HBK/Rated RKO handicap finish


Dark Match Jobber
Now maybe I'm being a little naive, but with all the talk on here lately of what's going to happen to DX/who's the 3rd member going to be (if there is one)/etc..., did anyone REALLY see HBK winning on his own and then taking out Rated RKO on his own, without any outside help? (I know it was a DQ, but still gets called a win)

Given how predictable this feud has become, it surprised me at least (but then again, maybe I'm missing something.....)

Any comments?
def surprised me, I honestly didnt even consider it, but I love the ending....
I loved the ending too....i was waiting at the end of the match to hear the DX music hit and a 3rd member come to help out HBK.
I was really shocked that Vince didnt add a new member to the group. I would have bet that he would, so the fact that it didnt happen really surprised me. Now my question is, now that HBK has proved that he can beat them by himself does that mean that DX never gets another member and only HBK carries the name until HHH comes back or do we get shocked later on when someone joins? They could have that Rodimer guy I have been hearing about join Rated RKO and then HBK would be forced to get another member. Thoughts?
Oh now that's good, that really is good. Quite a few of the rumours have suggested that Rodimer would team with Rated RKO (stephanie pushing for that if I remember right?). IF that was the idea, could they simply be carrying on with that and last night's finish was a way of giving themselves a bit more time to decide who to team with HBK?

I repeat, that is really good.....
i doubt they will add another member to the rated rko group...highly doubtfull..perhaps to dx..but last night showed shawn still has what we saw in the old days...and he can carry the name regardless of whose gone or not
Thanks Stevie. I mean it just makes sense, Stephanie has really been trying to get this Rodimer guy in Rated RKO, and the storyline that they could use is that they needed a little more muscle to finish off DX and the debut of Rodimer happens. Then when the 3 of them are about to finish off HBK, "Are You Ready?" and out comes the new member of DX. I know that people think that DX should just end already but the fact of the matter is its like the thing with Cena. (People wanting him to go heel) As long as the merchandise is being sold then WWE will keep up the gimmick, and believe you me that DX is selling some merchandise. All you see in the arenas are green signs and shirts and all that. So I dont think DX is going anywhere.
we have to remember the rodimer idea was around BEFORE hhh got injured..now that he is injured this could have changed things up a bit...to add another man to a stable taht is already destroying others would b a bit odd..but i wouldnt mind seein it happen as long as dx was balanced out as well
Raw Sucked Last Night. At Least The Ending Did!

What are you talking about? How did the ending suck? You didnt give any reasons as to why you thought that. That ending was one of the better ones that RAW has had in a while. HBK is one of the greatest performers of all time and watching him and seeing that he still has "it" was great. There are even talks of having HBK vs Cena for the title at WM.
Wordisborn, you're right. If the merchandise sells, the gimmick stays. Seen it time and again (mind you, as a self confessed DX mark, I ain't gonna complain!)

Erkbono, I think that was my point - the idea was around before. HHH's injury has (presumably) screwed whatever immediate plans WWE had for the feud, but what I'm saying is, if the rumour was true, could they be staying with that idea and just tweaking it a bit?

Finally I know I'm new here and so don't want to upset people, but am I the only one who gets fed up with comments like from titans1 which aren't explained - the ones that look like they're written just t cause an arguement?
That actually wasn't a mad ending. I have to agree, seing that match has reminded me of how good of a performer HBK is. If he were to bring that A game all the time he should be the one to headline wrestlemania and finally over throw the over rated champ.
well say HBK does face cena, wins the title, HHH comes back....do you honestly think HHH will play second fiddle to anyone, he even said last night he wanted to come back and win the title again, so if HBK wins at wrestlemania all you anti DX people get ur wish presumably.
If i remember correctly the whole DX thing was started because vince wouldnt giv HHH a title shot
I thought The ending for Raw was good as now it's basically a level playing field in the D-X and Team Rated RKO saga

Is Micheals going to finish of Edge next week and finish off TEAM Rated RKO? Tune in Next Week!!
I think that it was the beginning of the downfall of Rated RKO. 1. Edge speared Randy Orton and 2. Left him for dead when Shawn hit the con-chair-to. My thoughts are the final 2 in the rumble will be Edge and Randy Orton and one of those 2 (hopefully Randy Orton) will win the rumble. As for DX it would be awesome to see another member (or 2) join DX. As I can recall Jesse James and Kip James (Billy Gunn) just left TNA about a month and a half back and X Pac was with them in the ring at a house show a few weeks back. CM Punk would be awesome in DX however its highly unlikely. Only time will tell.
As I can recall Jesse James and Kip James (Billy Gunn) just left TNA about a month and a half back a

Where do people come up with this stuff? VKM was at final resolution sunday and havent left tna.

I thought the finish sucked. Not that hbk didnt show how good of a performer he can be but because i want to see dx end. DX just isnt what it was back in the day.They both got older and hbk also got religious.Compare the antics of dx today to the dx of 97.Its a night and day difference.and i don't just mean memberwise.
Let the past go man. The Hart Foundation of the attiude era wasn't the same as the one of the 80's. When Hogan and Machoman teamed up in WCW they were different Mega Powers than in WWE. When the Rock came back and Mick foely teamed up they were th Rock and Sock connection even though it has been a minute since Mick used a sock. Whenever people seperate and get older, things change. Yet HBK and HHH were DX and even if they did not go under the moniker DX, they would still be consider DX because they were the foundation of DX. If Orton and Batista teamed up you don't think Evolution would be used.

Great ending last night. HBK overcomming the odds again. I think that an Edge Orton fued will come out of this giving HBK the time off he needs by Febuary or March
I personally dont think that HBK is going to get time off anytime soon. With HHH gone WWE needs him there to give the great matches that he can give. There are serious talks of having Cena vs HBK for the strap at WM23. I think that HBK is going to get the strap and hold on to it until HHH gets back. Then he will lose it to most likely Edge since they like having him as a transitional champ anyway and HHH will beat edge for the title.
Why in the hell build rated rko up as the top heel stable only to have one man dismantle them. HHH already beat them on his own, now hbk beat them on his own. Seems like all they're good for is kickin the shit outta Flair, Duggan, and flair again. They aren't credible heels anymore. Khali squashing a champion rey, and now carlito, Umaga beaten clean in his first title match, Masterlock broken time and time again (screw what he says), cm punk beaten clean by holly, all the work they've been doing to build people up is going to hell in the span of a few weeks. The ending sucked ass through a straw because a 40 year old man can beat the shit outta two, count em, two young studs in/near their prime. What's the point? And not even at a ppv!
I think that HBK is going to get the strap and hold on to it until HHH gets back. Then he will lose it to most likely Edge since they like having him as a transitional champ anyway and HHH will beat edge for the title.

I thought HBK was coming back to help put over the new guys. I blame the vets for wwe not having anyone besides cena/batitsa who can be seen as credible champs on raw/sd. Thanx hbk/taker.
Why in the hell build rated rko up as the top heel stable only to have one man dismantle them. HHH already beat them on his own, now hbk beat them on his own. Seems like all they're good for is kickin the shit outta Flair, Duggan, and flair again. They aren't credible heels anymore. Khali squashing a champion rey, and now carlito, Umaga beaten clean in his first title match, Masterlock broken time and time again (screw what he says), cm punk beaten clean by holly, all the work they've been doing to build people up is going to hell in the span of a few weeks. The ending sucked ass through a straw because a 40 year old man can beat the shit outta two, count em, two young studs in/near their prime. What's the point? And not even at a ppv!

It's build up.
I recall back in the day when when two superstars would fued for months, the heel would win most of the time on TV, only to be beaten on the PPV as the 'hero' face celebrates in his glory. Take the Flair vs Kenny fued, great back and forth exchanging of wins. It's building up for a PPV.

I loved the ending of Raw; I much like everyone was expecting 1 of 2 things. 1. A new member of DX or 2. HBK getting destroyed.... The ending, was built up, RKO was destoying everyone, HBK had the odds against him and they had him defy the odds so to speak, and futher the fued... despite beating them HBK is helping the younger guys get over as heels.
Why in the hell build rated rko up as the top heel stable only to have one man dismantle them. HHH already beat them on his own, now hbk beat them on his own. Seems like all they're good for is kickin the shit outta Flair, Duggan, and flair again. They aren't credible heels anymore. Khali squashing a champion rey, and now carlito, Umaga beaten clean in his first title match, Masterlock broken time and time again (screw what he says), cm punk beaten clean by holly, all the work they've been doing to build people up is going to hell in the span of a few weeks. The ending sucked ass through a straw because a 40 year old man can beat the shit outta two, count em, two young studs in/near their prime. What's the point? And not even at a ppv!

Shawn Michaels was beaten clean by Bret Hart in his first title match back in 1992. How bout seing where this trump and Carlito things goes before casting your stones. This may be the Wrestlemania match where trumps manages carlito and vince manages Khalil. Fans wanted a Carlito storyline and he has one with celebrity. Goldberg win streak had to end, Tatanka streak had to end,People get beat. See what the storyline is.
Shawn Michaels was beaten clean by Bret Hart in his first title match back in 1992. How bout seing where this trump and Carlito things goes before casting your stones. This may be the Wrestlemania match where trumps manages carlito and vince manages Khalil. Fans wanted a Carlito storyline and he has one with celebrity. Goldberg win streak had to end, Tatanka streak had to end,People get beat. See what the storyline is.

Y'know what, I can dig that, but Punk lost rather unceremoniously to a career midcarder. This is at a time when ECW really needs some faces for its show. The only one with any kind of push is Test. I guess they could build the Carlito thing, but maybe I'm just down on Khali. I'd rather not see Trump involved. Historically, I don't really feel having celebs involved in storylines. It only worked with Tyson and LT. Maybe there's somebody I missed who was a celeb and it worked. (Rodman, Malone, Arquette?)
Y'know what, I can dig that, but Punk lost rather unceremoniously to a career midcarder. This is at a time when ECW really needs some faces for its show. The only one with any kind of push is Test. I guess they could build the Carlito thing, but maybe I'm just down on Khali. I'd rather not see Trump involved. Historically, I don't really feel having celebs involved in storylines. It only worked with Tyson and LT. Maybe there's somebody I missed who was a celeb and it worked. (Rodman, Malone, Arquette?)

Actually I should of edited out CM Punk, because he is just being dogged because he disagree with the creative staff. He is being done wrong and I hope Vince rectifys the situation before CM punk is in TNA

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