HBK the heel

S prince

Occasional Pre-Show
Its been talked about numerous times, but after watching many old clips of him on youtube, I just think his time as a face has ran its course. He drew a lot of heat earlier this year with the JBL storyline, but I just find HBK to be cheesey now. Yeah, he plans on retiring some time in the near future, but a real heel turn I think would make for great television, and give some of the younger up and coming faces like a John Morrison type to challenge him. Maybe HBK becomes bitter that Morrison is younger, faster, better looking, etc.

Shawn Michaels got soooooo sooo much heat for the Raw in Montreal in 2005, granted it was Bret Hart country, it was great to watch. When they teased for Bret Hart to come out during that segment, it sends chills down my spine, even knowing that hes not coming out. Check the link out for yourself...the fans go crazy, once again granted its Bret Hart country, but I think he'd get the same reaction anywhere in the world. Shawn Michaels face is priceless when he hears Hart's music.

He drew a lot of heat earlier this year with the JBL storyline, but I just find HBK to be cheesey now.

Really? I'm sure he still got cheered through that storyline. If anything that feud is a reason why he definitely shouldn't turn heel.

Yeah, he plans on retiring some time in the near future, but a real heel turn I think would make for great television
What's the point in turning him heel just to turn him back to a babyface for his big retirement push?

give some of the younger up and coming faces like a John Morrison type to challenge him. Maybe HBK becomes bitter that Morrison is younger, faster, better looking, etc.

That feud would only have worked with Morrison as a heel. A morrison feud with HBK will not get him over as a face as a heel HBK would still got more cheers than him.

HBK is in the same mould as 'Taker now. Neither are going to win anymore titles, but both are in the top tier of talent on their shows. They are the "legends" who can give a rub to anyone they face. However, both are getting on so much they can't be used much anymore. They are best kept off tv until the big PPV's where they can be in a money drawing mid card feud.

Turning HBK heel would need him to be on TV more. His role should be coming out occasionally to shut heels up. He can work with Ted, Cody, Miz and Hardy to help put them over as heels. Nothing gets more heat than a sneak attack on HBK. He's doing fine as he is.
It wouldn't work, like with HHH, Taker, or Hogan fans have to much respect for what they have done in the past. Like at 18 when Hogan was heel. When HBK was a heel for a little while in 05 for his Hogan feud a lot of people still cheered him.
The WWE hasn't been making a lot of turns lately. Some of these runs have been a long time.

- Undertaker has been a face since mid 2002.
- HBK has been a face (with the exception of that month of being a heel in 2005) since mid 2002.
- Edge has been a heel since mid to late 2004.
- John Cena has been a face since late 2003.
- CM Punk has been a face since mid 2006.
- Randy Orton has been a heel since early 2005.
- Triple H has been a face since mid 2006.
- Batista has been a face since early 2005.
- JBL was a heel since early 2004.
- Jeff Hardy has never been a heel.
- Rey Mysterio has never been a heel.

The only main eventer to change "spots" so to speak has been Chris Jericho.
Nobody knows what's going on with Kane.

Plain and simple, it's been a long stretch. I guess this is a reason the WWE hasn't seemed fresh to a lot of people.
The WWE hasn't been making a lot of turns lately. Some of these runs have been a long time.

- Undertaker has been a face since mid 2002.
- HBK has been a face (with the exception of that month of being a heel in 2005) since mid 2002.
- Edge has been a heel since mid to late 2004.
- John Cena has been a face since late 2003.
- CM Punk has been a face since mid 2006.
- Randy Orton has been a heel since early 2005.
- Triple H has been a face since mid 2006.
- Batista has been a face since early 2005.
- JBL was a heel since early 2004.
- Jeff Hardy has never been a heel.
- Rey Mysterio has never been a heel.

The only main eventer to change "spots" so to speak has been Chris Jericho.
Nobody knows what's going on with Kane.

Plain and simple, it's been a long stretch. I guess this is a reason the WWE hasn't seemed fresh to a lot of people.

Jeff Hardy has totally been a heel with The New Brood. Granted that didn't last long but you are correct in that he's never been a heel as a singles competitor. I do believe that is partially the reason that the WWE seems stale to many people (including me) at a lot of points. I do believe that there should be a good creative turn sooner or later. I really do think we will get one too. On many posts I've thrown up, you can see that I've been predicting a CM Punk heel turn for a little while now because that would be the perfect way to build his character. It could almost be done in the same way that he was in ROH. The "straight-edge I am better than you because I'm straight-edge and everybody is inferior to me" could really work well in the WWE. It would be like... a more extreme over the top version of Kurt Angle in a way. Kurt's whole 3 I's was one of the best gimmicks I remember as far as a heel that didn't have to do a lot to get heat from the crowd. All he did was take the 3 I's that he could have applied to his Olympics training and persistance... and gimmick them up a little bit if you want to put it that way. Just over the top if you will... Punk could do much of the same thing. Call the people worthless because they're not straight-edge like he is and such.

HOWEVER... this is a thread about HBK and turning heel. I think that would be an amazing curveball from the WWE. The only thing going against the idea though is unfortunately a very big detail... HBK will be retiring within the next year or so. And for one of the original WWE Goldenboys as far as faces of the company goes... they won't turn him heel for such a short period of time. They also won't let him go out as a heel either. But I will admit that would be one of the greatest curveballs from the WWE. All those times Triple H screwed HBK, HBK could finally get his payback at a time when Triple H (and the fans) would least expect it. It would be an epic way for HBK to return after Mania. Then maybe they could somehow pull off a double-turn after a period of time through the same storyline, have HBK go back to face, Triple H make the heel turn, and have those 2 hook up at Mania for HBK's last match and have him beat the bejesus of of HHH.
Shawn Michaels as a heel just doesn't work. They tried it with the JBL storyline, and fans cheered him. Remember when they tried to do the same thing during the build-up to his Summerslam match with Hogan? People just cheered him. You simply can't turn HBK heel.
Shawn Michaels as a heel just doesn't work. They tried it with the JBL storyline, and fans cheered him. Remember when they tried to do the same thing during the build-up to his Summerslam match with Hogan? People just cheered him. You simply can't turn HBK heel.

No, they didn't try it with the JBL storyline. They tried to get the fans behind him, JBL was the Heel and Shawn was just a man trying to support his family.

No, the fans didn't cheer him during the build-up 2 summerslam, did you watch that video!? He betrayed Hogan! Why would people CHEER someone who screwed the Hulkster!?

HBK, IMO, is a better heel than a face. BUT, since he's retiring soon, the WWE most likely won't turn him heel, because Shawn will not retire as one. I doubt the WWE would let that happen.
No, they didn't try it with the JBL storyline. They tried to get the fans behind him, JBL was the Heel and Shawn was just a man trying to support his family.

No, the fans didn't cheer him during the build-up 2 summerslam, did you watch that video!? He betrayed Hogan! Why would people CHEER someone who screwed the Hulkster!?

HBK, IMO, is a better heel than a face. BUT, since he's retiring soon, the WWE most likely won't turn him heel, because Shawn will not retire as one. I doubt the WWE would let that happen.

I disagree, I think the point of the whole thing was to try to put him in a middle ground place, and let the fans decide if they should turn him heel. Obviously that fans want him to be a face. Had the fans turned on HBK, then he would have been more heel each week until it ended in a feud with Cena.
When HBK "retires" He will still be on occasionally; as he stated in the interview by either taking a few years off and then returning, or being on the show sporadically. I think its just what they need at this point in time.

Cena is getting booed more than ever and they won't turn him heel because he's the face for the kids. HHH will always be face, especially after this past storyline with Orton. The guys that are heels now are getting stale because they've been playing the same theme for the past few years. It would be nice to see someone like Edge flip because he's a talented guy and could pull it off. A double turn would be great at the next PPV that Shawn Michaels wrestles.

No one can play a better heel that HBK. He's just gotta do something dirty to a top fan favorite, start pulling heelish stunts, and start lashing at the fans. It would be great to see Shawn Michaels a'la 1993/94 or 1997/98. if he's hitting the gym over this break he's on he can get his physique back to tip top shape and go with the cocky attitude.
A Shawn Michaels heel turn. Now I know he was heel before, but I mean since he made his return in 2002. The guy is probably too old to turn now since one would think he will either be retiring next year or possibly the year after, but I really think WWE missed the boat on this one. There have been a few times when I really thought the time was right, and that he could really go back to the ******** heel that he once was.

After he faced Hulk Hogan was probably the most obvious time. Now, he played the heel in that feud, and he really was great at it. The night after his hilarious overselling at SummerSlam, he came out to open RAW and cut what I felt was one of the best heelish promos of the year. A great mix of sarcasm and just out and out dickishness, Michaels cut a great heel promo. Only problem was that he was meant to be cutting a face promo, which showed when Chris masters came out and interrupted him. Looking at that promo, he really could have taken off as a heel. Having bagged out Bret Hart in Canada, and Hulk Hogan in North America during the promo, he got some great heat. if only that was the beginning of a true heel run. Alas, it was not to be.

I know people will say, "Yeah, he got booed that night, but he probably would have got cheered when they went back to the US." Now, while this may he true, I think if WWE were to hold a whole month of RAW's in Canada, or at least around that area (places like Michigan would be acceptable), the heel turn could have been effective. That was the first time I think WWE missed out.

The second time is somewhat questionable, though I think it would have made for interesting viewing. Instead of uttering the words "I'm sorry... i love you," I think it would have been great if Michaels simply motioned that he was shooting Ric Flair in his final match, before nailing Sweet Chin Music. With the promos that had happened in the leadup to Mania, it would have really made HBK look like a dick. To consolidate his turn, he could have come out and bagged the shit through Flair at his farewell. Simple.

These are just two of the times I think that Michaels could have gone heel very well. If it weren't for his Christian 'beliefs', maybe he would have. The question is - did you ever want to see Michaels turn heel in his run since 02? And if so, when?
I think Shawn would be great as a heel. Look back at when he went to face Hogan at Summerslam. He was such a prick to Hogan in his promos. His heel look is even great too. He has that cocky smile too. It's true that he's been a face for quite some time. A heel run would be something he needs to keep him interesting to watch. To me he has been quite boring lately. So he needs something to spice him up. Sure he gets a lot of heel heat in Canada, but that's always expected when he's there. He needs a heel run like that all over. I believe Raw would get at least SOME better ratings if Shawn was a heel. Every little bit counts.

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