Heels and Faces


Its Been a while
The Current Heel/Face split in the WWE seems really inconsistent. Their are faces that need to be heels and heels that need to be face. I feel the Main Event roster should look more like this

  • CM Punk
  • John Cena
  • Sheamus
  • Del Rio
  • Jericho
  • Rey Mysterio

  • Daniel Bryan
  • Big Show
  • Randy Orton
  • Kane
  • Mark Henry

I will also throw in guys that should or will be in the main event.
Dolph Ziggler
Cody Rhodes
Wade Barret

Randy Orton has expressed his desire to be a Heel, and I agree. We have seen him as a face for so long, he might as well change.

Jericho was a Heel in his last run(which was great), and his most recent run(for the purpose of facing CM Punk). Now its time to see Jericho embrace Y2J cause we haven't truly seen that out of him for a while.

Del Rio has the most potential in his turn. His character would make for the most interesting face we have seen in a while.

What do you guys think about my thoughts and fell free to put down your own rosters.
The Miz "Needs to spark"
Christian "better than heel"
John Cena "never turn him heel"
Rey Mysterio "really couldnt be booed"
Heath Slater
Eve Torres
Batista 'if he returns"

Big Show "really sucks being face"
Ezekial Jackson "really dominating heel would be pushed hugely"
Dolph Ziggler "He cant be a face until he fully grows as heel"
Vince Mcmahon
Randy Orton
Jbl "if he returns"

i liked your face and heel i even agree on some however tweeners should have been on the list for guys dont need to stay neutral
CM Punk (far to popular to turn heel)
John Cena (as much as I'd love to see heel Cena, it's never going to happen)
Daniel Bryan (he's already getting cheered)
The Miz (he needs to get that boost)
Chris Jericho (would be nice to see him face for a change)
Dolph Ziggler (one of my favorite heels, but i look forward to seeing him turn face)
Sheamas (getting over with the crowd more and more each week)
Christian (he just makes a better babyface)

Big Show (monster heel is always better)
Randy Orton (since turning face, he's become dull)
Alberto Del Rio (I don't see a face turn right now will help him get over with the crowd)
Cody Rhodes (one of my favorite heel at the moment, keep building on it)
Kane (like big show, needs to be the monster heel)
Mark Henry (somebody's gonna get their ass kicked)
Wade Barrett (was well on his way to the top before his injury, look forward to his return)
I thought about Daniel Bryan as a Face. but I wanted to keep the numbers even and theirs were others that need the face turn more. and the fact that you added health Slater confuses me. You are aware we are taking about the main event picture right?

(I Did not mean to post this in the spam section, if an admin has the power to move it to the WWE section it would be greatly appropriated.
Randy orton should be a heel.
Jericho should be a face. Complete with classic Y2J jokes and the word "assclowns"

I don't know if i want to see a face Dolph ziggler just because his heel persona he has always had and as a face it would get stale.(see Randy Orton)

One that really stood out to me that is slowly catching on is Heath Slater, I don't think he would get over to well as a face just yet, but I've noticed he has become a likeable heel who has good mic skills and good saleing skills, I feel like if they ever move kofi up( I have a feeling they eventually will) he could be in that type of role,(6th guy for EC matches, money in the bank, etc) he could sale the moves of the other five and make them look good and then be placed back in the mid-card.

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