalize on his family history and use it to his advantage! they make a good team i agree on letting them cut a promo next week on raw it would help build on there gimmicks and improve there mic skills plus the fact it would help to build the tag title match at NOC between kofi & evan defending against them again (which im assuming is gonna happen?) hopefully this happens
For Henning there is hope, For Brotunga there is none, he is awful, he was not improved one bit, in ring he makes Kevin Nash look like Taka Michinoku.

I hope they bring Henning back in and develop him a new character (You don't need to do Mr Perfect 2, just something that is not...this)

As for Otunga? Who cares.
Its almost like they have no charisma, and theres definetely very little if no chemistry between them.
Kofi and Bourne could breathe a bit of life into the tag team division and could atleast hang with say The Kings of Wrestling.
Im so glad that they dropped the titles, Otunga and McGillicutty showed no passion towards anything lately and in my humble opinion are just plain BORING!

Oh and its Jennifer Hudson... ;)
I believe there is hope for Joe Hennig. He has potential to do something in the WWE. After all his father was Mr. Perfect. Unfortunately for Otunga not so much. I see no future for this guy. He is shit on the mic and he's not that good in the ring. Personally the onlt reason I think WWE is keeping him around is to capitalize on his wife.
Otunga and Mcgillicutty...are a good team that was thrown together, and will remain together, IMO.

They need to go to SD! where they can get over with a gimmick. On RAW they are just those two former Nexus guys.

Here is how I see it going...They get pissed for losing the belts, and get a rematch. But they are upset because no one gave them a chance to be great. Not Vince, the announcers, no one. They were stuck playing second fiddle to Wade Barrett. David Otunga gets on the mic and reminds everyone who he is that he is the "A-List". The mic gets handed to Mcgillicutty, and he says..Who is a McGillicutty? Not me, my name is Hennig. Could keep the Michael. He states that he is the son of Curt Hennig the greatest IC Champion ever. A Legend and a hall of famer. That also puts him in a class all his own. Together they for The A-List. Otunga because of his wife, and Hennig because of who he is. It is the one thing that can get them over.

Now, that is what I want to happen. Will we see it? Highly doubt it, but it will be better then what they currently are.
yeah there a decent team and will only continue to get better this year I mean there going to have a few more cracks at the tag titles and will win them at least one more time in my mind

both are talented and work well together I don't care for Mike's finisher though
McGillicutty and Otunga have a place in the WWE Roster now, so I don't see how you can clasify them as "missed potential."

With the revival of the tag team division lately, WWE will need to make a few more solid teams to replenish the division as a whole. They've already got The Uso's who are doing a pretty solid job on Smackdown, they're impressing everybody and the bouts between them, Slater and Gabriel were pretty entertaining to watch. McGillicutty and Otunga put in a huge amount of effort over the past couple of months, and when you have guys like Kings of Wrestling enter the fray you'll get them up against the likes of Otunga and McGillicutty who could be a pretty recognized team on WWE television.

It could be a thing like Christian. Don't comment because they lost the belts, it may be the start of something bigger and better for the duo.
They do come across as very stale in terms of character and thats the writing teams fault. Otunga and Hennig both show signs of charisma and if given the right character or story to run with could both could be looked at in a more serious light. Creative just seems to let talented workers slip through their fingers these days all to much. Have to agree that its cool seeing Bourne and Kingston getting the titles. Bourne has deserved a title for some time now imo.
I'm still optimistic with regards to McGillicutty. I'm hopeful creative will give him a good character revision in the near future. Right now, he's a boring heel. He really needs something to put him into the mid card. However, as long as he doesn't do a rehash of his fathers "Mr. Perfect" character, I'll be okay with whatever (really not a fan of superstars feeding off their fathers success because it never works well).

As for Otunga, I've never seen "it" within him. He has the size WWE aka Vince loves. That's really all he has going for him. I hope he's "Mr. Future Endeavors"
I think both men have potential. Both men are green in the ring, especially Otunga, but every week they have been getting better. They keep introducing new tag moves into their matches which shows that they are trying to make a legit team. The only problem with them is their lack of personality. That is not necessarily their fault because for half of their reign as champs they were stuck being CM Punk's lackeys in the New Nexus. I think that if both men showed more personality in the ring, then can be a great tag team in the future. It would also help if they were able to win matches consistantly instead of being booked weakly.
Missed potential? Not really. They had all the opportunity in the world to show what they could with those belts. And although I don't agree with Jerry Lawler saying this on-air (along with calling them "bland"), even though it's true.

McGillicutty is a natural in the ring. He is the son of Mr. Perfect, after all. It would be pretty sucky if he wasn't. However, it's a shame that he has zero charisma. Like nothing. To the point where it should be classed as a disability, really. Still, although most people don't, I believe that you can learn charisma and personality. However, at this point, he definitely does not deserve to be a champion. Especially in comparison to the men he lost his belt to.

Otunga, on the other hand, is the opposite. He actually does possess a bit of personality. Look at his stuff from his pre-Nexus days. It's pretty understated, but it's there. If he could magnify that, he's onto a killer personality and gimmick. His in-ring work is notoriously bad. He can wrestle well, he's got the basics down. He's just a bit big and boring.

Together, they never really had that chemistry that good tag teams have (although they did have some pretty nifty tag team moves). When the Nexus finished, there was no reason for them to be together. They're just to fairly bland guys who could do better with a by themselves with a bit of time. Missed potential? Nah, not when they're together.
otunga has potential hennig cant draw, otunga probly has a decent future as a singles competitor ahead of him hennig is gonna have to make it public to the wwe universe hes mr perfects son if he wants to be able to draw, he might be decent in the ring (from what hes displayed in ring hes not bad) but he is very bland and uncharismatic and cant be on the mic and hes not big either and hes not very built and doesnt have a good look so its gonna be pretty hard for vince to get behind him and hes not even a spotty guy either so i really dont see him going anywhere
I have a feeling they need Vickie for the Instant heat they need. Swagger was talking about building a stable and these 2 guys would fit right in. Have Vickie get them Heat and have them wrestle.
I have a solution to this problem that WWE refuses to ignore. Give them a manager. Bring back Jimmy Hart or give them someone younger like Cole or a veteran wrestler like Regal. The manager will draw them much needed heat while they develop their characters for themselves.

I might be dating myself a bit, but Bret and Anvil weren't really characters that anyone cared about when they broke in to WWF/E. It was Jimmy Hart that gave them that heel heat. Same for alot of guys that Heenan managed. I'm not saying every heel needs a manager, but it would sure help the guys that have all the talent, but have yet to develop a character that is "over" with the crowd.

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