Heel-Face and vice versa.

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
I was just wonderin... does anybody here think that anytime soon any big faces or big heels are going to switch sides. I was thinking the other day back to when Edge was one of the most beloved superstars when he was with Hogan and Mysterio, and when Orton had his stint as a face when he fought Evolution, and then I thought about when Cena was a heel before he teamed with Team Angle at Survivor Series against Team Lesnar, and about HHH heel time as part of Evolution. So does anybody think any big heel-face changes are going to happen any time soon? If so please explain why, and if not please explain why not.
The way things are nowadays I don't know what to expect. Vince seems to think the fans have the attention span of a goldfish. Prime example would be Orton's "wife" appearing on Raw last week, like were we supposed to completely forget about Orton's one night stand with Kelly Kelly? LOL. Can somebody please tell me if Kane is supposed to be a heel or face?
The way things are nowadays I don't know what to expect. Vince seems to think the fans have the attention span of a goldfish. Prime example would be Orton's "wife" appearing on Raw last week, like were we supposed to completely forget about Orton's one night stand with Kelly Kelly? LOL. Can somebody please tell me if Kane is supposed to be a heel or face?

Heel, face, it doesn't matter. He's still gonna job.
This question also begs another. Who can pull off face or heel?
I think (and I know your all going to tear into this one on the $ issue) Cena should turn. WWE is so boring right now I think that one would really mess things up. Although you would have to switch a heel to face. Edge could do either. Orton needs to bee a heel at least at this point, hes not great as a face. Maybe Batista as a Goldberg like heel, just unbeatable for a while??? They need to mess things up a bit. I miss the big turns. Savage slapped Hogan, but I saw those eyes too. How about Hogan at Bash at the Beach 96, amazing. The Rock turns out to be with McMahon at SS 98. Stone Cold joins McMahon at WM 17, that one leaked pretty good on the internet though. Dusty Rhodes joining the nWo, say what you will about his age at the time. Watch the ppv the crowd went completely silent. An unexptected turn is something that the WWE needs soon. Also Kane does suck so who cares what he is. Kane is a Nails\bossman gimmic that has gone on 12 years too long!
Sometimes some wrestlers are face/heel so long its hard for them to go back, i remember the Rock's last stint as heel and he was total rubbish, Austin's heel stint with WCW invasion angle was rubbish as well. Some wrestlers gimmicks were born to be heel/face. Randy Orton born heel, Stone Cold born face, The Rock was heel and then turned face and was face for so long when he turned back he forgot how to be heel, Triple H is somewhat of an exception he can do both but i would prefer him heel. HBK is now a born face, as well as Mysterio. I think John Cena could be the next Triple H but they have to keep switching him over every couple of years
I agree... sometimes WWE just comes out of nowhere with some face and heel turns. Some are very successful, some pretty much cost them their jobs. You have some recent heel turns that were very successful, such as Cody Rhodes who really shows a better side of who he is, with his heel turn in mid-2008. I didn't think that Cody could make a believable heel, but he's apparently pretty good. Then you have some heel turns that weren't too good ideas, prime example... Colin Delaney. What the hell was WWE thinking turning Colin Delaney into a heel?

There are also some WWE superstars who continue to witch back and forth between heel and face, some examples are Chris Jericho, Big Show, and Kane. Jericho, In my opinion is a lot better as a face because he shows off a bit more of his athleticism, whereas, when he's a heel, he is more of a mat-based wrestler. Big Show has some face-turn thurns that didn't really need to happen, but he has trouble being successful, unless he continues to switch like this. Since Kane was forced to un-mask, it really hasn't mattered whether he was a heel or a face because either way, he isn't very consistent. I would prefer Kane as a face, but whether he is or not, he still continues to job and job and job... Why?

Now, there are certain people in the WWE whom they would be make huge mistakes by turning them heel now, such as John Cena, C.M. Punk, Rey Mysterio, and Triple H (in his current fued with Randy Orton). They are also some heels who cannot turn face now, most importantly, Randy Orton (in his current fued with HHH). So, I think that WWE needs to keep some WWE superstar's character fresh by those heel-face turns, but it all has to do with timing and how it will affect that particular wrestler in the long run.
It would be pretty interesting to see Cena turn heel now that he has reached the top as a face. It could be like when Rock turned heel after being face so long, it might not work. I'd like to see Edge to turn face though (Don't bash me!!). I just think he'd great as a face, still keep him pretty much the same, just have him go over other heels instead of faces, would be something different and would be great to see him fued against Vicki. I'd love to see Edge have to beat monster after monster that Vicki throws at him and then he eventually wins back a world title, CLEANLY. That, my friends would be a fucking GREAT moment!
How bout turning the undertaker into the old ministry undertaker? Have a new ministry... The fans would ride behind that if they challenged legacy... i would love that! Edge should go face, and feud with big show and vickie... Orton, always heel... Cena should try heel and see how it goes with the WWE... but wait until after the mania, as his movie just came out... Trips, i always saw him as a heel... i think he is a way better heel... HBK, i dont care for him at all... i could care less... maybe he should feud with Rey Rey.. i hate them both... I think Morrison should turn into a main eventer and be face... hes got the look... i think i covered everyone important... well, Kane... i would like him to join the undertakers new ministry... become the unbeatable monster he used to be... Maybe add edge and christian... just like old times....
Undertaker, Triple H, Kane, Edge..., these guys display characteristics which can make them turn at any moment. A good turn should make you go "What the #$@^ just happened?" Even Austin and Rock had characteristics that made them easy to go one way or the other. The men I named are all championship hungry, destroy-anything-that-gets-in-your-way, and no one is safe mentality. Even HBK still shows a selfish side.

Chris Jericho had a great turn but it didn't come out of nowhere. I do not normally throw a lot of praise at this person but the turn that I thought was the best done and I will always remember is Hulk Hogan. Nothing about Hulk Hogan's character said selfish jerk who would betray anyone. He was THE good guy. He was larger than life. But look at what Hollywood Hogan was; everything Hulk was not. Hollywood was a coward, needed an army, violent, malicious. Great.

The only person who can come close to pulling that kind of turn off is John Cena. He is the modern day Hogan: loyal, hard-working, appealing to the crowd, respectful. Nothing about his current character is frowned upon by our society. But right now is not the time. Right now, Cena is THE good guy and you have 2 heels on top of their game (although Orton's promo was a bit overdramatic tonight). When one of these guys start to lose their heat and someone else can carry the show as the next ultimate good-guy, then let Cena turn. Until then, let him draw money from the fans.
I dont think turning anyone face would get as big a reaction as turning someone heel......i mean when austin teamed wit mcmahon that shocked a lot of people.....i see cena could do the same team with the devil.....which right now is vickie but the way its going its not happen i liked the whole he was in love wit her that would of been good.....the next person is edge....i dont know how everyone cant see this so he can fight big show....i see him keeping his title, cleanly, then blowing off vickie....and i think its bout time he change face.

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