Heath Slater is the new Barry Horowitz.

Cena Is A Punk Rocker

Accidental spam artist
The jobber that can go. Heath Slater. I loved Barry Horowitz as a child. Such a pompous ass. Think about it. How many of your childhood heroes beat the hell out of Barry? Probably more than you can remember. I can totally see Slater going down this same path. And I don't think it's a bad thing.
Or to put it more accurately... The old new Barry H.

By this logic- that would make Damien Sandow the new Heath Slater.

You're... Welcome?

A lot of that going 'round, with Cody being the new Goldust and Rollins being the new fake Razor.
Heath Slater once beat Edge clean. Some time on RAW prior to the Summerslam match by count-out I believe. That's probably how he gets to sleep at night.
I still think Slater can be a big star in WWE if they would give him the chance. He reminds me a lot of Edge. I'm a big fan of the guy, have been since Nexus. I'd like to see him succeed and make it big.

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