Heath Slater: The official Scapegoat for The Corre


Dark Match Jobber
I've noticed this as of recently. When The Rock and John Cena tried to outdue each other Heath and Barret picked up the hits but Barret got a Rock Bottom, Slater got an FU and a 5-Knuckle Shuffle (I beleive the People's Elbow) and In tag matches with Gabriel he is most always the one to get pinned, and most always is jobbing to Santino. But look at the rest of the Corre.

Wade Barett
He will go far, we know it, no point dwelling on it

Justin Gabriel
Excluding Wade Barett I am pretty sure he will go the farthest out of the Corre. Maybe one world title reign in the distant future but I can see him holding a mid card title

Ezekiel Jackson
He.... Well he could.... He had a..... ECW title reign was..... Umm.... I hear the Cobra is looking for more victims (Sad but true, he will most likely get stuck Jobbing)

This leave the One Man Rock Band

So heres a few Questions

Do you think Slater will make it on his own in the WWE?

Should he stay teamed with Gabriel after the Corre

Would you give him a different gimmick (Or one Period) in his singles career

Do you, or should he ever hold a title

Just want to know if anyone thinks of him more than someone to take a eatdown
Do you think Slater will make it on his own in the WWE?

Depends on what your definition of making it is. Could he be a world champion? Maybe someday, but I doubt it. He would be successful in the mid card scene.

Should he stay teamed with Gabriel after the Corre

I think he should stay as a tag team, either with Gabriel or someone else. it's a great way to get a decent push and it allows you to develop in the ring slowly and get some type of credibility. It worked with HBK, Edge and Christian, the Hardy Boyz, The Miz,etc.

Would you give him a different gimmick (Or one Period) in his singles career

I wouldn't change his gimmick. I would give him a chance to develop it a little more. He seems to be improving week after week so I think he will only get better.

Do you, or should he ever hold a title

I am assuming since he has held the tag titles twice already that you mean a singles title, in which case I would say yes. He's got charisma and that's a start everything else will come.
I've been one of (if not the biggest) supporter of Heath around these parts since his days on NXT. I'm a big fan of Slater and I think he has enough on his own to get by in the WWE. Now I don't see him as a world title kind of guy, but he can definitely move and shake around in the midcard and tag team division. Nothing wrong with that is there? Only issue I have with Slater (not really his fault) is the fact that they can't seem to stick with one finishing maneuver. The damn thing seems to change monthly. Other than that Slater I think is set. He is decent enough on the mic to get by and decent in the ring. He is also pretty unique and seems to get on the crowd's nerves (heat is heat is the way I look at it). I don't see huge things for Slater, but I can see a mid card title reign or two down the road.
Do I think Slater will make it on his own in the WWE?

Define "make it". If you mean be a world champion. Hell no. He's average but is safe and can sell well. If you mean have a long career and have a safe spot, then sure. Jobbers are surprisingly safe in WWE.

Should he stay teamed with Gabriel after the Corre

God no. Gabriel's gooe enough to go on his own. Given ring time he'll get over nicely.

Would you give him a different gimmick (Or one Period) in his singles career

He's not worth it.

Do you, or should he ever hold a title

Absolutely. Having someone who's occasionally jobber to the stars have a decent raign before dropping it to an up and comer is something that's always happened and it works. It also makes sure he's credible enough that beating him can still appear to be a challenge.
I personally think he's pretty boring and destined to be among the ranks of Superstars... he just doesn't seem to have anything that others around him don't, sure he's an all-rounder but he's just so remarkably mediocre in every aspect so nothing he does really stands out.
I've said this ever since the first episode of NXT. Slater will be a star because he has what it takes, good in the ring, good on the mic, the look of a future star. It's just a matter of finding the right gimmick for him. He would make a good arrogant heel and I could see him being something similar to Edge in the future. Then his promos would be more serious and seem less akward. I think he will do fine on his own, but might not ever make it to the world title scene. He should team with Gabriel some more if the Corre splits up, and then turn heel on Gabriel to set up his singles career. I would definitely change his character to a more serious and arrogant heel. That would be a great fit for him. He could be a midcard champ and there is always the small chance for a world title reign but that will never happen unless they give him a better character. Mark my words though, Slater will be a star. He could potentially make it further than anyone in the Corre other than Barrett.
Barrett took that People's Elbow.. I do think it is indicative of who they have faith in that group to let them put over other people. Heath and Wade are really the only guys in that group that are used to make other events look important. Heath because he is phenomenal at getting his ass kicked; Wade because since his debut he has always put over as someone everyone should know of.

I do think Heath has the best chances of a long career in the WWE. I know jobbing is something that is *bad* on the internet, but someone has to do it. They make sure that Wade is not jobbed in tag matches. They make sure that Gabriel shows off his cool moves. And they keep Zeke out of the ring.
Heath Slater is, in my opinion, one of the best sellers in the WWE. He makes you look good beating him, which is always a valuable asset. That's why he's getting this push that other NXT guys aren't. But he's too stiff on the mic to handle singles just yet. He may end up a longtime tag division guy with occasional midcard appearances.

Titles? transitional midcard title runs, maybe. Slater's the kind of guy you give just enough success to keep him credible so he can keep losing.
Do you think Slater will make it on his own in the WWE?
I undoubtfully think that Heath Slater will "make it" in the WWE. The reason being because back when Miz & Morrison were teaming I read all the message boards and everyone said Miz would be the Jannetty. WRONG! Legacy? Cody Rhodes is miles ahead of Dibiase right now, who called that? Now April 2011 It's everyone claiming Slater is mediocre at best while Gabriel is the star so why wouldn't the recent pattern continue here? I beleive that Heath Slater will "make it" in the WWE, he can talk on the mic enough to get by as someone said, and he is a worker. The sky is the limit for this kid, he just has to reach out and grab the brass ring and not wait for it like Dibiase seems to be doing while Cody Rhodes is taking that brass ring and running away with it.

Should he stay teamed with Gabriel after the Corre
For now yes, everyone needs time to develop Heath is no different. I think Gabriel and Slater should become a face team after the Corre breaks up, because honestly they don't look bad enough to pull of the heel persona. If it wasn't for them standing along side Barrett they would just screen FACE TAG TEAM. I say keep them together post-Corre and give them some tag title runs as faces. Give them some good programs which bounce back between RAW & SMACKDOWN! since the tag titles are unified.

Would you give him a different gimmick (Or one Period) in his singles career
I think they could really expand on the One Man Rock Band Gimmick, have him come out dressed all like a Rocker, and just use the charisma deep down inside of him. Have him play the air guitar onthe way to the ring and as a taunt mid-match it could easily get him over with the fans or heat from the fans depending on how he used it. I know the gimmick screams mid-card, but whatever least it is not future endeavored.

Do you, or should he ever hold a title
I say mid-card title for sure, but a World Title is a little iffy to call. If WWE gives him a chance to move upward then yes he has the potential to grab that brass ring and sprint away with it.
Do you think Slater will make it on his own in the WWE?
I think he'll be a jobber for a few years, and a good one. His selling is great and he's a solid, safe worker. I just don't see him getting a substantial push unfortunately, though I would enjoy that.

Should he stay teamed with Gabriel after the Corre?
I like their team and would enjoy them staying together. Eventually, when they break up, a feud would do well to start a babyface push for Gabriel.

Would you give him a different gimmick (Or one Period) in his singles career
I wouldn't do anything different with him, just more with the One Man Rock Band thing. Vignettes of him partying or singing for his band. Don't make him serious. No one wants or needs SRS Heath Slater. He's a Zack Ryder type to me.

Do you, or should he ever hold a title
I don't really care if he holds any singles titles, if he gets pushed and gets more interesting that could change my mind but as for now I just see him as a good guy to help get people over.
Ive been a Salter fan since NXT therefore I want him to do big things in the WWE. He has been an FCW champion so thats a plus. He is a great seller and I think if you let him him use the spear and maybe in a few months let Christian mentor him in a storyline the crowd will like him a lot more. They could have Slater asking Christian to take him under his wing cause they were paired up in NXT. They can be a face version of Miz/Riley.
What does one man rock band even mean? Nothing. It's even worse than Shamen of Sexy, but ignoring that, Slater looks an average sort of talent. He doesn't really stand out as being bad or good in any aspect of wrestling, but that needn't be a bad thing. Guys like D'Lo-Brown had perfectly good careers by being exactly that - functional. The problem with Slater is that he's getting bogged down in a fashion where he can't really make a niche for himself because he's obviously going to be the bitch in The Corre. He doesn't have the presence of Ezeikel Jackson or Wade Barrett, and lacks the flashiness of Gabriel. Gabriel is a natural face, and will probably break out of the group at some stage. I think how Slater is dealt with in that break up will define how his career goes. If he's a focal point, then the chances are he'll fall into a long term lower mid card role like Chris Masters or someone. If he's treated as a lamb to the slaughter, then he won't last very long without a serious relaunch of his character.

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