Heel Most in Need of Female Manager

S prince

Occasional Pre-Show
Behind ever great man (or wrestler) there is a woman. Whether it was Macho Man with Sherri or HBK with Sherri all the way to Edge w/ Lita. I believe a great heel female at ringside really adds so much to the wrestler. Edge would not be as huge as he was as a heel if not for Lita and/or Vicki Geurrero at his side. My question is simple, what wrestler now, preferably a main event scene heel would most benefit with a female manager at ring side?

I wonder if down the road and Legacy is gone, that Randy Orton could work with one? Or hes probably better off on his own. It also depends if a female could work handle the spotlight.

Let's hear it.
I do believe The Miz would be the type of person who needs some " eye-candy" with him.

This would simply help him go to the next stage of his career as it could help with the cowardly type heel gimmick which the WWE seem to love so much!

So yeah Woman Manger+Miz=Heel heat.
Zach Ryder

Think about it for a second. He plays the Long Island cocky a-hole rather well. What does he need to complete the ensemble? A hot ditzy female to bow at his every command, and one that is good on the mic, to help put him over.

She wouldn't really be a manager/valet, and she really wouldn't help much during matches. She'd just have to look good, and hype him up. Who's the perfect diva for the job?

Jillian Hall.

She's not the best looking Diva, but she fits the stereotype of the snobby bimbo, and take out the horrible singing she's done, and she's not horrible on the mic. That was part of the reason she was paired with JBL and MNM. She can hype anyone. With the amount of plastic in her body, she'd be perfect for Ryder's arm.
CM Punk w/ lita lmao! That would get a laugh an major heat from Edge and Matt sinces hes dating her now.

I agree with the Miz but I think Ziggler also needs a real heel manager. Some funny throw ins for Heel would be like Swagger
I would love it for Beth Phoenix to become manager/valet for Randy Orton.

In my fanboy fantasy, I would love him to drop Legacy, bring back the one man Dynasty, and have Beth still doing her Glamazon part and being a female contender as well.

I love the aspect of a heel power couple in them, well maybe Beth is more than a manager now, but you catch the drift.
I personally think that the idea is good but I cannot think of a good combination or talent. I mean I think Vickie will get Eric Escobar or whatever his name is some major heat for a while since noone can stand her. But in the main event I don't know of anyone who needs it...

Maybe Morrison when he gets up a little higher, I could see him with the Valet...

Just My Opinion
Good thread. I think that one guy who could pull it off is Miz. He had it in the past with the ECW girls and pulled it off rather nicely. I think it could work extremely well for him. Now I think they were heading that route with Marsye, but since she was injured that idea got scraped at least for the time being. I think I would like to see Miz and Mickie, if Mickie goes heel again in the future. Just a thought of mine.

Also, lot people are saying Orton. Why? Orton doesn't need a female manger to get heat. He gets enough heat on his own. So it would be pointless for that. Maybe Cena when he turns heel somewhere down the line.
I'm assuming at this point Maria will eventually turn heel and be Ziggler's valet because the only other option to keep their relationship as is would be to turn Dolph face and it's way too early in the game for that.

Randy Orton definitely doesn't need a female valet as there's enough estrogen in Legacy as there is. Orton's already at the top anyways, what need is there to enhance him anymore?

I would get a kick out of Steph returning as a heel to help JeriShow take out DX. Other than that, and to be more realistic, I think Michelle McCool and Swagger would be a decent pair, since Swagger sounds like Sylvester the Cat when he gets on the mic it would help him out a lot to let her do the shit-talking.
Orton doesn't need a manager, there's just some people who does better by themselves, and Randy is one of those persons.

Now, the person I'd choose is Jack Swagger. I mean, his moniker is the "All-American American", what better way to get way over on the crowd than to have a "manager" or a head coach. In this sense, his manager would be someone with a nice college background (of course, it'll be a woman) who compliments his manhood with her womanhood. She could take over the woman's division and if they brought in one or two more people to be with Swagger, it could be the reformation of the WWEs version of The Varcity Club.
I have no idea why they scrapped the Dolph/Maria thing so soon. Even if they didn't use her coming out to ringside every week they could have kept going with the backstage promos with the divas doing their little drama acting bits. I know you Americans have an unhealthy fascination with drama for whatever reason. It would have worked. Hell, my gf hates wrestling and she payed attention to those promos.
Miz is another who's in need of a female vallet. When Maryse returns they need to give her the title back and have these two run around as the ego couple drawing heat and cheating to put each other over.
I've also been thinking for awhile that Gail Kim needs to go back to being a manager to get her name out there. If anyone watched TNA back in the AMW days she proved she's damn good at drawing heat. Only problem is I can't think of anyone on the Raw roster she'd be a good match with.
Well... if we're talking about inter-gender managers here is who i think should have...
Randy Orton & Maryse - Would make a good looking couple have them both as champs and if legacy takes the tag champs they would take over raw!
Jack Swagger & Beth Phoenix - All American American and Glamazon = Power house
Miz & Mickie - if MJ goes heel she can help boost miz's ability
Shelton Benjamin & Alicia Fox - Maybe can be the next booker T and sharmel?
more but i cant think of any so watchu guys think
Speaking of Alicia Fox [I know this is off topic] but what happened with the marrying t-long storyline?
This is a good discussion to have, because they have seem to gone away from the mega heel with a vixen valet. There are only a few options here because to few of the current divas have enough charisma to be a believable valet.

Someone said Zack Ryder and Jillian, that wouldn't work. That we be more annoying than entertaining. We want something serious here, and no one takes those two serious. They would need a gimmick change to a certain extent.

Those who would benefit? CM Punk and Randy Orton. Punk would only work with a person like Lita, and I don't think she's going to come back. Punk's rugged look would only work with another rugged female. Orton would be great with Beth, as they could bring back that HHH/Chyna dynamic with dominant heel and dominant diva.

A heel female valet will only work and get over if she is either A) a mouth piece or B) interferes (which Vickie Guerrero does both very well). If she isn't doing one, or the other, or both it won't work....you'll just have Katie Lea Burchill.
Right, the Miz and Maryse automatically springs to mind due to their on screen banter before her injury plus the rumoured real life relationship. She has natural heel heat due to being so obnoxious, as does Miz - match made in heaven. Other posibilities include Ziggler and Melina (turn her heel again and have her screw over Maria then assist Ziggler in the feud against Morrison -natural history there), or, unrealistically, Punk and Lita. But Im going with Miz and Maryse.
How about Jack Swagger since he comes off as a tool unable to score a woman, just saying. He will be awesome if he was put with a face manager. You might ask how this will work well the idea of the bad boy with the good girl hasn't been done in quite some time. Mickie James as a face with Jack Swagger as a heel could raise Swaggers credibility since it will make his character more intresting to the general wrestling public because everyone loves a bad boy with a good girl and everyone loves mickie james.
There are 2 ways a female manager with a heel wrestler can work:

1) they need to be so on devious and on the same page and both have characters you don't like but yet they seem to love each other it makes you sick. Edge an Lita is a good example of this. They pissed you off by liking each other and garnered heat by being a very good team.

2) the heel wrestler needs to use and abuse his female manager. in this type of angle, you should feel a little sympathetic towards the female in that "she doesn't deserve it" and the wrestler gains heat by treating the female poorly. Macho Man with Elizabeth is a good example of this as he was overprotective and degrading to her on many occasions.

Going with these 2 theories, let's look at which wrestlers could benefit from each.

1) in these scenarios, you are looking for wrestlers with a power hungry mentality. These type are one dimensional, all about the title type characters. Their goal is to be the best and having a woman would help keep them there. Right now, the character that best fits this mold is William Regal. His smug, "i'm classier than you" persona would pair well with an upper class female. I can't suggest a current diva for this, but take any woman you dont know about and debut her with an affluent upbringing and it might work. It would especially work if she is motivated to "keep the title classy" for her man and eventually herself. Another scenario where this is somewhat already in effect is the Hart Dynasty. Though it's tough to tell, their on screen personality is arrogance due to "better training" by being in the Hart family. Having a female that has the same background only adds to the claim they should probably make more often that "no one is technically better than us, no one around could survive the dungeon". If this group breaks up, off screen couple Natalya and Tyson Kidd could stay together and become a midcard/female power couple as they would love each other but you would hate them.

2) This other scenario requires a cocky character who sees himself above everyone, including his woman. The woman would be a subservient, a personality willing to do whatever it takes to please the man no matter how badly he treats her. Miz and Ryder seem to fit this mold very well. It would be interesting if Ryder debuted a "long island bimbo" as his valet. As a Long Islander myself, I could imagine a stupid, jappy type personality girl with low self esteem hanging around a Ryder type. It happens in real life, it could happen onscreen. This girl would be kind of dumb and at first you might dislike her, but if Ryder consistently treats her like crap, you'd start to have sympathy for her and thus dislike Ryder more for his treatment for her. Miz as well could use someone like this. The Maryse story would have stalled despite their off screen relationship because Miz is awesome in his own eyes and wouldnt' deal with a woman who has credentials. A starfucker, LA type would work well as his character is a hollywood type as a former reality star. She could want to be with him for the fame of being a star's girlfriend, but quickly turn into a victim as the Miz's mic skills would tear her a new one every time something went wrong.

Of course, having a manager is a fading idea, but it is a good way to get heat and it has worked before. These are some ideas I think that could work. There were some good ideas presented earlier in the thread, so I added some of my own. Good idea and we'll see if it is ever utilized.
Chris Jericho and Beth Phoenix. Why? Because the RAW that Trish Stratus guest hosted, if you remember them collectively talking trash to Trish. They seemed to have good promo chemistry. I don't know call them Jeri-zon, or Glamicho? I'm throwing something different out there.

Chris's smug and condescending demeanor and Beth Phoenix as a deadly beauty, they could seriously be the top twosome on RAW. Of course this could be down the road after Jerishow has lost the U.T.T.T and Edge has had his way with ol' Y2J.
Weren't Carlito and Rosa Mendes together for a while? I remeber Rosa coming to the ring with Carlito during his short feud with Kofi Kingston. I thought WWE might be going somewhere with these two. Anyway, I think Drew Mcintyre could use a female manager, and I think Michelle McCool would be perfect for him. Both of them are very cocky, and they posses that attitude that says "I'm better than you". Now I know Michelle isn't that great on the mic, but I think her presence would be enough to elevate Mcintyre.
if anyone remembers the christian/trish stratus vs y2j feud like 5 years ago i think it was awesome how they turned trish heel and allied herself with christian cuz i think they were awesome together.

now obviously im not suggesting that wwe use the same exact love triangle story line but if they could start an angle with 2 wrestlers fighting over the affection of one of the female wrestlers, i think it could make for good tv and could really help out 2 upper mid carders who arnt feuding over the us or ic titles
I'm not really sure anyone particularly needs any sort of a manager, much less a female one. Female managers only belong where there is strong chemistry between the two characters, as wee saw with Savage and Elizabeth, HHH and Stephanie, Edge and Lita and Shawn and Sherri. It's unsuprising that they were all shagging each other too, because that is where the chemistry comes from.

SO I think first of all you have to look at the real life couples and then see who could make a good onscreen duo. Purely hypothetically though, it tends to be the more flamboyant wrestlers that have them, so probably somebody like Zack Ryder coud benefit the most, especially as he is quite poor and could do with the help.
Zach Ryder

Think about it for a second. He plays the Long Island cocky a-hole rather well. What does he need to complete the ensemble? A hot ditzy female to bow at his every command, and one that is good on the mic, to help put him over.

She wouldn't really be a manager/valet, and she really wouldn't help much during matches. She'd just have to look good, and hype him up. Who's the perfect diva for the job?

Jillian Hall.

She's not the best looking Diva, but she fits the stereotype of the snobby bimbo, and take out the horrible singing she's done, and she's not horrible on the mic. That was part of the reason she was paired with JBL and MNM. She can hype anyone. With the amount of plastic in her body, she'd be perfect for Ryder's arm.

Goddam, that was exactly who I was thinking of. Zach Ryder plays a good heel in some ways and I think that he is most definitely a work in progress. I think it would make a lot of sense to pair him up with a female and get him over a little. I think when you are paired up with a female manager, you have more options available to you about where you are going to go with your heel dynamic. Look at Santino Marella for instance. H ewas paired with Maria and the did the over-played, "you will be slave and obey my commends at all time" angle and because it was a woman, the cord got into it and booed him relentlessly.

I also agree that Killian Hall would be a good choice. I think that she is one of the best Divas in the company and she is going unused at the moment. Pair her with Ryder and you have a match made in Heel heaven.
I would agree on Miz needing a female valet the most he just fits the type the most. Ryder wouldn't be bad either... Drew Mcintyre couldn't hurt to get one either.
See, I don't think The Miz would benefit much from a valet at this point. His mic work is excellent, and having to split what screen time he does get with a woman wouldn't be good. Granted, the Miz/Maryse thing was fairly entertaining, but have Miz stick to his guns about being done with her...Have Maryse turn face when she comes back by having her get rejected by the Miz (seeing as he's won some gold, she ought to be 'interested' based on their previous storyline).

Matching Randy Orton w/ Beth Phoenix could have been interesting, but detrimental to both. Beth would just kind of fall into the background, and Orton can more than carry himself without a valet like Beth.

Here's a thought...how about pairing Legacy (Cody & Ted) with the Bella Twins, once Legacy turns face (if they do). I think seeing those guys w/ a Bella on the arm would enhance their on-screen appearance, if nothing else...let alone the opportunities it would raise for Randy if he were to go after Ted & Cody due to his...displeasure at the disbanding of Legacy.
Before the diva trade where Rosa got sent over to the Dub, the pairing she was given for the one week only with Carlito was a good team. They are of roughly the same origin and could have worked well. Rosa needs to be kept away from the ring to train herself as she isn't quite that bad as she has been of recent. So, why not give her some TV time with Carlito to give him something to go off. She looked stunning in that tag match valeting Carlito and did well to make herself felt.

Another thing that I might add is that the split between Ziggler and Maria was not a really good idea. Maria gave something to Ziggler extra than he has done flying solo and could have been his ticket to breaking through the glass ceiling faster. Ziggler is good by himself, but for the charisma angle, Maria is great on the mic and could have done something for him.

As for the topic at hand, who is the person I think that needs a female manager the most where they are a heel superstar? Well, here is my pick:


Right now, he is doing very well for himself in getting noticed and for some reason not only has the crowd against him but giving some face reaction to Shelton who does need the support. This guy is the definition of a heel as everything about him is to hate, but there is one main thing missing from the package. The good looking valet... and who else to be that valet than:

Rosa Mendes

In the ring, she can't work the heel at all is more of a face competitor. She smiles and panders to the fans, something completely different to what the role actually supports. However, she did very well in being the heel manager/valet role with Phoenix and Carlito. So, if Sheamus can have someone who can fit into clothes to make herself stunning who is also a foreigner (speaking as if the main audience is American), then he is catered for the future pushes.
For someone devious I like Katie Lea, I think she can put almost anyone over as mouth piece (if she can get some airtime) or someone who is not afraid to interfiere even if she gets hurt to get her protegee the win.

Now a guy that needs a manager? The Miz can pretty much put himself over well, same with Ziggler. Swagger comes to mind, Drew on Smackdown.

You know one that would be a crazy pair? Kane and Katie. I know it sounds crazy but hear me out, Katie would be a little like Lita when she came back from her leg injury and managed Kane before she betrayed him with Edge, remember how devious she was? she managed Kane like a puppet, I mean they where faces but during that time they where more like tweeners, now with Katie's dark look and her attitude don't you thing it can help Kane for one last run to Glory? Imagine Kane as World Champion with her as his Manager, that would make a pretty sick couple.

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