Hello from a washed up pro

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Dark Match Jobber
Apologies for starting a thread based on mainly an introduction, but once you’ve read this whole thread, perhaps I’ll be excused.

I’ll just get straight to the point: I’m an ex pro wrestler. I’m going to make it clear to all very early on that I AM NOT going to reveal my identity. Due to reasons of possible swaying of discussion from some, and to be honest just general privacy reasons, I don’t particularly want an entire forum knowing my identity.

I shall however give you a brief insight into my career to feed some possible curiosity. I was active for around 6 years. I spent time in WCW, WWF/WWE, and briefly New Japan Pro. My career was a somewhat short one, as I suffered a non-wrestling based injury as I was starting to progress (and poor booking didn’t help). Fans of all three above companies would be very aware of me if I stated my name (I am a former champion in one of the above companies) but at the same time I was in no way a distinguished champion in the industry (although it paid the bills well)!

After my career finished I moved on to a brief stint in another sporting field, before leaving the public eye and finding work in more conventional roles.
I stopped following and watching the WWE (of which I have been a fan since a child and throughout my stint there) in 2006. It was around this time that I ended my pro-wrestling career, and wanted to remove myself from it entirely (mainly due to being fed up with the industry as a whole). Just over a year ago, I started watching the programming once more. It quickly engulfed my life once more, and now I find myself consistently watching. I took it upon myself to catch-up with what I missed as thoroughly as possible (mainly Legacy, Cena domination, HBK retiring etc).
It was only recently that I discovered the ‘IWC’. It was by mistake that I stumbled across a website dedicated to wrestling news, and then I saw that numerous forums and news sites existed. I’ve followed this forum for a month or so, and upon my ‘year anniversary’ of re-watching and following WWE programming, I decided I’d induct myself into the IWC.

I feel that I could contribute to some discussions that I’ve noticed often speculate around certain issues that require insider access. I’m not saying I’m going to act as some old story-teller, but I’d happily contribute to discussions that debate over a tricky subject as many fans will be unaware of inside dealings of the industry. I just hope that in return I’ll be treated as a regular fan. That is why I started this thread, as a means of getting all this off my chest and in the open, rather than it slowly becoming apparent from my posts, and to ask if there is room for a battered ex-pro with a love for the industry that won’t seem to leave me.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to this new phase of my wrestling career: a whiny old SOB from the IWC!
hey relax BieberHole , this could be real, and when new people come I find it better to be welcoming than a cynic asshole.

Welcome man, the site is good but the mods are very strict about where you post stuff. Proper introductions should be made in the Site Administration Forum. Be sure to read the forum rules too , I wish I did when I joined it would have saved me a lot of trouble.

It would be cool to have opinions from an actual wrestler on here. Enjoy the site.
"Go get your shine box Spider."

Welcome, not sure if you are legit or not but I'll be the first to give you the benefit of the doubt. Even if you are not, this could still be entertaining.

Could you tell us your opinion on some of the guys that you worked with? Were you with WCW in their dying days? Do you have any WTF stories to tell about WCW? Other WTF stories? How do you currently make a living? Is there anything currently going on that you can add some perspective on?

Your legitimacy is going to be insulted and challenged. Based on the little bit of information that you provided some of the experts here can probably narrow you down to a few guys. Hope you can get through it and are legit because it would be cool to have a former insider's opinion.
Spider, you can probably contact the moderators of this forum by email and give them enough info to verify your identity, then they can give you a "WZ Verified" tag or something. That would probably shut people up.
If you are legit, welcome, It's nice to know someone with real inside knowledge on this website

I have a feeling I know who this may be if it is real, but i'll keep my guesses to myself.

Hope you enjoy your time
It'd be nice to have a poster who has varied experience in the business, so I'm more than happy to believe that you're sincere. Welcome, sir!

Two quick questions: Have you done any tours of the UK/ Ireland; either with the majors or as an independent? and, What is your current stance on other wrestling outside of the WWe at the moment?
Like some of the guys above me have said, I am unsure whether you are lying or telling the truth, but either way, welcome, and enjoy your stay here in the Wrestlezone forums
Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay and not let some people run you off. I don't know if what you say is truthful or not either, but all I have to go on is your word and I will take a man for that until he proves me wrong. I look forward to hearing your insight on these forums.
Yup, this has got to be Sean O'Haire. Identity broken.

Worked in all of the companies the OP mentioned, was a multiple time tag champ and was injured in an accident. Also SPIDERS.

Yup. Sean O'Haire. Sup bro. Although you may be fake.
Apologies for starting a thread based on mainly an introduction, but once you’ve read this whole thread, perhaps I’ll be excused.

Nevertheless, pretty sure this is in the wrong section. Probably gonna get moved, and unless you verify your identity, maybe even deleted.

I shall however give you a brief insight into my career to feed some possible curiosity. I was active for around 6 years.

Sean O'Haire wrestled from 2000 to 2006.

I spent time in WCW, WWF/WWE, and briefly New Japan Pro.

So did Sean O'Haire, in that order.

My career was a somewhat short one, as I suffered a non-wrestling based injury as I was starting to progress (and poor booking didn’t help).

Wikipedia said:
At that time, O'Haire was involved in a motorcycle accident which required stitches and kept him out of action for the next month or so. When he recovered in February 2004, he was sent back to OVW and released on April 3, 2004.

Fans of all three above companies would be very aware of me if I stated my name (I am a former champion in one of the above companies) but at the same time I was in no way a distinguished champion in the industry (although it paid the bills well)!

Sean O'Haire won the WCW World Tag Team Championship three times. Twice with Mark Jindrak, once with Chuck Palumbo.

After my career finished I moved on to a brief stint in another sporting field, before leaving the public eye and finding work in more conventional roles.

O'Haire got into Kickboxing and MMA, but left in 2007 after an unremarkable start.

If this guy is legit (which I doubt, just because I'm naturally skeptical more than anything) then it's most likely O'Haire. That may not be a good thing, though: arrested for assault in 1992, found guilty of assaulting a woman in 2006, and arrested for allegedly choking his girlfriend in 2009.

You a lyin ass motherfucker.

My initial reaction, too. Just like that WWE Creative guy.

I feel like he wouldn't have put that much thought into it if he wasn't an ex wrestler lol

You're easily convinced. And you'll be surprised how desperate people are to get attention. Just like that WWE Creative guy.

Spider, you can probably contact the moderators of this forum by email and give them enough info to verify your identity, then they can give you a "WZ Verified" tag or something. That would probably shut people up.

This. I'm not gonna take you seriously (and most others, too) unless you do this. The mods are respectful people, so you don't have to worry about your identity. Assuming you are actually what you say you are.
I don't really think someone would go so far as to put all this out on the table if it wasn't legit. I'm far from Naive but you have to wonder why someone would put themselves through this to impersonate someone. Asking for this person to confirm his identity or anything else is just silly. Trolling someone because you don't believe them is even dumber, especially when you named yourself after Justin fkin Bieber

Time will tell and I will be watching
I don't really think someone would go so far as to put all this out on the table if it wasn't legit. I'm far from Naive but you have to wonder why someone would put themselves through this to impersonate someone.

Time will tell and I will be watching

There are some sad, sad people out there.

Interesting note: just checked out O'Haire's Facebook page. Not sure if it's legit (there are a couple, I chose the one with the most fans), but he's made one comment since April last year, and it was at 3 this morning. Could mean something.

Also, does anyone remember that guy who emailed Wrestlezone sometime last year and claimed to be a former wrestler?
Idk why you wouldnt want to own up to who you are. Its very clear the person you described is Sean O'Haire as others said. You outlined his (your) entire career. That being said, you get alot of love in these forums.

The IWC brings you and your Devils Advocate gimmick pretty often and its always talked about as something the WWE really dropped the ball with. Im pretty sure its been reference on CSR as well. Take a bow and be proud:worship:
I guess at this point it would be redundant to say that I'm skeptical. Simply uploading a pic of you holding a piece of paper saying "wrestlezone" would be enough to credit yourself but other than that if you are legit understand no one has a real reason to believe you and there are some people whos lives are so sad they have to pose as others, even if that other person is a slightly insignificant former tag champion whos career was cut short by a motorcycle accident. Just putting it out there.
I'm taking this with a huge grain of salt, since hiding your identity in the Internet is beyond easy. But if you really are Sean O'Haire, why not prove it? Most of the posters in this thread have called your bluff.

Own up, bruh. :shrug:
Unless you prove your legitimacy, it's pretty much a guarantee most in these forums won't take you seriously. As a Wrestlezone writer, you could get in contact with me, prove you are who you say you are, and I would be bound by confidentiality to keep your identity between us. I could then speak your legitimacy from the mountaintops... Now, whether or not people believe ME is a totally different story.

If you're interested in contributing, depending on your legitimacy, we could have great use for you on Wrestlezone's main page. I'm with most in assuming you are bogus, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong.

If you want to get in touch with me, my name is MikeKillam, and you can reach me at [email protected]. Regardless, happy forum posting to you sir.
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