Help II


of the Le'beau family
Guys, I'm fucking sick of this. I'm almost 20 and haven't been able to score a better job than a fucking cook at a local fast food joint. What makes it worse is that I live in a small town so business is pretty limited, and where I work is the only place that'll hire high school graduates. I'd get the hell out of this town if I could actually drive too, but I've failed every damn test I've ever taken. I'm socially awkward, even my only other co-worker fucking hates my guts. I have repressed lust for one of my best friends too; she's athletic, smart and a gorgeous southern bell. I love her. You know what it's like; I've been friend zoned reall hard. She's my only real friend, besides this one kid, who I'm pretty sure is only hanging around me because he's mentally challenged. I guess he's the only one that can tolerate me. I just don't know what to do with my life. To top it all off, I live in a pineapple under the fucking sea.

What do you guys think I should do?
Guys, I'm fucking sick of this. I'm almost 20 and haven't been able to score a better job than a fucking cook at a local fast food joint. What makes it worse is that I live in a small town so business is pretty limited, and where I work is the only place that'll hire high school graduates. I'd get the hell out of this town if I could actually drive too, but I've failed every damn test I've ever taken. I'm socially awkward, even my only other co-worker fucking hates my guts. I have repressed lust for one of my best friends too; she's athletic, smart and a gorgeous southern bell. I love her. You know what it's like; I've been friend zoned reall hard. She's my only real friend, besides this one kid, who I'm pretty sure is only hanging around me because he's mentally challenged. I guess he's the only one that can tolerate me. I just don't know what to do with my life. To top it all off, I live in a pineapple under the fucking sea.

What do you guys think I should do?

Ha. Ha. Ha...
Maybe move on to a better place? I still haven't learnt to drive but I left my hometown 5 years ago, a fresh start sounds best maybe.
The lack of oxygen under the sea might be the cause of these hallucinations. Unless you have gills, try moving to the surface and see how you go from there.

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Seriously, you've got two options if you wish for change. Take Phoenix's advice and get the fuck away from where you are to start a new life, fresh slate and all. Leave all your problems behind. This is an easy option, however you'll need a job and a place to stay before you can move safely/comfortably. This means you'll be living through hell before getting to heaven.

Second option is to man up and push through everything that is troubling you. Turn up the intensity to eleven and deal with your problems up front. I'd suggest taking care of your communication skills first... I used to be this kid concerning friends back in elementary/primary school and now, I can't keep up with keeping in contact with every person I became friends with. The trick is to:

A) Find a group of people who are like you and start befriending those people. Once they accept you, you'll become friends with their friends and become apart of a social group.

B) Put on a smile and be the nicest person you can be, with some humour for added effect. People love people who love people... if you catch my drift. Don't try to be impressive, just be a nice guy (as well as yourself, of course).

Jobs you can't do much about considering how the world is only just recovering from the recent economic crisis. Keep whatever you can get... but just keep searching and never stop. You'll get something eventually. As for the driving, you can only practice. Get someone with a full licence or a driving school instructor to assess you for the funnzies... I say lulz as it will give you confidence to drive well when the pressure is off your shoulders. For the girl... repressing lust will only grow stronger to a point where no-one will benefit from it. You can remove her from your life (which I'm telling you is the worst thing to do) or talk to her about it. Communicate not as friends, but as human beings discussing one's emotions. Maybe she feels the same way about you... you never know. It's always good to find out so it puts your mind/heart/soul at ease. If she likes you too, that's great. If she doesn't, no loss at all. Most likely, you two will grow stronger as friends as she knows she is able to talk to you about the deepest of emotions on a personal level without you being... well, a male. Either way, she can provide advice as well, considering that she knows you the best.

You can take the two options for your life together, by moving away to find a better job, as well as figuring out things like your ability to communicate to people and your friendship level with that girl. It depends on what's the best for you. I can't help you much beyond this as I don't know you and the amount you posted is all I have to work with... but I hope this helps.
Yea, you should probably just hang yourself out to dry in the unforgiving blazing hot sun, sans water or sustenance of any kind, and do us all a favor and die a quiet, slow, ultimately painful death.

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