Hell in a Cell: What match should main event?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Well, Hell in a Cell is around the corner waiting for it's second rodeo and it seems WWE has booked itself into a corner for a big time fued heading into the event. At this point it seems like there are only three matches that could really main event, at least to me.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett: It doesn't really need the title, but if Barrett wins at NoC I won't object to them making this for the belt. Nexus has been building a fued with John Cena since it's debut, and wether or not it has been a part of their bigger plan, it's there none-the-less. Barrett has been at the forefront of said fued with Cena, and this match would make sense to me.

Triple H vs. Sheamus: This match has built itself from the previous encounters, and the Triple H was retired by Sheamus talk has not died down in The WWE Universe, so it is obvious this fued is meant to continue. Once again, this works with or without the title, but there is a question mark to wether or not Triple H returns by this time. I believe most reports have him out, but if he can return then this fued is already built and this is the next logical step in the fued, unless they want it to main event Wrestlemania 27.

Kane vs. Undertaker: This fued has built itself over the summer without interactions, and the groundwork is being laid already with Taker's return at Summerslam. It really doesn't seem to have as much build as the others, but it has in a way been built all summer without any matches, much like Nexus/Barret vs. Cena. This match seems the least likely, as I know it is going to happen in my head, yet I don't feel they'll let Smackdown! maine event, as all of the main events over the course of this summer have been reserved for RAW. But this does have the big time feel and it is once again, like HH/Sheamus, the next logical step in the fued.

Those are the three matches I feel should main event, or at the least happen, although I get the idea WWE is going to feed us Sheamus vs. Orton or Miz vs. Orton without the big time build-up and feel the other three have. I feel for sure at least two of those matches will take place, but which one, if any, will main event? That is the question, so what do you all think?
I think that a match for hell in a cell could be in the making, Kane and Undertaker is a garuntee looking at how the storyline is, but as for RAW i think Sheamus and Randy Orton will be in Hell in a Cell and either WWE adds Miz or makes him Cash in during the middle of the match, Or just wait till the match is over and have Miz cash in then, but i think im speaking for all when i say Miz will cash in after a Hell in a Cell match. But thats just my guess. so far, We all have to wait till NOC takes place, once thats over were probably gonna have a foundation for Hell in a Cell
Kane and Undertaker will without a doubt headline the show in my opinion.

It has a lot of Buildup because if you remember, Kane debuted inside of the Hell in a cell to attack Taker and that is basically where this whole Rivalry started. I know WWE has been trying to make RAW seem like the more Superior brand with the whole Nexus storyline, but even that wouldn't be as big as Kane vs Taker inside the cell for the World title, That main event= Money :)
Yeah, I think it's got to be Kane and Undertaker. They have so much history individually inside the cell that I think it's only fitting they meet inside the the "demonic structure" to main event the show and settle things.
I think that it should be Kane vs Taker, people have been wanting that match inside a cell for years. If done right this could be a truly epic match as these two are both biller as monsters who are masters of cell matches. The only thing that could detract from this match would be a lack of blood, if you want two monsters to go at inside a "demonic structure" then there really should be blood.
People say it's redundant, but the way they're building up, it's going to be Undetaker/Kane inside HIAC. There's really no other feuds that'll work in HIAC except Cena/Barrett. HHH isn't coming back till around December so don't expect a HHH/Shameus HIAC match. Woudn't suprise me if he comes back to the RR if Shameus still champ and winning the Rumble. Also it woudn't suprise if Nexus ruins the 6-pack match and Barrett wins the wwe title. If Shameus retains, they'll add some angle screwing over Orton and it'll be Shameus and Orton in a HIAC match.
I really hope this year that we don't see three Hell In A Cell matches, two are bad enough. But back to the question I believe Undertaker vs Kane should main-event the pay-per-view because it has the build hell everything about this feud screams Hell In A Cell. Another option that could be taken into consideration would be Triple H vs Sheamus for The WWE Title but of course this all depends on Triple H's health and if he's ready in time.
Yeh, Kane vs Taker has to be THE main event of the night, I mean it certainly looks to be their LAST feud and they never really main evented before and it could happen at Hell in a Cell, also with the title there, it should no doubt about it, be main event!
Good question. Really it doesn't matter which one main events. It could be John Cena vs Wade Barrett if that happens, it could be Sheamus vs whomever, or it could be Undertaker vs Kane. It won't matter either way, because they're all gonna be high profile matches, and they're all gonna be able to deliver in their own kin of way. So whomever main events, will be the right choice by the WWE, but won't matter to others, sure won't to me at least.

I'm just excited to see how the match-ups is gonna get paired, because there's a lot of different ways they could make the RAW cell work right now, especially with all of these talent in the main event mixed together, as opposed to the potential of mixing stuff on Smackdown, where Undertaker vs Kane is pretty much a lock.
It's almost without a doubt going to be Taker vs Kane. I have a feeling that with Taker's career winding down, this is going to be the last feud that these guys have together and what better way then to have it culminate in the very same match where everything started.

Kane debuted on October 3, 1997 in the main event of the Badd Blood ppv during the first ever HIAC match between Taker and HBK, causing Taker the match. Now exactly 13 years later on October 3, 2010 the HIAC ppv is taking place. The most logical main event would be to have these two meet up in the cell.
Gotta agree with the man above me.

I mean who else claims they are from hell and can pull it off or has a demonic gimmick. Personally I wish that Hell In Cell was only one match and have other matches since seeing so many on one ppv makes it kind of old. But hey what I can I do.
I agree. Limit it to the main event, or at least the two main title matches, with the WWE title opening the PPV and The World Heavyweight match closeing the PPV, with the rest in between being regular matches.
Despite not liking the fact that Kane and Taker are in another feud, this is the perfect opportunity for them to end their historic encounters. Both guys are near the end of their careers and with feuds not lasting long lately- except for Nexus- then Hell in a Cell will be the perfect ending to the feud. Undertaker is highly associated with the cell along with other things and its inside the cell that Kane made his debut to attack none other than the Undertaker. It makes perfect sense to me that Undertaker vs. Kane should highlight Hell in a Cell 2010.
Undertaker vs Kane should Main Event inside the Hell in a Cell, but in my opinion I don't think it should be for the World HeavyWeight Championship. This feud has been going on for years now and this match should not be based around a title, but the feud itself. I also think this will be the FINAL time we will see Kane! After this match I believe Kane should retire (assuming he loses).
Bill Lesnar wants to see the main event of HIAC as Triple H vs Sheamus. Bill Lesnar wants to see this becase of their personal issue, the fact the the game will be over whne he returns and becuase Triple H always excells in HIAC matches
First to Bill Lesnar. I love all your posts. You post in a hilarious, different way but always make sense and make good points. And I actually agree with you.

I still see Sheamus being champ after Night of Champions, not clean but he'll still win. He should comes out boasting about how he beat Raw's top guys in one match and how great he is. HHH's music hits. The rest you can figure out. Sheamus with any one else would be second to Taker vs Kane. But with a returning HHH, how massively over he will be, and the past they've had, I don't see how this wouldn't be the top draw of the card.
Well with most WWE PPVs these days there's more than one Main Event (in terms of gettign gimmick matches, at least) So I'll give a Raw ME and a Smackdown ME.

The Raw Main event should be Wade Barrett (c) vs John Cena/Randy Orton over the WWE title.

Top title matches are by default Main events, and Since I believe Wade Barrett will be walking out with the WWE title he's in. As for his opponents, he's feuding with John Cena (who should be the one to take the title off him in the end) and thus he'd make an excellent opponent, but HiaC may not be the tight time for them to wrestle in a gimmick match intended to blow off a feud. Because there's only one way that match is ending. With Barrett losing, and I'd rather like Barrett to have a reign that lasts a longer than 3 weeks. Orton is WWE's top babyface after Cena, and in terms of raw popsize may even be the top face. If Cena isn't to be in the match, and Barrett needs an over face to beat (without ending any feuds) Orton's the guy to beat.

For Smackdown there's only one choice. 'Taker vs Kane, the reason for this match should be self evident. If not, it's because they're in a feud that isn't ending any time soon. Also, where better for Satan's favorite little hellraisers to play than in HiaC?
Without a doubt Taker vs Kane. It's almost funny that the date of the show is 2 days before the 13 year anniversary of Kane's debut in the original Cell Match. It's a very small detail but could add alot of emotion for a fued to finally end 13 YEARS after it began. It started in the cell and will end in the cell!

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