Hell In A Cell: Diva's Championship Match

And I'm Awesome

Mr. Money in the Bank & US Champion
So, according to Cole, we have the Diva's Championship match on Sunday @ HIAC. Really? Does anyone really want to see this match at a PPV? Mickie James is a PPV competitor, but Alicia Fox?

Thoughts on this being included on the card? And what other match would you prefer to see instead of this one?
As long as it's not in the cage itself, I'm okay with it, though I believe it'll be about a 10 minute snooze fest because from what I've seen Alicia Fox isn't all that great to watch.
i agree this is going to be boring. I think what they need to do is add melina and michelle mccool to the match. If a champion scores a pinfall they keep there title and are no longer in the match, if a challenge pins a champ they win the title they hold and are no longer in the match. So there must be 2 pinfalls one for the diva title one for the womens title.
How about instead of this waste of time, let's see an extra minute on each match's pre-match vignette? This is a sarcastic answer, but seriously, this match barely needs to occur on Raw let alone a show I'm going to be purchasing.
Time to insert a freshly squeezed dose of FalKon Diva Love into this thread.

Mickie James is going to be the one holding the match-up the entire time no doubt. It's just her nature to do so. She is a great competitor & has proved time & again that she is worthy of being PPV material. For Alicia Fox, I can see her chucking the green as this is her first actual PPV match since she has started by my memory. She has been improving vastly each week & she understands the heel psychology.

I cannot see this match going on for a long duration at all as I don't think Alicia has what it takes to deliver the punishment and you can't have Mickie unleash her impressively large moveset on Alicia as she would be completely buried & wouldn't be able to handle some of the moves.

Expect Mickie to pick up the win with Alicia getting a couple of close falls on the champ.
This will likely be awful. Mickie can work sometimes, but Fox has shown me nothing whatsoever to lead me to believe she has even a shred of talent. This whole match really just doesn't make sense. There are plenty of "divas" right now who would make a better opponent for Mickie, like Beth.

This will likely be the piss-break of the show for most of us.
:) Yeah! I'm super pumped about this match! Well honestly no, but it will be nice to see A Fox competing in her first PPV single's match.

I was really surprised that they are giving them a PPV to have their title match on. While I love Alicia Fox, and feel that the feud could become something good, it's just getting started so I was shocked.

I don't see her winning since she hasn't been built up enough yet but hopefully this will be a good match. Mickie hasn't had the best track record lately(Maryse, Gail, and tonights Rosa match were all sub-par)but here's hoping both girls give it their all and suprise everyone and put on a A+ match.

And sadly, I think this feud is just to tie over Mickie until Maryse comes back. And I disagree with everyone saying Beth or Gail should be in the spot. Beth & Mickie is about as stale as Orton/Cena(which everyone complains about)and while Gail is great in the ring, her crowd reaction is just as bad as Alicia's and Gail is suppose to be a huge superstar.

I'm glad the WWE are giving Alicia a chance. Maryse sucked ass when she first started out, and look how good(character wise)she turned out. The WWE gave her time to perfect her character, and work on not falling down after ever move so hopefully Alicia show's the same progress.
I'm glad the Divas title is being defended on pay per view I'm just dissappointed by the competitors in the match itself. Mickie is the best womens wrestler in the world today and one of the greatest womens competitors of all time but Alicia Fox is not. Alicia needs to be built up a bit more on Raw before challenging for a title on pay per view. Beth Phoenix looked to be starting something with Mickie here before this whole thing came up. Why not have Beth vs Mickie at the ppv instead. Its a proven draw and the two have consistently good matches with each other and everyone else. They were embroiled in a very personal rivalry in either 2007 or 2008 and looked to be restarting that up again before Alicia got involved. Fox worked her way up from developmental to an on-screen role on Smackdown then wrestled from ECW to SD to Raw. I respect that she is paying her dues but she isn't ready yet. I hope they add Beth Phoenix last minute and make it a triple threat match to make up for Alicia's flaws although I doubt it seeing as how the US title match is a triple threat as well and they won't wanna take away from that. Plus Beth wasn't used this week so odds are it won't happen but I can dream.
i think this is good atleast one of the womens championships is getting some type of attention but i understand that alicia foxx does need alot of improvment
I've said it before and I'll say it again.. .the Divas Championship is a waste of metal and leather. It's a ridiculous title and an eyesore of a belt design. The WWE would be better served to ditch ANY woman considered a "DIVA" (ex:kelly kelly, eve, maria, alicia fox, etc) and focus more on their WOMEN WRESTLERS (ex: melina, beth, jillian, gail, katie lea, natalya, mickie) instead. Beth should by all rights DESTROY mccool and mickie james, then unify the belts.. theres really no need for two womens championships.

if you want a SECOND women's title then bring back the women's tag titles.. that way the fluff can wrestle for that instead. on second thought.. i wouldnt want the women's tag title history tarnished by the useless fluff that clutters the ring.

they should have mccool vs mickie to unify the belts at the ppv, then have mickie opt to keep the women's title and let the horrid divas title fade to obscurity where it belongs
Mickie will retain over Alicia Fox easily here. I don't really recall why Alicia has gotten a title shot in the first, place, but it could be the whole youth movement thing. It'll be nice exposure for Alicia since she's never been in a championship match before, and it'll be another opponent for Mickie James to beat. I don't think this will be a good match though unless Mickie can really carry the entire match. Alicia is still way too green, but I do love here axe kick finisher!
This match is gonna be the low point of the show by far. But I can also see myself getting more than I expect.

Mickie James at times can be one of the best in the ring. But lately she has gotten sloppy and lazy, her weight gain is more and more noticeable. Is she pregnant?

Alicia Fox is still wet behind the ears. Mickie wins in a squash match. They just don't have enough heel divas for her to feud with. They need Maryse back....bad. She and Beth are key.
A waste of good minutes that can be added to another match - or this whole match should of never been in the mix in the first place. Where the hell is the ECW title match? I better hear one annouced today - Im tired of the ECW belt being treated like dirt. The matches for it are solid - whenever it is they actually give it the time (Summerslam 09 8 SECONDS!? HEUH!). This is equal to Kid Rocks stupid ass performance at WM - when we could of easily watched the unification tag title match instead.

You're probably gonna hold your breath for a while if you're waiting for an ECW Title match... if theres one thing that Vinnie Mac hates MORE than the women's division its ECW. Think about it.. this year's WM Christian got the win in 8 seconds.. LAST years WM Kane got the win in NINE seconds... vince doesnt highlight ECW cause he's NEVER given a crap abou tit... at least with the women's division he pays for their implants. just to give the old pervert something to gawk at.

what they NEED to do with the womens division is get katie Lea Burchill OFF of ECW and shift her to RAW and let her ri that Diva's belt off Mickie James' portly waist. I'd LOVE to see katie Lea vs Beth Phoenix.. but for now the ONLY way to see it is on youtube where they have the footage fo katie beating beth for the OVW womens title a few years back
It baffles me that Alicia is on a PPV already but at least they are giving new talent a shot in one of the divisions. Mickie is the most over diva so she can help build Alicia, and this will hopefully help. Of course this would be a hell of a lot better if it was Mickie vs Beth, by far and away the two best female wrestlers.

There is no way Alicia should pick up the victory, Mickie should only drop the strap to Beth, no one else is at the level to do this as of yet. A strong showing from Fox will help her cause.

That's my reaction to the announcement, the match prospects, and any outcome that could come from this. Mickie should not be losing the belt to anyone right now, much less Alicia, even if she is getting better in the ring. With any luck, this match will go on early, and last no more than 5 minutes, with Mickie retaining. If they're going to change the Divas champ, they should do it on RAW, and save the pay-per-view matches for Divas we really want to see in a match.
The shear fact that Alicia Fox not only has a title shot opportunity, but its going to be on a Pay per view is amazing to me. I've never been a fan of Fox, including when Edge had a very small storyline with her.

She isn't attractive, shes definitely not talented, and she has next to no personality. I fail to even understand why shes getting any push at all here. Jillian Hall deserves more of an opportunity, or Beth Phoenix v. Mickie James (for the billionth time, yet for the first time) inside a HIAC.

All in all, I can't see this being anything more than a filler match. I have nothing of real depth to say except Mickie's talent (what's remaining of it) is being wasted on this crap. Hell, bring in Kelly Kelly already.
How many dicks did Alicia suck to not only get a title match ahead of Beth and Gail, but on pay-per-view no less?

While it's nice that they're giving some new talent a chance, Alicia is just awful in the ring and hasn't improved at all in my eyes. Her ax-kick finisher is so painful to watch, I want to take an ax to my head everytime I see it. She's too green to be anywhere near a title right now, they should've just given Jillian or even Kelly Kelly a shot if they wanted something new.

Without a doubt, Mickie wins here; hopefully very quickly.
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The title is as ugly as this match might become. I don't even know if Mickie can make this match look good. Alicia is still way too great even though I love her finisher. Mickie retains then faces off against Beth Pheniox.

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