HBK and Kennedy as a team?


GLaD I'm not you...
Could it work? I think so. From watching on Raw these two team up I got to thinking. Mabey teaming with some one like HBK would be good for Kennedy. It's almost like what Holly is doing for Codey, except Kennedy has some experience. We all know that Kennedy had really fallen off his high horse due to the whole steroid thing, but mabey teaming with HBK would not be a bad thing. The two seem to have a decent program going against eachother, and I think it'd be really interesting to see them forced to work with eachother, even in a Rumble qualifying match or something. Thoughts?
That could of happened, expect Kennedy attacked HBK after the match.

Plus Kennedy doesn't look up to anyone, it doesn't fit with his gimmick as the cocky young mouthpiece who hates anyone old.

I think making people who are feuding team up is a great idea sometimes, i don't think it will work this time. Also it's usally better when you have a Face and a Face who are feuding team up to see who will turn (See HBK + Cena)

But still if you think it could work, pleaseeee argue with me :D
I know at this point it'd be hard for them to do it, but I really do think that Kennedy needs to not nessesarly have someone to look up to, but to continue working with someone who can help him get back to the calibure he once was. Teaming with HBK, I think anyways, would give Kennedy some time to watch and learn from HBK, I guess kind of similar to what Benoit was going to do for the guys at ECW.
Definately. The two are amazing wrestlers, and although he's also learning a lot of Shawn with the feud, the team up seems a good idea. Together I think this would be really good for Kennedy. The only thing I'm worried about is this ending up the same as the Cena Michaels team during their feud. Everyone was just waiting to see when Shawnw ould turn on him, Cena being oblivious bored me.
Right now it may be hard for them to work this into the angle. Hmm, maybe a face turn for Kennedy after helping Shawn out of a sticky situation?
I know that Kennedy's character has a massive ego, but take a look at HBK's back when he was gettin his start. Pretty much same attitude I think. I could totally see HBK trying to get Kennedy to respect him and on the same page get respect for Kennedy. There are ways WWE could make these guys tag up if they choose to do so. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I still think that it would really benifit Kennedy in at least the short term. HBK-aholic I agree with you that they'd probably end it the same way they did with Cena and HBK...
A face turn for Ken? Hmm maybe, but not now imo. How about a tweener turn lol, Kennedy runs in to help Shawn out of some sticky situation, but only on the pretext that "Shawn Michaels is MY target" or something like that.
i think you got a point there. it would defently help kennedy in some ways , like in his future but now it would look bad like he doesn't like any one except the young and talented. but i would liek to see these two team up
Kennedy is the next break through star in WWE. I personally think he needs a manager or a stable behind him for him to take the next level.. Honnestly i wouldnt mind seeing Estrada move back to raw and rejoin forces with Umaga and also gain the services of Mr Kennedy and Kennedy go for a Title run and have Umaga as he's enforcer with Estrada helping with the Mic work
They would make an awkward tag team. It COULD work. Kennedy and Michaels team up for a while, and then Kennedy turn on Michaels so he knows how it feels. But i don't think it would be good for Kennedy's career to much. Having him seem like a face even for a little while doesn't go with his gimmick. Keep the feud with Michaels going a little longer.

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