Hell In A Cell 2015: WWE Intercontinental Championship - Kevin Owens (c) VS Ryback


It looks like the program between Owens & Ryback may come to an end at HIAC with Ryback getting a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship as announced on last night's episode of SmackDown.

I see little to no chance of Ryback regaining the title from Owens and I see both of them moving onto other programs.
Although this feud is going nowhere they'll probably drag this feud out longer to Survivor Series.

I wish Orton would pursue the IC title, do the equivalent of what Cena is doing with the US title but he wrestles even less dates than Cena.

I guess Ambrose would be a good opponent for Owens once he's through with The Wyatt Family. Ambrose failed to win the IC title at WM, had a feud with Harper, a former IC champion then just pushed to the main event and lost. IC title would be a good place for Ambrose since they won't make him WWE WHC.
I see little to no chance of Ryback regaining the title from Owens and I see both of them moving onto other programs.

I also believe it's the end of the feud, yet it might not conclude with a clean win for either man. Figure Owens to win because he appears to have a brighter future than Ryback, yet it's plain the company has been trying to build up the Big Guy.....and hasn't been doing a bad job of it. Losing cleanly to a heel might not be an obstacle they want to toss in Ryback's path.

So, since bad guys are certainly allowed to win by foul means, that's what I think KO will do. Both guys will go on to (hopefully) bigger and better things. The loss won't damage Ryback's standing, especially since he's not a big deal in the first place.
It's an end to the feud for sure.. I hope!! Ryback got his rise and first singles title. I hope to see either Ambrose or Cesaro go after the title with one of them actually taking the title off Owens.
In my opinion, Owens should be champion until Fast Lane, if it's going to be called that, or Wrestlemania, where he'd drop the title to a returning Sami Zayn.

This is the typical rematch clause match. The former champion fails and falls off to some other program while the current champ goes on to another challenger. I guess Cesaro is next for Owens, but who knows, maybe he'll just get knocked out by the Big Show for the rest of the year.

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