Help me out here guys, which is better?

Who should go on to defend their WHC againts Chris Jericho and Wresltemania?

  • Randy Orton

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Shawn Michaels

  • John Bradshaw Layfield

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Now none of this is real, just...for storyline sake, kinda...a what if thread, but please don't ask me anything about it, just act as if it was real in the WWE.

Let me give some background first, let's say....Chris Jericho, not really with any big feuds going on...but let's say where around Royal Rumble-No Way Out time...A year ago at last years wrestlemania, Chris Jericho walks out with the WHC, and is robbed of his title (Exactly like Jack Swagger did.), by a him Chris Dagger. Chris Dagger, just like Jack Swagger (Note, the names do kinda sound familiar, but um...I promise you Dagger was thought of before I even knew Swagger, Dagger was 'round bout 2 years ago.), now let's say just like Swagger did, Chris Dagger cashed in his MITB on Jericho, and he held the WHC. Over the next year, Chris Jericho didn't do much, had a few good matches, but he never got a good rematch, as he was drafted to the other brand shortly after.

Chris Dagger holds the world title the rest of the year, beating a few mid-carders, and even having a few wins in matches with the likes of JBL and Randy Orton. Now I'll saw Dagger is kinda an old his 40s, he never really had the story book career like Triple H, or Hulk Hogan, but he had notable feuds, and good title reigns, as well as some good heel and face turns (Btw, Dagger is face now.) But Dagger just makes it out of the match with his title each time. Chris Jericho ends up winning the Royal Rumble, and he claims he wants to go after the WHC, and fight Dagger.

Well heres my plans, I want Dagger to lose in the Elimination Chamber match, and go own to win Superstar Of The Year at the Wrestlemania rewards, and even up retiring there. Chris Jericho is going to end up facing who ever he beats in the Elimination Chamber.

Now I'm stuck between about 4 people (Note, this will most likely be Wrestlemania's main event, or at least the second to the last match, depending on who it will be.)

Who should win the EC, to go on and defend their title against Jericho (also note Jericho WILL win).

Randy Orton, Orton has been feuding with MVP, and JBL over the year, and has come very close to winning the WHC, I want Orton to win the title at some point, but I don't want him only keeping it for a month, to lose in the main event.

John Bradshaw Layfield. said, has been feuding with Orton over the past year, deciding who is the true face of the brand. JBL has had great wins over several big superstars, and has also came close to winning the title. If JBL does go on to face Jericho, I would have to turn Jericho face, and have only a 4-6 weeks to work a storyline into the main events of Wresltemania.

Rey Mysterio. Rey has been working the mid card, holding the mid card title for about half the year, and feud withing Evan Bourne. Rey went on to lose his title against Bourne around Survivor Series time, and hasn't gone on to do much since. Like said, I will only have 4-6 weeks to work in a good feud, and I'm not sure if Rey and Jericho could be Wrestlemania main event material.

Shawn Michaels. HBK has been working the mid card, and hasn't done anything interesting almost the whole year, until Armageddon, where he fought Chris Dagger for the championship, and barely lost, he fought Dagger again in a rematch and the Royal Rumble, and just came up short. Winning the title at No Way Out would be good for Shawn, and would help the Storyline a quarter of the way, but I will still have to work something with Shawn and Jericho.

So who should win the match at No Way Out for the title, and go on to defend (and lose) the title in the main events at Wrestlemania? Once again, please don't ask me where this is coming from, I'd be kinda embarrassed to explain it.
It's obviously an SvR10 storyline. Nothing to be ashamed of. :p

If this were real, both HBK and Rey would be great choices as they've shown to put on AWESOME matches with Jericho, but I think REy would make the most sense. He lost a midcard title to an up-and-comer so he could transition into the main event.
It's obviously an SvR10 storyline. Nothing to be ashamed of. :p

If this were real, both HBK and Rey would be great choices as they've shown to put on AWESOME matches with Jericho, but I think REy would make the most sense. He lost a midcard title to an up-and-comer so he could transition into the main event.

Haha, Good guess Doc..but no..It's a little more embarrasing then that. Rey and HBK are the ones I considered most, so since you say Rey, I'll go with Rey, but I'll wait awhile to see if anybody else thinks something different.
Mary Sue is a fanfic term. Essentially it means that the character (which is normally one made up by the author) is flawless in every way, is the centre of everything going on, usually lusted after by several main characters and is in general completely perfect. They're usually a representation of what the author wants to be.

He's implying that Chris Dagger is a Mary Sue.
Mary Sue is a fanfic term. Essentially it means that the character (which is normally one made up by the author) is flawless in every way, is the centre of everything going on, usually lusted after by several main characters and is in general completely perfect. They're usually a representation of what the author wants to be.

He's implying that Chris Dagger is a Mary Sue.

Haha, Ok. Thanks Remix. Chris Dagger isn't really perfect, infact...he's been shit before Wrestlemania last year, and I think the last notable feud he had before that...was with John Cena...and that was several years ago. It was actually kinda replicating John Cena and Jericho's feud...not much though. Chris Dagger hit a DDT on John Cena..and the front of John Cena's neck...literally snapped. When something like that happens, I turn it around in my shows as a real injury, and worked it into the storyline. Chris Dagger then challenges John to his championship, knowing John isn't there, due to a broken neck, And Chris Dagger is awarded with the title.

Dagger goes on a nice reign over the next few months, and John Cena returns to beat him in his return match.

Really, the only reason Chris Dagger won the MITB, is because I was replicating the real MITB this year. I picked certain wrestlers to either represent themselves, or wrestlers that wern't avalible, I put other superstars in. Well since the names sounded familar, I decided to go with Chris Dagger for Jack Swagger. I figured Swagger wouldn't win anways....
You have to tell me what this is all about. You writing a fanfic or something?
Haha, Good guess Doc..but no..It's a little more embarrasing then that. Rey and HBK are the ones I considered most, so since you say Rey, I'll go with Rey, but I'll wait awhile to see if anybody else thinks something different.

You're not playing with wrestling figures are you?
JBL gets the quick win with a CFH after Orton squashes the shit out of your Mary Sue, RVD style

Ok I did this. JBL was on the outside-ish part of the Chamber...Chris Dagger is hit with an RKO out of nowhere by the Viper, Orton gets the pin. Randy..shocked he just eliminated the 10 month champion, does his signature taunt, where out of nowhere Randy turns around and is hit with an clothesline from hell. JBL pins Orton and wins the title in the EC.

What I was thinking though, since Randy just got fucked in this match, and since he's been feuding with JBL over the last couple of months, what if I worked Randy into the match, and made it Triple Threat. I mean..that would piss of Jericho...but Jericho is also gonna be forced to turn face, as I can't have him and JBL go off, with them both being heels.

So what do you think should happen? Would you be happy as a fan, if Jericho won the Royal Rumble, and is facing JBL at Wrestlemania in the main event, but Orton, who has been feuding with the current World Champion over the last couple of months, joins the match to make it a Triple Threat match to close Wresltemania, with the new face Jericho, walking out with the title?

Also, do you guys think I should make the Jericho vs JBL(maybe Orton) title match the main event, or John Cena vs Triple H XXVIII the main event. Won't get to much into the Cena and Trips feud, but Trips is the heel in it, and it's pretty juicy.
Isn't that just rehashing the WM22 storyline, except Orton's beef is with the Champ?

Not sure, I never saw Wrestlemania 22. My first Wrestlemania was 24, I started watching WWE in 07 with my first ppv being Unforgiven.

I did Wrestlemania though, it was pretty good. The feud between Trips and Cena was an I quit match though, with Cena going with the Never give up gimmick, facing off againts heel Triple H. HHH got a clean victory and made Cena say the words "I quit".

Randy Orton over the last couple of weeks ended up punting the Undertaker (Really, I couldn't find a worthy opponent for Undertaker to face at Wrestlemania, so I decided to have him miss it due to "injury".), then Orton punted Finlay, and finally he punted Mr.McMahon, forcing the GM to put him in the match. Chris Jericho turned face, and JBL feuded with Orton and Dagger, getting himself intentionally DQ'd by slapping the ref in the rematch.

The week before WM, Chris Jericho (face now) challenged Dagger to a match, as he intentionally chose the WHC after winning the Royal Rumble so he could fight Dagger. Chris Dagger wins in an 40 minute Smackdown main event, as a send off before he retires at Wrestlemania.

Randy Orton ends up punting JBL on the grandest stage of em all, only to be hit with a codebreaker from Jericho, and Y2J walking out..with the title.

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