"He'll Never Be In The Main Event Scene"

I didn't expect Jack Swagger to become my favorite, but I liked him more and more, to the point where he became my favorite. Despite that, I never would've expected to see him win MITB, and then the World title. I marked HUGE when he won MITB. It really helped his character blossom, especially the promo where he had all his trophies in the ring. That was priceless.

Also with CM Punk with his cult following from the indies, I never expected him to get as high up as he has, and yet he did. Those two in particular I'm happy that they`ve proved me wrong. Batista on the other hand, I never expected it, nor did I ever buy into it, still to this day.

As for current guys, I fail to see what it is with Drew McIntyre that he's been labeled a future heavyweight champion. He brings nothing impressive verbally or in ring. If I ever need to go to sleep, I should watch a debate between him and Joe Hennig. Drew has cool theme music, but that's it. I doubt he will or should go far, and will be shocked if he ever does.

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