Heath Slaiter - Top Heel?

Jackiz Kirey

Dark Match Winner
I noticed that a lot of people on this forum are trashing Heath Slaiter like they are trashing Michael Cole. They both generate a lot of heat and I can see why you guys trash these two. They are annoying. Heath Slaiter is easy to make fun of because he looks like the girl from Wendys. Michael Cole is easy to make fun of because he is really annoying when he reads the GM's messages. Heath Slaiter has a lot of potential like Michael Cole. He is probably the 2nd best in mic skills in The Corre, 1st being Wade Barrett, and he is probably the 2nd best in wrestling, 1st being Justin Gabriel.

Do you think Heath Slaiter is a top heel?

Why or why not?
I love the Ginger Ninja, but I don't see him being a top heel. I think Slater is a good tag team guy and on his own I think he will just be a mid card heel who could compete for the IC or US title.
Guys, this is what I am talking about. Heath Slaiter is a very good heel. He made all of you hate him, and most people on this forum don't actually hate people, they just say that they have potential. Heath Slaiter has the potential to be a top heel, look at all the heat he gets here and in the ring.
Guys, this is what I am talking about. Heath Slaiter is a very good heel. He made all of you hate him, and most people on this forum don't actually hate people, they just say that they have potential. Heath Slaiter has the potential to be a top heel, look at all the heat he gets here and in the ring.

There's a difference between being a good heel and just being an awful performer. If we followed your idiotic standards, X-Pac would've been WWE Champion.
There's a difference between being a good heel and just being an awful performer. If we followed your idiotic standards, X-Pac would've been WWE Champion.

I know there is a difference, but how is Heath Slaiter an awful performer but not a good heel? People hate him, thus he is a good heel. His wrestling skills are 2nd best in The Corre and his mic skills are 2nd best in The Corre. His southern accent is very good to generate heel just like Wade Barrett's accent is good for generating heat.
Two different kinds of heat.

The huge heat Cole gets when he gets on a mic. Good heat.
Or the utter silence and indifference Heath Slater gets when he's around. Bad heat.
I know there is a difference, but how is Heath Slaiter an awful performer but not a good heel? People hate him, thus he is a good heel. His wrestling skills are 2nd best in The Corre and his mic skills are 2nd best in The Corre. His southern accent is very good to generate heel just like Wade Barrett's accent is good for generating heat.
Man, do you stop and actually read this stuff? "I am the one man rock band". How the hell is that heat drawing material? It's down right laughable. Wade Barrett gets tremendous heat on the mic because he's dynamic. He knows his way around words in a way that not only draw the ire of the crowd, but also the attention. Just because people hate Health Slater, does not mean anything will come out of him. It's like when WWE actually turned Hollywood Nova into Simon Dean. The dude drew some serious heat. But it was because he was so damn stupid.
Two different kinds of heat.

The huge heat Cole gets when he gets on a mic. Good heat.
Or the utter silence and indifference Heath Slater gets when he's around. Bad heat.

Michael Cole drew heat primarily from his atrocious play-by-play. Loooong before the "And I Quote" stuff. I wouldn't consider getting booed for doing a poor job a good thing.
Slater draws heat because he's with Nexus. If he weren't allowed to ride the "heat-train" that Wade Barrett is steering, he would fall flat. If he had come in alone, I have a feeling he would have been fired by now. He's about as bad as they come on the mic, and he is terribly overrated in the ring, not to mention his awful look.
Slater's look and mic skills are so objectionable to most that he'd get more than enough heat if pushed alone.
lol no chance for reasons already stated. He is so freaking generic

His look is bland poorly toned and there are enough pasty wrestlers in the company as it already is. His facials often make him look like a dumb ass (he's often frowning or his mouth drips open as though it's been paralyzed). Oh and his GINGER crop of hair looks awful can you imagine him main eventing mania with that shit. He would be a laughing stock (he already is anyway), his rings skills are below par (sorry he does nothing for me). Nothing he does stands out, he does nothing that overly stands out and everything he does others do better. He finisher is the best of a bad bunch all though it's too similar to a much better heels finisher and that will likely catch on eventually and he will have to bin it. I doubt he has the creativity or talent to get a creditable new one.

As for his mic skills well urghhh they suck. Monotone? check, lack of expression/emotion (yeah it's the same thing)? check? lack of conviction? check among many other things. Tell me has the guy made one decent promo since he's been here?. The only thing i remember him by is Carlito spitting apple in his face (funny shit, youtube it!). He's also without that all important it factor and possesses a terrible ring name (although if Dolph zigger ME's ppvs...). Yeah i just see no pros to him being a top heel. Actually the guy flat out blows. He is just so ridiculously vapid and uninspiring, it's really that simple.
I love the Ginger Ninja, but I don't see him being a top heel. I think Slater is a good tag team guy and on his own I think he will just be a mid card heel who could compete for the IC or US title.

really? ic/us title?

geez standards are low these days
I feel that Heath will never be a top heel as he is too quite and just gets booed for being inside a heel stable. I personally would like to see him as a funny face as I feel he would be more receptive. Possibly a guber liked red headed Daniel Bryan/Santno. I feel that this is the only way he can truly get over with the crowd in a singles career.
Heath Slater is Awesome!! i LOVE him! i think he could be a Great top heel! i hate when people make fun of him! :( i think he is Perfect! he has soo much talent! I Love his accent btw ;) he gets alot of heat which is good for him just like you said, he is my 2nd Favorite heel, first being Justin Gabriel :D
Heath SLATER* is alright. I do not think he has the type of potential to be a TOP anything, besides possibly being a part of a solid tag team. He is okay in the ring and in my opinion, his mic skills are shit. He will always be a couple echelons down from the top guys in any company. As a tag team wrestler he stands a chance to make a relatively decent name for his self.

Or as even being a space filler, so to speak, in a faction or stable, such as The Corre.

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