"He'll Never Be In The Main Event Scene"


Has Returned.
Have you ever found yourself uttering this phrase about a wrestler? I know I have.

I uttered this phrase. Or more like I thought this about Sheamus. Back in his ECW days I didn't see the hype for him, and I found him overall boring. He has changed my mind. And obviously he has proved me wrong about the main event scene.

I would expect that this is a phrase we hear, say or think a lot around the newly debuting people, some of the mid-carders (John Morrison. Shelton Benjamin. MVP. Some even questions The Miz) and while these are guys that we haven't seen hit the main event scene yet, there's still a chance.

And there's also those people that did hit the main event scene who this phrase was thought, uttered, heard. You know the deal.

Some of them has changed our sight on them, Sheamus has changed the sight for me, but what's most important is - They proved us wrong.

John Cena has been critiqued leading up to Wrestlemania 22 that he'd never make it. At least that's what the promo by John stated in the storyline. He proved them wrong.

Now I'm not a loyal follower of TNA. But I am certain there's also some in that promotion that was the victim of this phrase. I could imagine someone like A.J Styles, Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan.

The question I wanna ask you us however:

Have you uttered this phrase before? About who?

Who would you utter this phrase about right now? Why?
I gotta be honest, I said it about Brock Lesnar when he debuted. I thought he had a good look, sorta like a monster, and was freakish, but I just thought that people would forget about him. Couldn't get much wronger, relly.

I said the same about Carlito too. I never really liked him. He had some good moments but not enough to really open my eyes.

I also thought the same about Christian. I love the guy, I think he's great and that he should be a main eventer, but back when he just split from Edge I couldn't see it at all. And I can't see it now, as much as I'd like to.
Have you uttered this phrase before? About who?

Rey Mysterio. A combination of things had long lead me to believe that Rey would never, ever get into the main event. Rey had his size working against him as well as the fact that he was a sort of special attraction (his mask & lucha style made him a sort of side attraction) and there seemed no way around that glass ceiling in WWE but sure enough in 06' he won the Rumble and proved me wrong at WrestleMania 22.

Who would you utter this phrase about right now? Why?

Evan Bourne. While he's receiving a push i doubt he's going to get anywhere near the main event. He's currently in the Midcard which is higher than he was two months ago but I don't see anywhere for him to go apart from down. Once Vince tires of seeing him, he'll be de-pushed and stuck into the lower-Midcard once more and possibly jobbing.
Constantly. I "uttered" it about Shelton and even CM Punk before I was baptized in the name of Punk. It's a phrase that can be used for multiple wrestlers we see wrestle at the 9:00 spot from the opening match.

Right now we can say it for many people like Curt Hawkins or Tyler Reks. But those are obviously too easy picks. The two people I have said it about are John Morrison and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. These guys are supposed to be big stars but time and time again we have seen them rise to fall back to obscurity.

Morrison, people have said over and over. "This guy is the next HBK!" But I have only seen one match where I saw this feature. (and it was live so maybe it was just the live experience.) His promos are weak and he's getting sloppier and sloppier. I see him falling down a hill it's impossible to get up from.

Rhodes, the uncommon son, he was born with a silver spoon but he must have traded it for a Zelda game because he is beyond average. I loved him when he first debuted, reminded me of Scrappy Doo. But now I just don't like him and he only wrestles on NXT. Yeah, let that wrap around your head.

So yes, I do utter that phrase quite a bit. And it's a phrase we grown accustomed to know as we watch these wrestlers we believe in, turn into stagnant mid-carders.
I think just about everyone has either said this or at least thought it about some wrestlers at some point. I think it's one of those unavoidable things that you can't help but say or think if you watch wrestling long enough.

Right now, for instance, I think that the only one out of Nexus that could legitimately be in the main event scene at this time is Wade Barrett. He's got the look, the ability in the ring and compotence on the mic to eventually make it into the main event. I haven't seen that from the others, but I might be proven wrong in time. I have to admit that I thought the same thing about Rey Mysterio years back. He's well under six feet tall, weighs about 165 pounds and is just not the type you expect to see in a main event scene in American promotions. But, he proved people wrong. Whether they think he belongs there or not is irrelevant. I think John Morrison has potential, but his character needs changing and he needs to work on his mic skills big time. Watching him try to give a promo sometimes is downright painful. Yoshi Tatsu is definitely someone that I don't see ever being in the main event scene in the WWE. He's fun to watch in the ring, but has a completely one dimensional and outdated type of character. I'm sure that there are others as well.

Over in TNA, a few guys leap to mind like Brian Kendrick, the Motor City Machine Guns, Ink Inc., Hernandez, Homicide, Doug Williams, etc. Most, if not all, of these wrestlers are pretty good, but I just don't see them being in the main event scene. Kendrick has X-Division for life written all over him, the MCMGs have been trying for four years to be tag champs and I have a feeling they'd be stricly X-F-L as singles wrestlers. The singles careers of both Homicide and Hernandez have been nothing to write home about, etc.
Well, the one that proved me wrong was The Rock. When he first hit the WWE I could not stand him, much like The Miz. We all know what The Rock became, one of the WWEs biggest stars, The Miz has came along way and it will be intersting to see how far he can take the ball and run with it.

As for right now I would say Ken Anderson/Kennedy and John Morrison. I do not see what anyone sees in either of the two. Well, Anderson can at least cut a promo, I just do see anything else about him that makes me think he will be a big star.
Morrison dose nothing for me, as a face I find him stale and boring. I think he will always be stuck in the mid card or even the tag division, where I feel he dose better as he has someone to share the spotlight with.
I've said it about Sheamus, but he's made me eat my words. When he first started his demolition through RAW, I thought they were just getting him over. I didnt think much would come from it. But it was a major push right off of his debut. I didnt think he could just jump into the main event scene, but he did it. And he did it very well actually.

But I've also said it about MVP and I will continue to say it about MVP.

When I started watching wrestling again, I'm pretty sure MVP was the US Champion. On this forum, there were many people saying that he should be getting a WWE Championship, or he needs a main event push. But I never see anything in him that would make me think he could become a main eventer. I dont think his gimmick is interesting or that he is that good on the mic. I just dont see how in any way he could become a main eventer.
I never believed Edge would go anywhere other than the tag division. But i was proved wrong and am still pissed to this day.

Right now? i dont see R-Truth getting near the ME.
but i do hope he proves me wrong (aslong as he picks up a new finisher)
I never believed Edge would go anywhere other than the tag division. But i was proved wrong and am still pissed to this day.

I hear you brother! I've never been a fan of Edge and in my honest opinion Christian should be in his place, it would make for much more talented wrestling, charismatic performances and generally better televison. When I first heard Edge was getting a push, I couldn't believe it I thought, oh maybe he's just going to get the IC title or something, but nope, he won a world title and to this day remains a ME'r.
CM Punk. A few previous champions were of a smaller physique, but I never imagined someone like CM Punk to elevate to where he is at now.

Right now I doubt Ted Dibiase. I like where Cody Rhodes is going and I remember him being the runt of the pack in Legacy, which is ironic seeing how they focused a bit more on Ted. I feel any momentum that was going for him didn't pan out as expected for creative. I don't even hear much of a response from the crowd when Ted is on, but it might just be me. I don't see him any hire than midcard.
I have said this phrase a lot about people in WWE such as Cena, Mysterio, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, Edge, and even a young Rocky Mavia and Brock Lesnar. I had no idea that these men would turn into huge superstars or even WWE champions. The only failure I would put in this category would be the Great Khali. I never understood why this guy was even wrestling let alone becoming a world champion. Now he dances and makes out with large women.

I didn't think The Miz, Rhodes, Kofi, or Dibiase would become main eventers, but I think in the near future we may see these 4 in the main event sooner then later.

In TNA I never thought someone like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Abyss, or even Christian would become NWA Champion or TNA Champion. AJ Styles and Joe were elevated for a little bit but soon fell back down to mid card status. Abyss is being pushed harder now more then ever for reasons I don't know besides Hogan's infatuation. Christian was a huge star in TNA, I can see him as a main event player for WWE.

People that I don't see coming into the TNA main event: Homicide, Suicide, Brian Kendrick, Brutus Magnus, Doug Williams, Kaz, Jay Lethal, Machine Guns, Generation Me, Ink Inc., Team 3D, and Amazing Red.

The people I would utter this phrase to now in WWE would be MVP, Matt Hardy, Zak Ryder, Evan Bourne, Primo, Hawkins, Archer, Usos, Hart Dynasty, Luke Gallows, and Dolph Ziggler. I just don't think WWE will do anything for MVP or Matt Hardy anymore. I think Hardy is a lost cause. Primo is lost without Carlito so I'm surprised he is still with the company. The same goes for Luck Gallows. Without CM Punk there isn't much for him to do. The Hart Dynasty and the Usos will probably stick to the tag division. I just don't see these teams sticking around long enough to have singles careers.

I don't see Hawkins or Archer sticking around long enough either. Ryder, Ziggler, and Bourne are wrestlers that will be lost in the mid card shuffle.

As far as Nexus and NXT goes, I can really see anyone in the main event besides maybe Wade Barrett. No one in the first or the second group strikes me as a main eventer for WWE.

Other honorable mentions that were flops in the main event scene: Bobby Lashley, Carlito, Heidenrich, Mike Knox, Eugene, Kenny Dyxstra, Monty Brown, and Rhino.
I think this is pretty easy in WWE universe. If someone is not big enough physically you can relatively safely say he will never be a consistent main eventer. The weird part about wwe is that if they book some guy in a role long enough the audience will accept it. So even if many people think this guy should not be a main event talent they somehow change their mind eventually. Sometimes the talent justifies the change, other times not so much IMO. I am not a fan of blanket statements and usually will give wrestlers a chance before putting them down, so I have rarely said this. I may have thought it in the past about Cody Rhodes and I will stand by it now. Although, I suspect at some point they will give him the genetic push for whatever reason.
I used to think it about Triple H. Between 1995 and early 1998 I never saw what the WWF saw in him. He seemed generic, if not boring, on the mike, had little charisma in general and was proficient, but boring, in the ring. I thought he'd just saunter on as Shawn Michaels baggage handler until he got sacked but, when HBK left after Mania 14 Triple H really stepped it up and proved me wrong, and I was rather glad he did.

At the moment it's gotta be a toss up between John Morrison and Drew McIntyre for me as they're just not impressing me. JoMo is impressive in the ring but seems lost completely as a face and it seems to have sapped all his charisma by having him as such. Drew...just bores me senseless. Seems boring to watch wrestle and boring on the mike. It doesn't help he gets some crap to say (such as telling Teddy Long he was a coward and spineless for refusing to give him back the IC title...surely he'd have given him the title back if he was those things??)

In TNA I'd have to say Hernandez or Rob Terry. Both have the look of main event wrestlers but, I don't see it. Terry's just abysmal with no charisma and Hernandez doesn't grab my attention like he used to. Upper mid-carders, deffo, but not main event.

Still, I've been proven wrong in the past and it'd be nice to be proved wrong again, as it can only be good for the business as a whole
Edge for sure, never thought he would get where he is today, and when they first came in, i said it about all the Radicalz. well, i was half right, sure eddie and benoit went on to win "the big one" but how many people knew that would happen? and the other 2 were cast into the deep hole of "mid-card status" also Booker-T back in WCW, never saw it. Scott Stiener in his tag team days. Mankind. haha
I definitely said the Miz would never be in the Main Event scene.. in the past year he's turned me from being sour on him to actually being a fan. I get into his smart-assy and arrogant character. It's fun to hate him and nice to get a laugh. Very entertaining heel.

I'll say Ted Dibiase will never main event or just reach the cusp like his dad did but never win the big one. He's just too bland. Doesn't ooze charisma like Dibiase Sr. did. I don't see him as nothing more than a good Intercontinental/United States Champion or maybe a good heel contender for the World Title ONCE IN A WHILE.. and to lose.
I too thought the same thing about Sheamus. I think everybody did.

I used to think Miz was the Jannetty of the Miz/Morrison tag team, but boy was I wrong. He's so much better than I would have ever expected.

In all honesty, I used to think Mysterio would never make it to the main event. Now, he's the World Champion that should be, but...we won't go there. He's got the obvious size disadvantage, and for many years Vince was content to keep his cruiserweights in the cruiserweight division and only let them out of their cage once a week to make sure they didn't acquire ring rust.

The one I'm most guilty about though...is honestly Brock Lesnar. When he first showed up I just wasn't sure he was going to go anywhere. I thought like Matt Morgan or other guys his size, he would just be a pointless monster heel that would fade into the background. Yeah, he faded away eventually, but it was after multiple WWE Title reigns, a Hell in a Cell victory over the Undertaker, becoming the most feared heel in the business during his time, and leaving via Stone Cold Stunner at Wrestlemania (even if it was the worst WM match of all time).

I thought NEVER about Umaga for the longest time. Now, he never technically made it to the big leagues on a constant basis, but he could have. I wish the man was still alive because he ended up being one of my favorite talents.

WHo would I say NEVER about right now...? Well, there's the obvious guys like Chavo Guerrero. He's been around forever, and never even really made it to the midcard without his uncle Eddie. There's Matt Hardy who's been in limbo his entire career, and many speculate that he's not going anywhere because he's always had to pay for his brother's sins. I won't say NEVER for Hardy just yet, but it doesn't really look too good for V1...

Um...Zac Ryder? Daniel Bryan? I know, lots of people love this guy, but if he ever actually returns to the WWE, I don't expect him ever to capture the main event spotlight, let alone a World Championship. He's got the moves, but compared to the rest of the roster he looks pathetic. Sorry man...

Oh, my dad wants me to add that back in his day a lot of people, himself included, thought the Undertaker gimmick was kind of lame, and while he was pretty dominant in his first year, most people thought he was fizzle and fade away...boy was he wrong...

I guess it just goes to show you that you can never really tell who's going to stick around and become the next generation's "it" superstar. Sometimes gimmicks just don't work for years, and suddenly they click with the crowd out of nowhere. Some guys look lackluster at best one day, and then the next look like veterans and ring-warriors.
To answer this question truthfully. Everyone was hard to see as a main eventer, sans a very few.

Look at Orton as a young, punk kid when he debuted as a face. Shit, even when he won his first world title, almost everyone was like 'WTF? You're gonna give Orton the title to rid of Lesnar's record as youngest world champ?'

Edge, shit, no real explaining needed. But if we delved into it, he didn't have a character til around or after WM 21's MITB.

Jericho. Probably one of the greatest world champs that has always been under the radar. Okay, I'm not a huge Y2J fan, but I'm also one to not doubt real talent. He mastered the in-ring storytelling way back in WCW as a F*ing cruiserweight. So seriously, he was prob the first cruiserweight to jump up to the ME. But honestly, who saw that coming? Shit, it only happened because Russo's punk ass fucked over WCW.

Cena. Made headlines with his debut, pushing Angle to his limit. But nobody saw it coming until he and Dave Batista hit the last two positions in the Royal Rumble in ('05).

Jeff Hardy, my favorite superstar. And yet due to politics I said he'd never make it to the ME. And boy was I f*ing happy when he did. (btw for those who watch TNA you should know only reason he isn't TNA Champ is those charges).

HHH. Anyone think when he first came that he'd be MEing. Even in DX he was the backburner.

Eddie Guerrero, Benoit, RVD, and Rey are self explanatory

So many to talk about. I'll state the ones that have been pushed and failed(either on own terms, or backstage)

MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Chavo, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Matt Hardy...

There's too many to name. But Being a standout in our eyes doesn't mean they standout so much that WWE puts them in ME. Christian is a prime example of that. I hope he gets his shot this Sunday. Matt as well. I wish neither of them have to get over Drew McIntyre as the winner
We could say it about most of the WWE Talent right now, cause WWE isnt really pushing anyone right now, but the Same people.. They need to allow the younger and other Talent to try to make a name for themselves, Let a new guy fight his way for the SD belt, and let him run with it, and allow him to be the face of SD, Right now I am enjoying Shemuas as Champoin even though I dont like him all that much and I am a Cena fan, but I like how he is fairly new, and his making a name for himself.. He was given the chance and so far so good..
I'm going to start by cutting out A LOT of people, becsause you don't expect anyone that starts in a tag team to become a top singles star. That means I didn't expect much from Edge & Christian, The Hardyz, The Acolytes (Farooq and Bradshaw) Miz & JoMo among many others. Maybe I should have learned from The Rockers that one of them will always make it lol.

With regards to people who debuted as singles wrestlers, I always thought Kane would never get a ME run. I thought he would fued with Taker, then slowly disapear. When yuo bring someone in just to fued with one person, it's hard to see them going anywhere else (see:- Nailz)

I also didn't expect anything from Booker T when he joined WWE. He always just seemed like a poor mans Rock.

As for the current roster, Cody Rhodes just doesn't have the look. Christian and R-Truth are too old these days, and Kofi, for some reason, I just can't see it. He just doesn't get enough of a reaction from the crowd. If he'd started in a tag team then I would say I expect him to be the modern day Billy Gunn
I'm going to start by cutting out A LOT of people, becsause you don't expect anyone that starts in a tag team to become a top singles star. That means I didn't expect much from Edge & Christian, The Hardyz, The Acolytes (Farooq and Bradshaw) Miz & JoMo among many others. Maybe I should have learned from The Rockers that one of them will always make it lol.

With regards to people who debuted as singles wrestlers, I always thought Kane would never get a ME run. I thought he would fued with Taker, then slowly disapear. When yuo bring someone in just to fued with one person, it's hard to see them going anywhere else (see:- Nailz)

I also didn't expect anything from Booker T when he joined WWE. He always just seemed like a poor mans Rock.

As for the current roster, Cody Rhodes just doesn't have the look. Christian and R-Truth are too old these days, and Kofi, for some reason, I just can't see it. He just doesn't get enough of a reaction from the crowd. If he'd started in a tag team then I would say I expect him to be the modern day Billy Gunn

Well.. you can expect a tag team star to be a singles star by they're ring work, promo work, and how they work with the crowd. Bret Hart got over by being consistently good every night. Miz is an exception.. most thought he was doo, JoMo had what appeared to be the charisma and ring work. He was over as hell due to his in ring style.. but as soon as Miz got comfortable his ring work improved drastically and mic work got him over as a heel.

So yea, after the i'm bored rant, I agree you can't tell from a tag team, hell, nowadays who we think is over really isn't.. but you can't just rule them out either.
You know this is a good thread. There are quite a few people I first thought I'd NEVER see as main event status. I think the one that really sticks out in my mind right now, is Elijah Burke. Yeah he had that small run in ECW/WE as the New Breed, but he really wasn't a singles star. Then fast forward to TNA, as D'Angelo Dinero, whether he is heel or face, even on ECW he just oozed charisma. On TNA, somehow it was able to be focused on more intently and shined brighter and he seemed more comfortable. Could it be possibly a slower schedule agrees with him? Possibly, I for sure would think it would for me.

Another good candidate is Ken Anderson. He was always a cult favorite on WWE, many were shocked when he was released. Then he did the Hulk world tour. Suffice to say most wouldn't be surprised if he went to TNA. Then he showed up. Many ate it up. He's wonderful with egging on the crowd, and knows how to play up to it. Sure he's had a history with nagging injuries, and this slower schedule in TNA would work to his advantage. Then look at how fast he's been elevated to main event line in TNA with Hardy/RVD/Abyss. He meshes well especially with Hardy and you cannot deny the chemistry and although his in ring is still a bit rusty around the edges, you can tell he is a people person by the way he works the crowd. These are two people who definitely surpassed my expectations above all others.
I have been hesitant to utter this phrase ever since I watched Shawn michaels transform from a Rocker to what he has now become. This has shied me away from saying it about guys like Jeff Hardy because I saw a similar transformation in shawn. When I see someone start you usually know if they have the it that could take you to the top but some guys are an exception to the rule.

There arre guys like Cena, Sheamus, and The Miz that I knew would make it big while many others called me some not so nice names. I looked at an old thread today where a guy was telling me how much the Miz sucked, well well well, look at us now.
I watched wrestling in the 80's and 90's, then I stopped watching in the 2000's. I started watching again recently, and a lot of the main eventers (Edge, Rey Mysterio Jr, Jeff Hardy) are guys who I would have never expected to be world champs a decade ago, or they're wrestlers who only started in this past decade (Cena, Orton, AJ Styles) and therefore I had never even heard of them. Meanwhile, guys they were pushing as future main eventers a decade ago (Val Venis, Test, Ken Shamrock) are either dead (RIP Test) or out of wrestling altogether.
There are two for me that instantly come to mind, and they are mostly because of gimmick changes.

#1 John "Bradshaw" Layfield.

Never bought him on his debut despite squashes, he then felt like the ultimate mid-carder as a Blackjack lost amongst the 'Badass' Austin gimmicks of the time. He gained credibility in my eyes with the APA but lost it again as soon as they split.

I pretty much labelled him midcard for life. Never would I have imagined he would go on to become a triple crown, grand slam, 280 day WWE champion.

#2 "Double J" Jeff Jarrett.

Now I know he always had a bit of ability, but I either marked in hating his southern gimmick, or just couldn’t stand it at a time when everything was more "attitude" like. But I always said this guy will never make it.

The constant switches between WWF and WCW, the never ending mid-card feuds, I again thought he was mid-card for life.

Even when he did get his "attitude" gimmick, I still never saw him in the main event picture purely because he's so annoying and too small.

Still again I was proved wrong, the guy goes on to become a 10 time world champion and still hanging around the number 2 company in 2010.

As for today? Maybe a bit obvious but how about Matt Hardy?

It doesn’t matter how many Money in the Bank matches he carries, or how famous his less talented higher risk taking brother is; this guy will never make it big time.

He’s out of shape and injured, has the charisma of a fish (not even a fancy fish more of a trout) and has never lived up to his potential considering his fan base.

But please prove me wrong Matt Hardy! I’d love it if he proved me wrong!
Evan Bourne. And I still feel that way. I think there must have been some shift in the space time continueum or something because it doesn't make sense how he's getting a push. Perhaps if that no good John Cena didn't stick his nose into everything Evan Bourne will still be what he is suppose to be - a very good small high flying wrestler without any personality. Like I said in another post. He's basically Rey Mysterio Jr. without a mask. And we all remember how well that went over when that happened.

The David Vs. Goliath deadhorse has been beaten over and over again. I'll never understand why or how the WWE can continue to do the same bad overdone storyline over and over and the fans just not notice it or ever get sick of it.

It stops being realistic!! When the little guy CONSTANTLY beats up on the much larger, stronger, better guy - it becomes incredibly unrealistic and ruins the whole story.

Pretty soon they're going to have to have big giant monsters as faces...trying to overcome the "power" of the little twerp without any personality...because the other way around will have been so worn out.

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