Heel that shouldn't ever be heel and vice versa

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management


Hey guys first thread, hope you enjoy it.

I want to have a fun thread that isnt who's the best or what sucks. i want it to be something completely new.

Who do you think, past or present, has a character that is a heel who in real life should never be made into a heel, and who do you think is a face, that really should not be a face in real life.

I know that may be confussing but let me give you some examples:

C.M. Punk- I know he is cocky and preaches to everyone, but someone teaching to abstain from drugs, should not be a heel in real life. i know people will jump on me and say how his heel character is from him being preachy, but in reality, his character is on leading a healthy lifestyle, and with a show geared towards children, this should be a message that wwe trys to put foward.

The Godfather- pimp with the hooooooo train. he was loved by the fans, but he is a pimp. in real life, pimps are mean, thiefs, mistreat women, can be killers, you get the idea.

Stone Cold- i know he is the average joe's hero, but he is an acoholic who cant make friends, is someone you can never trust, and disrepects his boss and everyone else. in real life if you met stone cold's character in the workplace or anywhere else, you'd probably hate the guy

Undertaker- the dude is all about taking your soul. thats kind of like satan. yeah, in real life he would be the worst person in the wwe.

Kane- same story as taker, but instead he just loves hurting people

Ric Flair- the dirtiest player in the game. he cheated and bragged about himself. now i know he was mostly a heel, but when he was a face in wwe, he still did the same things and was loved for it

Eddie Guererro- sorry i forgot how to spell his name. lie, cheat and steal, and a womanizer at that. definately not a good guy in real life (his character that is, i dont know how he was as a real person)

DX- as a whole they are all about defying authority and causing mayhem. again like stone cold, if you ran into them in real life, you would think they were immature and dicks


Mr. McMahon- yes i know he is the evil boss, and i get that. but in real life, he is the guy that made wrestling famous, and if it wasn't for him, we wouldnt have all the stuff in wrestling that we love, and wouldnt be talking in this forum at all

So i just want to know who else you guys think is misplaced in there heel/face roll if there characters were real life people.
I agree on the point of CM Punk that really his character should be praised, but his delivery makes it such that people hate him. One thing people of the world cant stand, its being told what to do, even if the advice is good.

Now as for Ric Flair I can also see your point, but he was a heel much of his career (so far as I know anyway) and became a fan favorite when his talents in the ring and overall brilliance in every aspect of his craft broke through the negative points of his character.

The godfather was a joke...plain and simple

Eddie Guerrero was much like a Loony Tune or Bugs bunny type character, his Lying, Cheating and Stealing were always good natured shenanigans, nothing malicious of vindictive and so we could all laugh about it.

Stone Cold is an example of someone that we all wish we could be, telling our canniving boss that he is a dick and sticking it to him. We all know that we CANT do it so we watch Stone Cold and enjoy it.

Kane is sadistic, and we watch him beat people up...yeah I cant really defend that one...

Undertaker is a character...he got over on skill in the ring for such a big guy. Really that is how he built his legacy. The Kayfabe and mystique was something amazing and he will forever be remembered. HE IS NOT FREAKING SATAN. (Okay I wont go into this or the rest of the post will be crazy)

Mr. McMahon made wresting famous, yes, but he does his best to entertain us by playing someone we can all hate. He knows its fake and so does everyone else.

We know they are not all positive role models but we also get to live through these people and do things that can never do ourselves. Its a way of relieving a little bit of stress through entertainment.

Just My Opinion
I thought that was me ^..............haha.

Since law enforcement personal are supposed to be seen as good I think that The Big Boss man and The Mountie should be on this list. Even though Boss Man did become good after awhile.

C.M. Punk is hated for his "I'm better than you" attitude I think. Not because he is straight edge.
I disagree with you about CM Punk. When he debut on ECW, the fans loved him and he still had pretty much the same gimmick just to a lesser extent. The reason the fans boo him now is because he cashed in his Money in the Bank on Jeff Hardy. The fans booed him, Jeff Hardy talked about CM Punk and CM Punk began to talk about Jeff Hardy and drugs, the fans booed him even more because they love Jeff Hardy. So that brings us to now with CM Punk telling everyone to be like him which is straight edge.
Honkey Tonk Man- Here is a guy who only wanted to pay tribute to arguably the most popular musical artist in the history of the world. He wanted to bring joy to those that missed Elvis... by giving back a lil peice that was taken from the way too soon HTM just wanted to sing and dance in order to bring smiles to the faces of women, children, fans.

Not only did he shake his hips, he also would sing before matches. By god, he would sing to the audience... how many wrestlers would go so far to entertain. But he was booed. The fans made him a heel.

Someone so dedicated to entertaining the crowd, should have never been heel. But HTM was persistant, im sure he spent his own money to replace the guitars that so many jealous faces destroyed. He lived to Shake Rattle and Roll... for you!
I don't think CM Punk is a heel because of the straight edge message. I think he is heel because of the self-righteous/holier than thou attitude he gives along with it. For the record, I applauded everything Punk had to say about Jeff Hardy, because it was true. It was damn true. Its the "I'm better than you because I am straight edge" part that makes it easy for him to be a heel. Its the preachiness. And honestly, I think he is having far more fun as a heel than he ever did as a face. The message makes you want to make him face, but the way he delivers it is heelish. I have no problems with Punk being a heel because of it.

What I don't understand is why the hell anyone can cheer Randy Orton. Don't get me wrong, he is brilliant at what he does, but given his actions, his words, fans should be HATING him. Yet, he gets almost as many cheers as he does boos. I don't get that one. Orton has done his best to be evil, to be diabolical, to be a flat out irredeemable villain. Yet, he is treated like a tweener by the fans. 15 years ago, he would have been the most hated wrestler of all time.
Randy Orton- When he turned face he was an aragent jerk that always cheated and lied every chance he got but just because he got screwed by HHH he was a good guy.

I guess i didnt understand the question but i think i do now and my answer would be Kurt Angle as a heel. He is an Olympic gold medalist and did it over coming odds we should be cheering a character like that and encouraging his three I's. So i say he should never had been heel.
Davi323 do you not get what has happened in the last year!

Orton kicked all the McMahons in the head apart from Stephanie and Linda although he DDT'ed and RKO'ed Steph, Orton is on the way to becoming what Austin was! The guy who doesn't care what anyone else says and does his own thing!
JBL should never have been a heel, his character was of someone that pulled himself up from the gutter and succeeded and became rich, he then try's to inspire other people to do the same, sure he could be a bit demeaning, but that was just his passion shining through.
I think you guys are forgetting possibly the biggest one of them all........................ Kurt Angle.

When he debuted, he was a former olympian who won a gold medal for this country. He spoke of the 3 I's. He drank milk, not beer, for god's sake. His character was an all-around good guy, and he got major, major heat for it.

Another example is Bill Goldberg's heel turn. I feel Goldberg in real life is probably a really decent human being. However, you can blame WCW's dumbass writing for that one. I believe that is another topic for another thread for another day, though.
why are there so much smart a**** on this site ? the question his saying is which characters should be face or heel not why the characters are like that

Maybe we wouldn't have to be smart-asses if you could articulate a legitimate sentence. Anyways, I really like this thread. I agree with the original poster on all his points. Particularly in regards to Punk's character. Punk is a character I've always Identified with, because I took a sort of straight edge vow about 2 months before his WWE debut. And I don't believe that he was booed for ragging on Jeff Hardy so much as he was for making a point about "acceptable drug addiction." A quality that over 60% of americans share due to alcoholism, Nicotine addiction, pain pills, etc. Basically all the junk that you cant be arrested for, so you take full advantage of. AND PUNK IS RIGHT IN HIS VIEW. See? You guys really wish I would shut the hell up right now.:lmao:
I definitely agree on Kurt Angle. He wasn't ever really an ass hole or anything, he was definitely the best role model that the WWE had put out in YEARS (decades?) and he was constantly booed. I mean, the audience even chanted "you suck" in rhythm with his entrance music. That was brutal.

Another one that comes to mind is Val Venis back with the Right to Censor stable. I don't know about anybody else, but every female that I knew loved Val Venis, and then he got the same "holier than thou" attitude that Punk has today, and he went from basically the John Cena of the Attitude Era as far as getting attention from the female fanbase, to hated by EVERYBODY.
The Rock never should have been cheered by this notion either. He was a bully who picked on everyone else and tried to make them feel bad about themselves
First let me say, i love CM Punk's preachy, cocky, saving gimmick, it is funny and it is entertaining. Punk and Jericho are great on that mic, along with the Miz. I agree, in real life, Punk should be looked up to with his non-smoking and drinking style. As for the Godfather, never a big fan of his, good midcarder, that was it. Stone Cold was meant to be a heel, but the fans loved him, i guess they love the rebel and they took to him. The Undertaker was hated with his gimmick at first, now he is liked because of the fact, that he is a legend and still can go in the ring. Everyone loves DX because they are funny and everyone doesn't like Mr. McMahon because of how he is on that mic, he can run his mouth, but is good at it, great character Mr. McMahon is.
The Bushwhackers should never have been cheered. Those foul smelling, sheep herding, toothless, hairless, brainless, walk like idiots, cheat in the ring, bit people, lick people, lick each other, eat sardines, licked MEAN Gene, don't ever win except again the Rougeaus, don't look like they care if they win, see Luke in 1990 Royal Rumble, what kind of example is that for children?
Alright, i dont think that most of you get the question. Thank you for the people who said Kurt angle, the rock and others.

the question isnt why they are heel or face. i get that cm punk is hated because of his preaching, but his character is straight edge, and is telling people not to do drugs yet he is a bad guy.

i know stone cold is loved because he is what everyone wants to be, and i do understand what a heel and a face are

alright let me refraise it, if you new nothing about the guys except his gimmik (i.e. just straight edge, just an olympic gold medalist, just the boss of the company, just a disrispectful jerk who no one can trust) who wouldnt it make since to be a heel, or a face. like if you heard that there was a guy in the wwe who was all about taking souls (yes i know he's not satan, damn, some people, lol) would you ever possibly think, "oh that must be one of the good guys?"

Muhammad Hassan is another one i thought of. his gimmick was one of a guy tired of arabs being negatively mistereotyped after 9/11. yes i know his terrorrist angle is what eventually got him canned, but his original gimmick should, in theory, have been one that people root for.
dude seriously do you even know what the question his talking about ? his saying which wrestlers act like they should be face or heel by the way their characters are not saying to give him a f'kn speech on why their characters are like what

I was explaining what part of CM Punks character makes him a heel as opposed to a face, which is in line with what the topic is talking about - Perhaps not exactly what he asked but close enough. As I did with all the other characters that I meantioned throughout my post.

Whats really funny is that in having your immature little spat about my post, you have ignored the entire point of the thread yourself. So please if you are going to spam...well there is a section for that.

I apologize to the OP, I slightly misunderstood and will give a solid example (I think so anyway). AN obvious choice of course is Cryme Tyme.

The reinforce a negative stereotype (not that I care), steal from people and are... not disrespectful but not an ideal example of how to treat a woman.

That and their not all to good in the ring...so why do people cheer for them?

Good enough example?

Just My Opinion
Kurt Angle was an Olympic gold medalist and won his medal with a broken neck. Damn near an American hero. He's a great role model for kids and adults alike with great tips to leading a more fulfilled and healthier life. Yet he debuted as a heel. He's also has been a heel more in his career than a face. People are messed up.
For some reason it seems like is so much easier to play the role of a heel than a face. I will agree with the undertaker one, he should definitely be a heel, triple h, much better as a heel, I'm sure I'm not not the only one that misses cena the heel rapper. Most faces for some reason come across as corny, the only guy who can't seem to get over as a heel is shelton benjamin but that's mainly because his mic work sucks.
The interesting thing about so many people saying straight edge should be praised for its message not his actions is that it parallels an issue in real life. I watched a program recently about straight edge and basically in many states it is now considered a gang. Sounds crazy right? Well, it turns out that a lot of people practicing the lifestyle have taken it too far and been involved in group beatdowns using a variety of weapons. When kids in high school are making what would seem to be a good life decision to their parents they can quickly end up with a gang file at the local pd. So there is actually precedent for straight edge views producing negative results in society.

I would say AJ Styles as a heel right now is experiencing a problem with exactly what this thread is about. The loyal fans there have a working knowledge of his general lifestyle so it is taking a lot for them to get over the drastic difference.

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