HBK/Rated RKO handicap finish

Yeah right. It doesn't matter if you're a performer. He's already given enough titles to smaller guys. The face of wrestling has changed everywhere but wwe. Austin Aries, AJ Styes, Christian, etc. Smaller guys who can "go" are the rave. Vince goes with freaks of nature like Khali, and the Russian dude. CM Punk will not get what many people feels he deserves. I hate to burst your bubbles, but chances are you'll never see more than a mid-level title on his waist...just facts. Vince spits at a cult following-(RVD when he first came to WWE, Matt Hardy's return) so why would that change with CM Punk?
Have a feeling it may change with Punk cos TNA is making slow but steady progress. Vince can ignore whatever he likes when there's no competition, but surely even he has to pay some attention to the fans when there is somewhere else credible to go for your 'sports entertainment'.
Now maybe I'm being a little naive, but with all the talk on here lately of what's going to happen to DX/who's the 3rd member going to be (if there is one)/etc..., did anyone REALLY see HBK winning on his own and then taking out Rated RKO on his own, without any outside help? (I know it was a DQ, but still gets called a win)

Given how predictable this feud has become, it surprised me at least (but then again, maybe I'm missing something.....)

Any comments?

Predictable is the word in there for me. I 100% agree. The fued is totally Predictable and its getting slightly boring
Yeah, as I said the feud had become predicatble, but I do think you're in the minority by saying (in your thread about raw) that you could see the ending coming on monday. I still think that the majority of people were expecting to see a 3rd member run out to make the save.
I don't know how everyone figure out that s\Shawn was going to beat up both of RKO, but props to you all. I never saw it comming. I think WWE is aboutto spice up and fast. They was a dry spell but they are comming out.

I think that DX is going to have a third member just not now. You have to build HBK back up to a dominant leadership status. Or maybe they make Edge and Orton fued which may be good. Let watch and see what will happen next.
They didn't really see it coming my guess is Orton and Edge fanboyism!

I didn't see it coming and hell i've been predicting the whole show for months. only 3 things i got wrong.

The Edge v Cena match in Toronto.

The ending between DX and Rated RKO the first time.

and the dx vs rated rko at NYR.. We know why, lol otherwise i'd have probably been right there too.

YOU couldnt see it coming. HBK has been jobbing to tosspots like hogan for ages.,
I personally think that Rated RKO and DX should both end so there are more REAL contenders for the WWE Title on Raw. Another HHH/HBK feud would be good to see, and Cena vs. Orton would be a kick ass match. I want WWE to have more stables, but I don't want the main eventers to be in them together. It limits the competition.

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