Hell in a Cell 2010


Dark Match Jobber
So it looks like the hell in a cell pay per view will be happening once again this year, i ordered last years and i have to say i was VERY disappointed with what i saw. The first cell match was a squash because Cm Punk mouthed off to taker back stage, the second saw Cena and Orton have a great match but not a great cell match, it didnt even feel like a cell match it coulda just been a normal one on one match. The last cell match was between legacy and DX and that match actually felt somewhat like the cell matches of old and was actually a pretty brutal match

So with that said what cell matches would you like to see this year? assuming there are 3 again this year these would be my ideal 3

World Heavyweight Championship HIAC match- Jack Swagger(C) vs undertaker
this would be like Brock Lesnar vs taker 2 almost

WWE Championship HIAC match- Randy Orton(C) vs Sheamus
This wouldnt be the best match ever but i feel it could be good and hopefully brutal and i feel WWE should have went a lil farther with there first mini fued at the rumble and a few weeks after

Intercontinental Championship&United States Championship Unification HIAC match- The Miz vs John Morrison
Ok i know this one wont happen but i feel like it would be a great match because these 2 have always worked great together and i feel that unifying the 2 titles could help the champ gain momentum and push them closer to the main event
Winner- The Awesome one the Miz!

So what do all of you think? would you like to see these matches? if so then why? if there are other matches you would like to see what are they? and why?
i would like to see morrison vs miz because i think there really good wrestlers and there the future of the company and i think the undertaker vs jack swagger match would be a stupid idea because jack swagger isnt on that level yet to be facing somebody like the undertaker
i think cena vs the undertaker for the wwe tittle would be a good HIAC match
I was dissapointed at last years HIAC ppv,and from what i saw on RAW tonight,i'm not pleased with the wwe product as of now,cant wait for the draft to be honest.I hope we're not dissapointed,being thiers no blading,no chair shots to the head,etc.Which make up a great hell in a cell.Orton/cena was crap,DX vs legacy was pretty good,taker vs punk was trash,thier match at breaking point was better imo.But lets seriously hope its not MIZ in the title picture,i see nothing in this guy and i hate the fact that he is world tag team champ and US champ..thats rediculous..sounds like thier ramming him down our throats like some other white guy...but i digress. I personally would like to see triple H vs Undertaker in the HIAC,EDGE vs JERICHO for the world title,and Ted dibiase jr (Love the belt) vs cena and/or orton for the title.
I'm still wondering about the Pay Per View name and stipulation itself. Hell In A Cell? I was thinking they wanted to keep things a little PG. My guess would've been them changing it to Rage In A Cage or something by now, but I'm not complaining.

As for Hell In A Cell worthiness, I would have these matches:

John Cena vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship: I'm calling this. I think it would be an interesting build with Cena and Batista with their rivalry and throw in the Wild Card that is Randy Orton. Could be a memorable one if they did it right, and I can't remember a HIAC Triple Threat on the top of my head either.

Sheamus vs. Triple H: Many might think the feud will die out before this, but I just don't see it happening. HIAC has always been Trips match and to help push Sheamus I think The Game would do this.

ShowMiz vs. Hart Dynasty for the Unified Tag-Team Championship: I can't really think of another tag-team that might stay alive through the Draft. They have what is needed here to make an excellent bout.

Edge vs. Jack Swagger for the World Championship: Scratching Jericho off here because I do not think he will regain the title at Extreme Rules.

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho: Who else could take on Jericho if he does not regain the belt and isn't drafted? The Deadman and Y2J will definitely put on the Main Event as far as I am concerned. I believe this will steal the show just like DX vs. Legacy did last year.
I would LOVE to see EDGE VS. JERICHO VS. CHRISTIAN for THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE IN HIAC given the history between them that would GREAT and have CHRISTIAN BE WORLD CHAMP or reunite EDGE AND CHRISTIAN vs. whoever the tag champs and have EDGE AND CHRISTIAN WIN and hopefully bring some prestiguise back to the tag division either one of those would REEK OF AWESOMENESS

I am editing my match card due to how far away HIAC really is.

Edge & Christian vs. ShowMiz for the Unified Tag-Team Championship: Somewhere down the line I believe something will happen that will have Christian and Edge team up once again to give the tag-team division more credibility. I think ShowMiz might hold onto the belts (they held on this long) up until this point and give us a really good tag match.

winners: E & C.

Randy Orton vs. Batista for the WWE Championship: Given my thoughts of Cena possibly leaves Raw in the draft, this should be a very good card-filler.

winner: Randy Orton

Sheamus vs. John Morrison for the Intercontinential Championship: Due to how far away HIAC really is, this is a possibility no matter how you look at it. I don't think Drew McIntyre will hold the IC belt for that long, and by then JoMo could have turned Heel and Sheamus could turn Face, or vice-versa

winner: John Morrison

John Cena vs. Jack Swagger vs. Edge for the World Championship: I'm still on the possibility of their being a Triple Threat on the card. If Cena goes to Smackdown this might as well happen.

winner: John Cena

Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker: I don't think a few months will change this from not happening. Both stars are excellent workers and they have what it takes to Main Event the ppv.

winner: The Undertaker
I really think the rateing change has REALLY hurt the intregedy of alot of the pay per veiws, I say this beacuse like someone else said, they dont feel right, the HIAC show just did not feel like they were Hell In A Cell matches, normly after a HIAC match people are out for weeks, bloody, cant stand....noone was like that last year, Elmination Chamber felt the same way, didnt have all the action of the ones before..but what do I know
I really think the rateing change has REALLY hurt the intregedy of alot of the pay per veiws, I say this beacuse like someone else said, they dont feel right, the HIAC show just did not feel like they were Hell In A Cell matches, normly after a HIAC match people are out for weeks, bloody, cant stand....noone was like that last year, Elmination Chamber felt the same way, didnt have all the action of the ones before..but what do I know

I totally agree. WWE went PG but has so many gimmicky brutal PPVs. They dont allow blood so that takes away a little of the brutality. MITB, TLC, HIAC, E.C. How can u have all these risk matches and noone bleeds? I wish WWE would allow blood for PPVs only. Im not some gore freak but it can add to feuds or certain matches made to be barbaric structures.
CM Punk vs Kane (Kane will return w/ his Mask on) ...... i know unlikely.

randy orton vs batista vs john cena wwe title

(armagedon HIAC match) Jericho vs Swagger vs Sheamus vs HHH vs Undertaker vs Edge WHC

All good ideas, especially like the idea of Kane returning with the mask. Maybe have it where he is in a feud with Punk leading up to HIAC and have punk screw kane out of his qualifying match, and generally just belittling and demoralising him. Then have him come out just like his debut, ripping the door off the cell and costing Punk the title. 2 good things could come from this, we get a good Punk/ Kane feud, and it also brings back the Monster Kane...you know, the one that we all Fucking love!!!
Armageddon Hell in a Cell. Enough said. This year's pay-per-view should become somewhat like an Elimination Chamber contest wherein each the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships are contests in a six-man free for all carnage inside the devil's playground. But please... lets not have a repeat of what Kurt Angle pulled in 2000. Also, every match should and must be Hell in a Cell. That means even the Divas will have to get a bit bloodied and bruised.
Armageddon Hell in a Cell. Enough said. This year's pay-per-view should become somewhat like an Elimination Chamber contest wherein each the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships are contests in a six-man free for all carnage inside the devil's playground. But please... lets not have a repeat of what Kurt Angle pulled in 2000. Also, every match should and must be Hell in a Cell. That means even the Divas will have to get a bit bloodied and bruised.
I agree there should be an armageddon HIAC... Would probably be Batista vs Sheamus vs Trips vs Taker vs Jericho vs Cena...taker for the WWE Title with Batista as champ and trips were in the original armageddon HIAC ...I dont agree that every match should be a hell in a cell match so i think the other ones should be

Edge vs Swagger-World Title
Orton vs Dibiase
Maybe one more involving Punk,Rey,Miz, or Morrison
Certainly not all matches necessarily need to be Hell in a Cell, but if the WWE is going to continue on with the current base match themed pay-per-views, the majority of the matches should be as preset by the theme. If Hell in a Cell were the next pay-per-view, the matches would probably look something like this:

Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler or Matt Hardy for the Intercontinental Championship in a Fall Counts Anywhere Match

Outcome: Drew McIntyre retains after delivering a Future Shock to whomever his opponent might be at the time, and pinning them in somewhat quick match.

Maryse (c) vs. Melina (she seems as though she could be coming back anytime now) for the Divas Championship

Outcome: Maryse retains while reigniting her feud with Melina with a storyline based around Melina's being unsure of herself after coming back from an injury leading into the next pay-per-view or so.

ShowMiz (c) vs. The Hart Dynasty for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship in a Hell in a Cell Match

Outcome: The Miz's overconfidence finally costs him and Show the unified titles as David Hart Smith makes him tap out to the Sharpshooter as Tyson Kidd and Natalya keep Show too busy to get involved. Show walks out on Miz who pleads Show to help him regain the titles leading to Miz's further solidifying his role as a heel while the Big Show perhaps becomes a face feeling his tenure with Jericho and Miz never lead him anywhere.

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool (c) and Layla in a Handicap Hell in a Cell Match for the Women's Championship

Outcome: Beth Phoenix reclaims her coveted title after pinning McCool. Vickie Guerrero uses her power as assistant GM, however, to restart the match following the raising of the cell upon which point Tiffany attacks Beth from behind with a weapon, claiming the championship in an unexpected heel turn leading towards a longer storyline involving the five Divas.

Jack Swagger (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge in a Triple Threat Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Outcome: Jack Swagger retains after Edge and Jericho let their rivalry take the best of them following an effort by the two to beat Swagger inside the Devil's Playground leading for Swagger to win easily following the the former teammates' fight.

John Cena (c) vs. Batista vs. Sheamus vs. Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Vladimir Kozlov in an Armageddon Hell in a Cell for the WWE Championship

Outcome: Randy Orton wins the WWE Championship after losing control of himself inside the cell and unleashing a fury not uncommon to The Viper resulting in multiple RKOs to his rivals inside the cell.

Repercussion: Randy Orton steals the spotlight from John Cena for awhile making RAW a bit edgier as when they last feuded from mid to late 2009 resulting perhaps into another I Quit Match or Extreme Rules Iron Man Match. With Jack Swagger's retention of the World Heavyweight Championship, Edge and Jericho now have to earn the right to face him again while Swagger makes easy prey out of everyone on the roster, briefly feuding with the Straight Edge Society until Edge and Jericho once again make it into a Number One Contender's Match which is abruptly interrupted by a returning Undertaker, who, after beating both Edge and Jericho, challenges Swagger for what he deems his title. The Miz continues on his heel streak following ShowMiz's loss culminating in his loss of the United States Championship to either Kofi Kingston or Evan Bourne. Drew McIntyre continues on his streak as many more Superstar seek to claim his title for themselves. Melina and Maryse continue feuding for the Divas Championship while Tiffany establishes herself as the new Women's Champion with Vickie Guerrero as her manager.

While this isn't a predication and the actual pay-per-view will likely turn out to be quite different from it, I would personally like to see a set up akin to this. The overall theme being Hell in a Cell, hardcore oriented matches are a must-have and the greater portion of matches may as well be Hell in a Cell matches. Otherwise, the WWE may as well go back to using the former and much better pay-per-view titles of old. I Liked the idea of No Way Out, Unforgiven, Backlash, and et cetera a lot better. My reasoning being how disappointed I was with TLC, namely the John Cena (c) Sheamus match for the WWE Championship which had an awful outcome. Save for two matches, Christian (c) vs. Shelton Benjamin in a TLC for the ECW Championship and The Undertaker (c) vs. Batista in a Chairs Match for the World Heavyweight Championship, most other matches were pretty lame for a pay-per-view. I did not watch the last Hell in a Cell pay-per-view or bought the DVD because what I heard from everyone was how un-hellish each of the actual Hell in a Cell matches were. But that's just a thought.
Like I said this whole time Undertaker will beat Swagger inside a cell for the WHC.
The Miz and Morrison would be a great matchup, but a different result.
WWE champion ship, i think Cena will still have it since today, and hopefully sheamus isnt anywhere near this PPV or any for that matter because i just dont see the talent in the Ronald McDonald of the WWE.
I don't think the "E" would be unifying the IC and US titles,

I would see taker in the cell again, how can you have a hell in a cell ppv without him.

Last year we were supposed to see orton vs HHH at summerslam, but it wasn't the case because there was going to be a ppv 2 months later and we never saw it at the ppv either. I've gotta say, orton vs HHH would be a perfect HIAC match, not really bothered who wins, but it would be a good match.

Maybe this year. Maybe just.
While I thought the first Hell in a Cell PPV last year was okay with the DX/Legacy being the match of the card, I feel that this year there should only be one match contested inside the Cell, maybe two at the most. From watching last year's event, it was obvious that three Cell matches was simply too many and this resorted in not enough variety and them ( quite understandably) running out of fresh ideas to keep each bout entertaining.

Punk/Taker was very short and regardless of whether 'Taker was injured or not it was an average Cell match at best. The Orton/Cena match rarely made use of the Cell which lead some to believe the stipulation wasn't even necessary and it probably wasn't as the bout resembled a No DQ type stip that happened to have a cage around it. The DX/Legacy match was very good in my opinion and it was the only time we really saw the Cell being utilized and the locking out of HHH and later Dibiase was a smart idea. Things such as that coupled with Shawn Michaels' expert selling and facial expressions made this a worthy main event for the first Hell in a Cell PPV in my eyes.

However, the main point I'm trying to stress is that last year, three Hell in a Cell matches was three too many and in some ways it detracted from the ambiance of the Cell matches....this is why I hope there will only be one or two max this year in order to keep things feeling fresh and to prevent overkill.
I am new and I can post a new thread and was hoping someone could help. I would like to see if anyone knows when triple h is coming back?

Any news on Over the Limit matches, I heard Swagger vrs Big Show on here plus on Raw they said Batista is now the #1 contender again but they didnt say when but I do hope its a H*ell in the Cell match to settle the score once and for all. I would like to see triple h come back at over the limit as well against Sheamus in a H$ll in the Cell match.

Any word if the undertaker will be wrestling? I got my kids tickets and they are dying to find out and hoping there favorites are there. Triple H, Undertaker, Batista, Big Show, Mickie James & Mysterio
i love the idea of Swagger v taker that would be amazing as long as swagger won.
For the other two matches maybe Y2J v Orton or HHH v sheamus

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