Hell In A Cell PPV Concept!!!


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So I wanted to bring up an issue I have with this PPV and get your thoughts on it. I don't know if it's been discussed already and if so I apologize in advance. So here's my dilemma, I love the HIAC match just as much as the next person. Especially when the Undertaker is involved cuz you know you're in for a show. Over the years it has also become a match that we see HHH in a lot. Now my problem comes in when they want to do a PPV where every match in contested in the HIAC. I don't see how they're gonna make this work. I feel like after about the 2nd or 3rd match, everything is gonna look the same as the first match did. I may be wrong, and I really hope I am, but I just don't see this working out. How many times can U see the HIAC match in one night without thinking to yourself, "this is where they get out of the Cell, now they're gonna go on top. Someone falls off the cage. Someone falls thru the cage. Weapons get involved, and then finally at the end, someone gets pinned!" It just seems stupid to me to do this. But anywayz, Ur thoughts!
I’m not 100% sure that the entire PPV will be inside the Cell, but I think a great Main Event for this could be, now bare with my imagination, WWE Champion, Triple H vs. World Champion, Undertaker, in a Title Unification, Hell In A Cell match. If the PPV is all Cell matches, this Main Event can make it stand out from the rest of the card. I think they could go with something along the lines of, “Who runs the Cell??”
it`s a bad idea. If there`s more than one in a ppv, then it`s terrible and will ruin this historical type of match.
If the main even only is a hell in a cell, it would still be bad. HIAC is best worked in an on-going storyline where it comes as a shocker, not an annual tradition
actually.....they don't even get out the cage anymore...not since what? 2002? so they wouldnt even get out the cage to throw each other off or through the cell....so yeah, if every match is everyone 'trapped' inside the cell...its gonna be extremely lame.
I find this and the submission events to be somewhat strange.
The concept of an entire PPV being contested under specific stipulations, really brings TNA Lockdown to mind? But Vince hates anything thats not his Idea and will go out of his way to do anything OTHER than that???
All strikes me as a bit strange to say the least???

Ho hum!
You know, just because every Match would take place inside the Cell (not confirmed), doesn’t mean they all have to be just “HIAC” Matches. They could add a second stipulation in each match to make it stand out a bit from each other. For example, the Main Event could be a 6 Man Hell In A Cell match like the one from Armageddon 2000. Another could be a Fatal Four way, and another could be a Triple Threat, and so on. They could even throw in a TLC match inside the Cell or make one match First Blood. What happened to the days where a PPV was a card full of regular Singles or Tag Team Matches??
You know, just because every Match would take place inside the Cell (not confirmed), doesn’t mean they all have to be just “HIAC” Matches. They could add a second stipulation in each match to make it stand out a bit from each other. For example, the Main Event could be a 6 Man Hell In A Cell match like the one from Armageddon 2000. Another could be a Fatal Four way, and another could be a Triple Threat, and so on. They could even throw in a TLC match inside the Cell or make one match First Blood. What happened to the days where a PPV was a card full of regular Singles or Tag Team Matches??

Well, as I said before, I do hope I'm wrong and that every match won't be like that and that we'll actually get a good PPV. But I doubt that the WWE creative team is that clever to throw additional stipulations in there to make the matches a little different. But even then, having all of the matches be HIAC or even just the main event and have it be an annual thing, as a previous person stated, it would make the HIAC match loose it's credibility and value. This type of match should only be used to either further a storyline between two superstars who are in an ongoing feud or to finally end a longterm feud like HHH vs Orton. I could definately see these two in a HIAC match to finally put an end to their feud. But not just throw it in there every year or every match in a PPV. That will really just be lame and stupid!
I’m not 100% sure that the entire PPV will be inside the Cell, but I think a great Main Event for this could be, now bare with my imagination, WWE Champion, Triple H vs. World Champion, Undertaker, in a Title Unification, Hell In A Cell match. If the PPV is all Cell matches, this Main Event can make it stand out from the rest of the card. I think they could go with something along the lines of, “Who runs the Cell??”

Unification of anymore title would be a horrible idea if they are going to keep two or more brands. I think they need the Tag Titles as two different titles. And we need a light heavy/cruiser weight title also.

And I like the idea of having hell in a cell with other stipulations. Like first blood, TLC, or even a submission match. Hell even an iron man hell in a cell would be pretty sick idea.
you know i wouldnt be a fan of the ppv but we all know Vince McMahon wouldnt copy tna at all. the rumors i have been hearing is that only the main events will be in the hell in a cell. 1 main match i can guarantee will be held will be Triple h vs. randy orton to end the feud. there isnt a whole lot wwe can do because of the pg rating but then again, it will be ppv
The odds of every match taking place in a HIAC is highly unlikely IMO. If that were the case then it would lose its luster very quickly. I mean to have a match that's considered one of the most dangerous and used as a blow-off to a heated feud used in every match seems a bit silly. As has been stated, the main event will probably be the only HIAC.

I am however curious about the WWE giving most of its PPVs gimmicks. We always had the Royal Rumble, but then we got voting with Cyber Sunday(which they appear to be dropping this year), No Way Out has the annual one or two Elimination Chambers, and now we've got Breaking Point(all submission matches) and Hell in a Cell(a mystery at this point). I just get the feeling it will come to a point where we all know what to expect at half the PPVs. We already know most of the time anyway, but you get the point.
I always thought a good variation of the HIAC match would be to make the cell out of... wait for it... GLASS! (but sugar glass in non-kayfabe terms of course)

Basically have the structure the same distance away from the ring as the cell (so not flush like a steel cage match) and have it as a roofless frame with two large glass panels the same height as the cell on each side of the ring (making eight in total)

The aim of the match is to throw/spear/suplex/superkick your opponent through three windows. First to three wins. Lots of blood involved, obviously.
Historically HIAC is only used as a LAST RESORT to END feuds. this is supposed to be the match that once you leave your feud is over and its time to start a new one
it`s a bad idea. If there`s more than one in a ppv, then it`s terrible and will ruin this historical type of match.
If the main even only is a hell in a cell, it would still be bad. HIAC is best worked in an on-going storyline where it comes as a shocker, not an annual tradition

I agree. It is a really bad idea. The hell in the cell gimmick is huge but this will take so much away from it and maybe even ruin the gimmick match itself. This is a very bad idea. WWE need to reconsider and maybe only have the main event inside the cell and just call the PPV hell in the cell based around the main event.
Is it Just me or is WWE starting to take TNA's overall idea of having gimmick PPV's. TNA started the ppv where all the titles are defended. They have the 6 sides of steel where all matches take place in a steel cage.
Now WWE has the HIAC PPV the PPV called Breaking Point and Ive read that is basically a PPV based n submission matches and than Extreme Rules the only PPV that I agree should be a gimmick PPV since its based on ECW but I think they are over doing Gimmick matches now
I'm of the opinion that the Hell in the Cell match shouldn't even occur every year, let alone in every match of a PPV. It's just too special of a gimmick to bastardize like that. It should only be used to end a feud for good, especially when it results in the "injury" of one of the participants. I simply won't believe that the WWE has decided to do every match in the Cell until I see, but I think it's a terrible idea. It'll tarnish every Hell in the Cell that's come before it.
i do not want to see all the matches be hiac, that would suck, cuz that means the guys after would to do something to trump the guys before, the need to bring back war games that was awesome
Just because the PPV is named hell in the cell does not mean every match will be the same gimmick. I feel WWE would not be this stupid or would they?
I would'nt mind if every match was contested inside the cell. I think it would be something new and original. The only problem i think would be that the cell would not be damaged until the last match so there is a good chance that we could not expect hundreds of spots. AKA- throwing off the top, through ect.

Through i think it is a very creative and original thing to do so im happy about it:)
this is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard in my life. it is simply just a counter to tna lockdown. if every match is in the hiac, it straight up just ruins the legacy of the hiac. it probably will never happen, but just imagine mickey james vs gail kim in a hiac. the cell looks like a joke. it is supposed to end fueds and provide bloody and entertaining matches, not to be used like a ring. completely ******ed idea. imo its worse than breaking point

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