Heel Or Face Which do you Prefer?


..Is Rated M!
In this thread discuss which type of wrestler you prefer state at least four to six (3 Heels, 3 Faces 2 heels 2 Faces) and give reason why you think they are the best of the best. they can be from this day and age or from way back when ever you like.


Triple H: one of the most hated wrestlers in WWE history he played the sicko heel always beating on people the fans admired crushing the faces in front of the adoring fans. After he married Stephine and started the "McMahon/Helmsly" Era the fans never booed louder Triple H was at his prime heel time.

Triple H is one of the best heels to date because of the way he talks and does things when he was on the mic as a heel it used to send chills down your spine for example a lot of the promos he did while feuding with "Stone Cold Steve Austin" were real sick his catchphrases just proved of what an arse he was like "I am the Game, I am that damn good" Triple is indeed the King of Kings.

Edge: The Rated R superstar is indeed Rated R he plays the scared heel but for a while in 2004 to 2005 he played the psychotic scared heel while feuding with the likes of Kane. Edge made a real big Heel name for himself when he won the very first Money In The Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 21 he won by hitting Chris Benoit with a chair in his injured arm just before Benoit was about to reach the Briefcase hanging above the ring. In the present day Edge plays the scared heel hiding behind Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder (Formally known as the Major Brothers) they dress as Edge and usually help him out of tight spots.

Edge is a great heel he'll do almost anything to get the fans to hate him and really believe his character, Cena fans despise him and even some of the more mature fans get a bit peeved at the rated R superstar as well. Edge has this thing about him that makes you want to reach through your TV and give him the biggest smashing of a life time he has the ability to start a riot and this is why he is one of my favorite superstars.

Steve Austin Steve Austin played the psychotic heel this all started at WrestleMania X7 when Austin betrayed the fans and himself by joining forces with the man he hated the most The chairmen of the board Vince McMahon. After X7 he had won the title to then go on and fued with people like the Undertaker, Austin made up a fake story about Undertakers wife Sara been in a car accident and went through great lengths the make the accident seam real Austin then confessed to Undertaker that he made up the story and thats what started the Fued.

Austin is a great heel because of the fans reaction I think a lot of peoples Jaws dropped off when Austin did what he did at X7 and some of the things he said to promote the fact he was a Heel. Austin had some of the biggest heat during a lot of his feuds while he was a heel.

Honorable Mentions: J.B.L. and Shawn Michaels


The Rock: The Rock is an all time great in the WWE but a lot of his time wrestling he was a face. The Rock had that many face accomplishments I don't know where to begin. He fought Austin through Austins heel time, The Rock Saved Team WWF/WWE at Survivor Series from the WCW/ECW invasion. The Rock Played the all round Face everything he did was good he was funny charismatic and just down right electrifying!

The Rock is a great Face because when he came out to the ring everybody would just go mad I don't see anyone do this with the current superstars on the Roster, when I was little I even got my mum to admit the Rock was great. His pie segments and all his other Promos are amazing and his in ring ability is one of a kind there is not one time where in a match that the Rock is participating in that people are sitting down the Rock is truly the Peoples Champ.

The Undertaker: The Deadman is one of the most unique Faces in WWE history he acts like a monster heel (Dark Evil Psychotic) but is classed as a Face and He is unique because I can't put my figure on what kind of face. Undertaker has fought the best and beaten the best alot of his time as a face involved his feuds with Vince in 2003 another feud was against Triple H at Wrestlemania X7, Kane on countless occasions and many more.

Undertaker is one of the best faces of all time because of the fact he is so unique, there has never been a character like him and I don't think there will be again.

Shawn Michaels: one of the best all rounders in the WWE today. Michaels came back after he broke his back bigger and better than ever The Heart Break Kid literally broke his back for us loyal fans and only to come back as a face. Shawn Michaels feuded with the likes of Triple H Ric Flair Randy Orton and always put on the best show he possibly could. Michaels plays the "Never Back Down Never Quit" Face which John Cena has some what ruined, Michaels made a name for himself on many occasions like when he glided in from the rooftops or put Bret Hart in the Sharp Shooter.

Shawn is a great face because he truly does never quit he is true to his character he must have spent those four years in agony trying to get back in the ring. When Shawn came back everyone went mad. the show stopper has arrived.

After all this I much rather prefer the Heel character because when ever some one is given a heel character they play it better than there face.
Personally, I think the "tweener" category is much more interesting overall. They're the anti-heroes of the wrestling community as opposed to literature in itself. I'm a writer, myself, so this might end up turning into a lesson on literature, and if it does, forgive me, lol. Anyway, the appeal of the tweener or antihero is that they can successfully be both villain and hero at the same time, playing off both emotions, but they don't necessarily need to stick to one aspect of it for long enough that it gets boring. Cena's latest face run was boring the hell out of everyone because for a year straight (or even longer) he was simply "the good guy who gets kicked when he's down, but fights back against all odds, even though you knew he would win", which isn't exciting. The original DX was a perfect example of tweener royalty. Against the Hart Foundation, HBK and HHH were the top of the hero worship tower. Against Ken Shamrock at the time, they were the bottom of the rung, scum of the earth.

HBK and HHH are the masters of the tweener character, but there are others that do it extremely well, even if its with a massive amount of subtlety. First, you have the Undertaker, who, although he's clearly a solid face in the company, can successfully attack ANYBODY in the WWE and it'll still make the fans cheer without turning him heel. Stone Cold Steve Austin was a solid heel that was so over that it turned him face, equalizing into a tweener. Kane, though I feel he's better as a heel, is a tweener now. If Kennedy were to get back to the hierarchy rise that he was at around the draft of last year, he'd be a solid tweener right now instead of a heel.

Giving someone the tweener role, if they're good at it, results usually in the best of all options. Anybody who has acted will tell you that its much more fun to play the villain than the hero, because as the antagonist of the story, you're not limited by moral compasses and politically correct mapping. Superman is boring to some because he's always the boy scout, but Batman has that edge to him, and that's why he's even more popular nowadays. Conflict is what makes good storytelling, so if you have some friction, it keeps you up on your toes, whether you're the villain that has a hindered good side to them, or you're a hero with a dark side.

Overall, I feel the best route in the WWE seems to be this:
1. Start off as a babyface. The crowd cheers you simply because you're the good guy and that's who they're supposed to cheer when they don't know you.
2. This act gets boring after a while. They start disliking you.
3. Turn heel. This gives them a reaction. They're the cause, you're the effect.
4. Build up a heel reputation. You do it well enough, they'll start to like you.
5. When the time is right, turn face. Now they're in the palm of your hands.

Its working for Santino right now, isn't it? Lol
As long as guys performa well i dont care be they Heel or Face.

Tweeners are great tho i actually like them more.

I have to be honest here i think that as long as character and ability are balaced i like both heels and faces.
For instance i like Greggory Helms who is a heel but i like Shawn Micheals who is currently a face, i like Y2J who is a face but i also like Orton.

AS long as they perform well i cheer for them.
me personally Ive always been more entertained by the Heels, partially because theirs characters IMO are more interesting but also because of usual shitty face booking, Ive always been a huge Edge and HHH fan, love Edge as a heel and always though HHH was so much better as a heel. heel characters IMO are just more versatile theres more you can do to make the crowd hate you while as a face you basically overcome the odds at all times, at least WWE style faces. my favorite wrestlers have always been heels because Ive never been a fan of John Cena and his "heart and determination" thats boring Heels are what make wrestling interesting at least IMO
I'd prefer to watch a heel, as a character, but a face as a wrestler.

A heel in ring, slows down his moves, so them seem more powerful, and uses the headlock more to slow down the match, an example of this for me, would be Randy Orton, I'm not a huge fan of Randy Orton, but his wrestling style perfectly suits a heel wrestler.
Where as for example, you have the face wrestler, such as Jeff Hardy who will speed up his wrestling and use 'risky' moves, as this gets over with the fans.

I feel there are two people who come to mind for the best heels, and strangely, they are Triple H and HBK.
Triple H can play many 'sides' of his character, but he is at his best when he is a heel, his wrestling style suits more of a heel character, and he can also work as different 'heels', for example, a funnier heel, when he was with Stephanie in early 2000, and he can work as a serious heel, which many people fail at and become boring with.
HBK should in my opinion, always be a heel, much like I said with Triple H, he plays the 'funny heel' far better than anyone else, it has to be said.
I'd also like to mention the Undertaker in there too.

As for faces, I haven't always been a huge fan of the big faces such as The Rock, or Stone Cold, I know they are good at being 'face', the crowd really responded to them, but like I said, I have never been a big fan or the 'face wrestler'.
Im half and half i love watching heels promos and faces win.

My top fav heels-

3. Randy Orton- when he first came up i was like man i hate this guy but for some reason i found out he was from stl(my hometown) i was like ooo cool so i paid attention and it definately paid off well when he got the legend killer gimmick i was ecstatic and hes been this badass guy/and wimp which is what i like

2. Eric Bishcoff- MAN i hated this guy soo much no matter what he did it pissed everyone off the man is a genius and i hope to one day see him return to replace the boring vickie mcmahon

1. Eddie Guerrero- call him a face but his tactics were all heel the guy could get a crowd behind him for cheating definately cool to see i took a looong break from wrestling after his death and didnt come back to watch until september this year


3. The Undertaker- He gets crowds on their feet without even talking hardly which is hard to do. And also how hes managed to carry this gimmick for a long time and still get crowds hyped.unlike cena

2.Steve Austin- dude can get a crowd off their feet just by hearing the first second of his music. he also pushed the bar but always made a crowd happy and ratings up

1.The Rock- The great one is not only my favorite face but my favorite wrestler face or heel wwe or hollywood ill always say the rock . he had crowds laughing he had us asking for more but sadly he went on to hollywood to make movies that never make me happy other than the first couple. I dont want to rant and rave but i think that he may be the best in ring performer and best promo guy even in ahead of hbk and flair IMO but mainly because im one of the MILLIONS
Right now seriously the best two heels are Edge and Orton cause they really do alot of smack talking also they are great performers inside the ring.Im a huge fan of the heels of the business cause if you have really good heels then your product doesn't suffer.
I love heels, While Cena ruined mainly ruined faces for me forever, I just love the actions you get from heels. Plus I love to root for the guy no one wants to win. Im the same way when it comes to sports.
I love heels too. But they have to be good, not some person just cutting stupid promos. He actually has to feel the promo. Ric Flair=Great HEel, Austin made a great heel, Angle makes a great heel, etc.

People like CArlito and Umaga don't fit a heel. Although Carlito has stated that he prefers heel than face it just doesn't work out.
Edge: Obviously, the coward character he's playing now pisses the hell outta u, which makes him an amazing heel. Amazing at cutting promo's and gaining heat throughout.

HHH: Well i'll say i cant STAND him now as a face, he's just meant to be a heel. Go back in time and remake the HHH of old!

HBK: Can pull em both off, love how he's one of the most popular wrestlers when suddenly SUPERKICK to one of the top faces changes that in the matter of seconds!

Extra mention : JBL. His mickwork is just sooo bull and pisses people right off! can't stand it which makes him an amazing heel character. Soo fulla himself. Don't care too much for his wrestling though.

Undertaker: My favorite, no matter what he does people will cheer for him. He's been around so long he has the respect of everyone, pretty much the same gimmick but keeps it fresh. Love how he can get a crowd going crazy by just the sound of a *gong*

The Rock: Simply the face of all faces, just can't beat this guy! Promos, in-ring work the guy was just so enthusiastic (till he started movies) he could entertain like no other!

Hulk Hogan!: How can anyone argue against this? The guy can get the crowd into matches like no other even with his lack of wrestling skills.

Basically, to me it doesn't matter what they are as long as they play what they do best and not try and do the opposite (when WWE makes them do some face/heel turn and they basically ruin the character completely).
I like all 3 types of roles and of course if you have a great wrestler they can pull of any role but i do prefer Heels over Faces but you cant beat a good Tweener, that bad guy you cant help but love.

It brings a whole new dinamic to the character, never truely knowing what they might do either on the mike or in the ring, makes them a hell of a lot more interesting.
In general, I can easily be impressed by those who play fair, follow the right way, work hard to get on top. In wrestling, though, I must say that heels got my appreciation more than some of the faces. Still, if I had to say which ones I like most I would probably say 50/50.
I like heels like Edge (good mic skills and I think he's pretty good in the ring), Mr Kennedy , Stone Cold Steve Austin (I didn't get to see to much of his work, but he definetley entertained me), Randy Orton.
My favorite face charaters :John Cena (I've always imagined him as a heel; he's not bad as a face either, love his charisma) , Rey Mysterio , Shawn Michaels.
You can't go wrong loving a heel...especially nowadays...I mean I was at the rumble on Sunday the ovation that Edge got makes you know heels get love know as long as thier funny jerks...Yeah it's wrong the angel he and Vickie have but Edge got ovations like that before the story line started...he's a respected heel...cuz he can be a jerk and back it up in the ring

Santino Marella...the biggest heel by far right now but he is loved by many cuz he's hilarious...eventhough he has little to no ring time...he is an ok wrestler but known to get the crowd mad...it's the accent that make him a good heel...

Randy Orton...playing a jerk on tv and being a jerk in person is easy for him...he even admits that it's better cuz it's not out of character really...he is a good heel now cuz he has a way to out his words into action in the ring...

John Cena...worst face of all time...killing wrestling in my opinion...he has ok mic skills and can not perform in the ring...the only reason is has been so over with the fans is because that's the guy Vince picked to usher in the new ear of wrestling with a new fan base: women and children...if you think about it...those are the only people that like and cheer for him...you don't see the typically 18-35 demographic on the camera when he comes out...His conditioning helps but Vince is saying I want to put the belt on this guy to keep people watching to see when he will lose the belt, to who and how...he keeps people guessing and pissed off...When he came out on Sunday I was pissed and when HHH's feet hit the floor I picked up my stuff and left...

HHH...that's tough is a funny face but a better heel...when he's on as the cerebral assasain...he could not be touched now he can never beat Cena yeah he holds down guys but why would u allow one guy to beat u everytime? He's been a face for far too long and as long as he is a face you will not see the belt on him at all...

Undertaker...Classic respected face...no matter whether he is a heel or a face he will always be respected
I've always prefered the heel over the face. I'm not exactly sure why, because its not as if in real life I want the bad guys to constantly win. However through wrestling terms. I think the good guy ALWAYS seemingly winning in the end, is a bit too "storybook."

I've also liked more heels than faces due to their attitude and aggressive behavior.

EDGE: Perhaps my all-time favorite heel. Edge was good as a face, but he never had that quality about him, until he turned heel. His first huge heel push was when Shawn Michaels beat him out in the Taboo Tuesday polls.. as a result, he just sorta snapped. It took him to a whole other level upon the real life events with himself and Amy Dumas (Lita) which made everyone simply dispise and hate him for things outside of the ring.

As that unfolded, they took it and rolled with it, bringing it onto the television screen and turning him into quite possibly the biggest heel of this era. Or decade. Edge has the nature ability to grab your attention, and make you hate him.. which is everything a heel needs to do his job, however, Edge is also the same type of person, that just because you hate him so much.. you secretly love watching him, just to wonder what underhanded, evil and dirty little trick he'll pull out next. As a result, this is why I love heels.

Shawn Michaels: The man's gimmick screams cocky heel. And he's a face, purely because of how long hes been in the company. The only reason he isn't a heel right now, is because far too many people simply love seeing him.

However when you step out of the regular circle of seeing Shawn Michaels for the fan favorite that he is.. and you examine the true nature of his overall character. Its of a guy who's stuck on himself, for being every Woman's fantasy, every girl's dream. The guy (as he said himself) sings his own theme song. He's got the nature cockiness about him, that you just love to cheer.. dispite in all actuality, it should be booed heavily.

Now make no mistake, I love Shawn Michaels as everything he is. And he is my all-time favorite wrestler. However, it was his cockiness in 1993, when I first started watching wrestling.. that got me into loving everything about who he was. And in 1994-95, he truly stepped that role up, as being the guy you love to see, and love to "boo."

I think H.B.K. can play a nature heel, but since the majority of the fans will always forever more constantly cheer him.. he simply can't do the crossover.
I've always prefered the heel over the face. I'm not exactly sure why, because its not as if in real life I want the bad guys to constantly win. However through wrestling terms. I think the good guy ALWAYS seemingly winning in the end, is a bit too "storybook."

I've also liked more heels than faces due to their attitude and aggressive behavior.

EDGE: Perhaps my all-time favorite heel. Edge was good as a face, but he never had that quality about him, until he turned heel. His first huge heel push was when Shawn Michaels beat him out in the Taboo Tuesday polls.. as a result, he just sorta snapped. It took him to a whole other level upon the real life events with himself and Amy Dumas (Lita) which made everyone simply dispise and hate him for things outside of the ring.

As that unfolded, they took it and rolled with it, bringing it onto the television screen and turning him into quite possibly the biggest heel of this era. Or decade. Edge has the nature ability to grab your attention, and make you hate him.. which is everything a heel needs to do his job, however, Edge is also the same type of person, that just because you hate him so much.. you secretly love watching him, just to wonder what underhanded, evil and dirty little trick he'll pull out next. As a result, this is why I love heels.

Shawn Michaels: The man's gimmick screams cocky heel. And he's a face, purely because of how long hes been in the company. The only reason he isn't a heel right now, is because far too many people simply love seeing him.

However when you step out of the regular circle of seeing Shawn Michaels for the fan favorite that he is.. and you examine the true nature of his overall character. Its of a guy who's stuck on himself, for being every Woman's fantasy, every girl's dream. The guy (as he said himself) sings his own theme song. He's got the nature cockiness about him, that you just love to cheer.. dispite in all actuality, it should be booed heavily.

Now make no mistake, I love Shawn Michaels as everything he is. And he is my all-time favorite wrestler. However, it was his cockiness in 1993, when I first started watching wrestling.. that got me into loving everything about who he was. And in 1994-95, he truly stepped that role up, as being the guy you love to see, and love to "boo."

I think H.B.K. can play a nature heel, but since the majority of the fans will always forever more constantly cheer him.. he simply can't do the crossover.

Yaaa i'm pretty sure by now we wont be seein shawn as a heel anytime soon.. i mean come on he even got cheers when he superkicked hogan and during that whole storyline!

Back on track though, really if they can play the character well, it doesn't matter to me if they're heel/face. They just gotta know how to do it. I always liked Edge face or heel the guy can sure get people goin!

1. Triple H: Was the top heel the company had to offer, the crowd absoloutely loathed him and he would always find away to win which made everyone hate him even more.

2. JBL: Purely because he generates more heat than anyone i can think of. Also for the same reasons as Triple H

3. Stone Cold (2001): Top heel in the wwe at that point, the fans were angry at him for turning his back on them plus no one expected it and for the remainder of that year we seen an even more non trust worthy Austin.


1. The Rock: Catchprases, Merchandise, Comedy, he is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, to this day imo no one can get the reception he recieved.

2. Undertaker: Take Batista for example, the crowd love him but any time he steps in the ring with Taker he gets booed. Even when Taker was heel the crowd still cheered him.

3. Hulk Hogan: Hate to say it though. He filled alot of people's heads with catchphrases and promises which he pulled through on, he loved the crowd so they loved him.

So ... I prefer heels, i always have done, faces get boring after a while talking about the same stuff week in week out. I also feel that heels get over with the crowd alot easier i mean all you have to do is piss them off, on the other hand for faces it's not so easy. They have to get the crowd to jump on to their band wagon which is harder.

Top 3 Favorite Heels & Faces


1. Corporation - The group was ran by one of the most hated person in the WWE, Mr. McMahon. Everyone hated the group because they would always go after DX and Stone Cold the two most loved superstars/groups of all time.

2. The Rock - The Rock as a heel to me was awesome. He was always the asshole that you loved to watch because he was entertaining and a good wrestler. The Rock as a heel against Austin was just priceless everytime they faced each other.

3. Triple H - He is the ultimate heel in the WWE and he needs to back to being a heel. You would hate this man because he would cheat to win in almost every match and hold the Championship forever.


1. Stone Cold - The toughest son of a bitch was also the most over put superstar since Hulk Hogan back from 1998-2001. The people loved the Austin/McMahon rivaly. And just the way that sometimes you wouldn't see Austin thoughout the whole show but in the last three minutes he'd come out and raise hell and the crowd would go nuts everytime. This is what the WWE needs a bad ass someone that can bring back the attiude era not some one like John Cena.

2. Hulk Hogan - Let's face it love him or hate Hogan was one of the most popular wrestlers ever. Even if he wasn't that great of a wrestler, people loved him and was the Stone Cold of the 80's.

3. DX - In my opinon they were the best wrestling stable ever (besides the 4 Horsemen). I'm not talking about the DX from last year I'm talking about the DX from 1997-2000, now that was the best ever. And i wonder if HBK never got hurt in 1998 would Triple H be as popluar as he is today.

If I had it my way, this is what i would want the superstars to be today.

Triple H- always good when heel
John Cena- i'd think people would like him again as a heel
HBK- the best when he was a heel but i no he won't because of his religion

JBL- should go back as a face and bring back the APA.
Mr. Kennedy- i just want to see him as a face to see if it would work.
Khali- The big man going against the heels.

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