Hell In A Cell


S.O.S. (Used to be z99zazn)
Does anyone find it likely that Trips and Orton could end this fued in a Hell in a Cell match? It's Triple H's specialty match, and Orton has experience in one too. Seeing as though it ends some serious fueds I feel this could be a possibility down the road a little bit. But I don't want it to be anytime soon. I am really into this fued, I feel its the most personal thing that the WWE has done in awhile. But my only feeling is that I'm apprehensive that they won't do it right. I may be one of the people that bitches about the PG rating now, but I don't see how you can have a HIAC without blood. Hopefully after last night though, it'll show some blood like they did with Flair. What do you guys think?
They've had blood. The HBK/Y2J feud, last night, Orton vs Shane, and many other occurrences in just the last 6-8 months. You're seeming to be worried they may all of a sudden just stop using blood once they got to the HiAC? Hmm..

But yes, that would be a great way to end the program. It's been the ultimate rivalry ender, most recently dating back to Undertaker/Edge, a fantastic match. So I really would like to see these two put a show on, especially since it's been a while since Trips has competed in one.

I just hope it's at the Great American Bash since I already purchased tickets, haha.
They've had blood. The HBK/Y2J feud, last night, Orton vs Shane, and many other occurrences in just the last 6-8 months. You're seeming to be worried they may all of a sudden just stop using blood once they got to the HiAC? Hmm..

But yes, that would be a great way to end the program. It's been the ultimate rivalry ender, most recently dating back to Undertaker/Edge, a fantastic match. So I really would like to see these two put a show on, especially since it's been a while since Trips has competed in one.

I just hope it's at the Great American Bash since I already purchased tickets, haha.

I'm not really worried they won't have blood because they get to the match, I'm just saying that in Taker vs Edge last year there wasn't really any blood from either of their faces. A good match is not measured in blood. I can still really enjoy a match no matter how much blood is shed, even if there isn't any blood at all. But I feel that them beating each other to a bloody pulp would help put the exclamation point on this fued. I should have clarified myself more on that, my bad.
I think that's a perfectly plausible theory, seeing as how Triple H oftentimes terminates his real personal or heated fueds in the HIAC gimmick match. I can see it happening later, if the fued continues another good 3 or 4 months.

It's certainly exhibiting the elements of a possible HIAC match, as of now. To elaborate, thus far, we have seen Randy get great heel heat and make things "personal" by mostly attackiing his wife, and him, verbally and literally. Most of the other HIAC matches have contained similar circumstances.
I think that they should end the feud in a hell in a cell.It has been proven that you can have great HIAC matches without using blood(i.e undertaker vs edge).But in order to end this feud right they will need blood imo.I can see them extending the feud all the way to summerslam and ending it there seeing how it's one of the Big 4.If they let it run all the way into SS then it could get stale.If they ended it at a B ppv then it just wont be right especially if the feud is very good leading into the ppv.

So i do think they should end the feud in a good bloody war at summerslam.
Blood would most likely not be very essential in the match, but still an added component, nevertheless. Blood also tends to deliver a certain emotional and uncanny ingrediant.

I don't see how the PG rating has any bearing on if the wrestlers bleed, considering Ric flair was busted open last night, in what was an obvious concious decision by the means of "juicing" as opposed to an accident. So, that rating doesn't determine if the wrestlers do or don't bleed, seeing as how they've already utilized blood deliberatley/knowingly.
i was just thinking about how they could end this fued a couple days ago.and a hell in the cell would be perfect.with such high emotions running in this fued i would be surprised if they didnt end it in HITC.as for blood.i would be hugly disappointed if there was no blood.like somebodys going to bleed by the time this things done.so im expecting it.if i pay for the ppv i pay to see somebody bleed god damn it!hahaha

and since they do about one HITC once per year.this would be the fued i see happening inside of the devils playground muahahaha.now you guys got me excited:laugh:
They still use blood and they wouldnt be afraid to use it if were on PPV.

Anyways, a HIAC would be a good end to the fued. I wouldnt mind seeing a new gimmick match, a really hardcore one that could give the "OH SHIT!!!" moments. HIAC can do that but it would be could to see something new, a fresh idea for a match, i have no idea myself but it would be cool to see.
i am all for vince giving randy any reason to be more of a psycho nut case than he already is. seriously, the shit he pulled on raw was......priceless. haha. i have been watching wrestling for 10 years, and if randy can make me wonder whether or not he is just good at what he does or if he's seriously fucked up in the head, than that is a very good sign. i want to see randy crush triple h at mania, and break him in hell in a cell. as i've said in other posts, i do not mind triple h, i just do not like the way he's hyped because of his position. they should be handling it a lot more modestly instead of rubbing our faces in it. but yes, a bloody ass hell in a cell would be awesome.
This would be a great match to end the feud, I think everyone of us wanted the feud to end in a hell and a cell last year instead of a last man standing. Now would be the perfect time to do it tho. You have no other major feuds happening they could end in a hell in a cell ( Cena and Edge is highly unlikely, same with Matt and Jeff). It would make sense as well because they have both ahd matches in the Cell and the Cell is always a good way to finally end a feud. If this were to happen I hope Orton were to win just because I would love him to walk out with the title and make him look actually scary in the cell with a win instead of him being 0-1.
You have no other major feuds happening they could end in a hell in a cell ( Cena and Edge is highly unlikely, same with Matt and Jeff).

Yeah I really don't find the Edge and Cena fued to be anything that personal. Sure, you can bring Vickie and Big Show into it and everything, but honestly theres no way you can think that fued is that believable in real life. Not that Orton and Trips have a personal fude or anything but there fued just seems so much more real. It doesn't revolve around comedy. When Orton attacks Stephanie it is out of pure evil. Cena just attacks Vickie verbally, and its usually to draw a pop from the audience and is supposed to be comedy. I'm not a Cena basher at all, I like the guy. But the fued is just a fued for a title, its not that personal IMO. Not that their fued needs to be like Orton and Trips but just saying that their fued has no purpose for a HIAC. And the Hardy's fued is a lot more serious, and personal but I don't think it would call for a HIAC either. Matt and Jeff both have had their share of success in WWE, but I can't see Vince booking that in a HIAC at this point in time. Also, when it comes to Randy and Trips in a HIAC, I think it would be a lot better if the match wasn't for the title. That way, they could just focus on the personal aspect. That would have to make someone else gain the title from either of them, but hopefully that would happen. Does anyone agree with that at all? Not that a title match is impersonal, or anything, but I think that in a match like that, there should be only pride on the line. No title. Just a pure beat down of each other.
I see Orton getting the rub at Mania and this feud could easily end at Summer Slam as long as it goes the right way. I know it may seem long, but HIAC at Summer Slam, like last year would be great!
i thought hell in a cell would of been a good fit for their encounter at mania.. with how personal this feud is, a 1 on 1 match can't be it. every week we got sledgehammers involved and obviously if you use that your gonna get DQ'd.

but we'll see how it unfolds..
how about a 3 stages of hell match with the last bout a hell in a cell match.... thats potentially epic... or a 2 out of 3 falls in a hell in a cell... i dont think either have been done before so i feel that would b a bit fresh for the fans and really give niether a destinct upper hand.. and it would keep out shane and priceless
I'd love to see this feud escalate to a HIAC match or a new variation of it. This feud is very good, and well written. I can feel the tension, and RAW on Monday was fantastic at taking it to the next level. There doesn't need to be blood, but I'd personally would like to see it because I feel as it adds more heat to the match. Either way I'm loving this feud, and I'm sure the end match will be great.
It will happen.....it seems that at least one main event feud at mania ends in hell in the cell now days.....and wat feuds are there...cena and edge/ edge vs. big show or hardy vs. hardy ( thats more a tlc match) orton vs. hhh is the best storyline in years and its only fitting for them to have one the most bloodiest hell in the cell matches.
One of the best matches in wwe
It was lyk the third big match in wwe
First was a Ladder, Cage and then the Cell
But the Hell In A Cell isn't as excitin as the early days
U Had Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker, Mankind Vs Undertaker
Alot of the Hell In a Cells the superstars fought to the outside and eventually brought there hell to the top. That all ended after jericho vs triple h at judgement day 2002, now wen a Hell in a cell is announced nobody gets excited like they used to, its just an ordinary in ring bout now. When undertaker and Edge fought At Summerslam o8 they ended up outside and i know we all thought, they're going on top but no they fought back inside. But still in the end, it will always be the devils playground and mayb someday, somebody will take that plunge to the floor again.
I like HIC idea but I think that Orton vs HHH is the perfect opportunity to make an Iron Man match. This hasn't happened in a while and we know both guys could gut it out in the ring for the hour and actually not that Orton and HHH need lifting but it would help them out if they had a good match in an Iron Man match. They don't need to be 0-0 but they can be 1-1 for a long time and someone could get a pin late, and the other could try to tie and come a fragment of a second late and loose the match.

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