Help declare the winner in this battle


Lord And Master
Staff member
Over in the Digital Graphics area, we've been having some friendly battles. But in this one, there hasn't been much voting. So if you're reading this thread please click the link below review the graphics that are on display and vote for who has the best work. I will declare the winner, depending on the number of votes at 10:30pm (GMT -4).

Thank You
When I said I don't like any of them, what I really meant to say was I think they're all shit.
I have nothing to do with your work being objectively awful.

Good news. Your logic sucks too.

Fuck you, Coco. You're the only one who thinks we're all shit. Kinda tells you something, maybe?
I think Coco wants a hug. Ah, let him be an ass if he wants. Its a bar room, he can say what he wants. Don't know what his problem is though.
I still fail to understand how anyone on these forums still takes anything Coco says seriously. Granted he's one of the more gifted and talented trolls I've come across in a long time, but still, you'd think people would learn eventually. ;)
:rolleyes: Thats why I don't take anything personal. I gotta say though, he'd be better on mic than most heels of today. That includes Kanye West. :p

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