Have You Seen This Wrestler?: Jethro Holliday

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Seriously? What happened to him? At Hard Justice, he got his ass handed to him by Abyss, but then proceeded to turn face, laying out Dr. Stevie after the match. Since then...Nothing.

Dr. Stevie has been on TV almost weekly. He even made a brief appearance at the PPV last night. With Holliday turning face, wouldn't it have made sense to have him appear on at least one Impact, and brawl with Richards? I never saw an explanation for him not getting TV time.
I think Mick Foley said it best... don't you sully the good name of Jethro Holliday in my presence. AKA my sig. I don't know what they are doing with him, maybe he is appearing in dark matches or house shows. We haven't seen or heard about Shark Boy either. I guess they didn't have Holliday feud with Richards because it would take away from the Abyss feud.

Maybe they just don't have anything for him. Holliday to me seems better suited for tag team competition. I checked and he is still on the roster. Maybe its just a matter of time before Holliday is gone too. Senshi went to WWE 3 years ago and we still haven't seen him. Its like the earth just opens up and swallows them.
He really is quite awful and not really useful at all. The Abyss match was just a random filler, and I think his "face turn" was just used to a get a pop for the crowd at the PPV. Nothing more behind it, just something to do. He hasn't been seen because there's really no point.

Either that, or TNA's just forogot that they have him, which is a possiblity. He hasn't been involved in any storylines at all in TNA and has been underwhelming in everything he's done, so I wouldn't blame them. I don't really care where he is, maybe out herding cows or something.
He really is quite awful and not really useful at all. The Abyss match was just a random filler, and I think his "face turn" was just used to a get a pop for the crowd at the PPV.

I'm not saying he's a great wrestler, or that he shoyuld be gunning for titles, but I liked the face turn, and am a pretty big Stevie fan, so I was interested in seeing what would happen. He can work a decent midcard match, as long as he's not in the title picture. There's no need for him to be near a title, and he's really not fit for the X Division anyway.
I'm not saying he's a great wrestler, or that he shoyuld be gunning for titles, but I liked the face turn, and am a pretty big Stevie fan, so I was interested in seeing what would happen. He can work a decent midcard match, as long as he's not in the title picture. There's no need for him to be near a title, and he's really not fit for the X Division anyway.

He never really was in a rivalry or any sort of program with Stevie. He just accepted the Bounty Challenge or whatever like 3 days before the PPV, for no reason whatsoever. Then, Stevie has a bounty match, but it's on Impact, not on PPV, and he gets squashed by Abyss. Makes absolutely no sense at all. I just don't understand it.

If Jethro had to be used, maybe he could hang out with Beer Money. He is a hick, just like them, and could be rather funny, for a hick. It'd be worth it.
If Jethro had to be used, maybe he could hang out with Beer Money. He is a hick, just like them, and could be rather funny, for a hick. It'd be worth it.

No. Beer Money are one of the best tag teams in wrestling right now, and there's no need to add a 3rd person, even as a manager. They work fine as they are.

If they wanted to put Holliday in a tag team, then he'd be a good fit with someone like Shark Boy (if he was still using the Stone Cold knock-off gimmick). Sure, it's a comedy team, but in today's TNA, that's instant TV time. They'd job to guys like Booker/Steiner and the Dudleys, but at least they'd be entertaining, and used effectively.

RVD won over Joe E. Legend to become the new WSW Champion, on September 11th and retained his new Belt on September 12th with a win over Lance Cade. Lance Cade d. Trevor Murdock to become the #1 Contender for the WSW World Title on September 11th

There we have our missing man, he lsot to Lance Cade in a WSW show in Portugal, whether he's still on the TNA roster or not, I'm not sure. However when I've caught him wrestling recently he has looked damn terrible.
No. Beer Money are one of the best tag teams in wrestling right now, and there's no need to add a 3rd person, even as a manager. They work fine as they are.

If they wanted to put Holliday in a tag team, then he'd be a good fit with someone like Shark Boy (if he was still using the Stone Cold knock-off gimmick). Sure, it's a comedy team, but in today's TNA, that's instant TV time. They'd job to guys like Booker/Steiner and the Dudleys, but at least they'd be entertaining, and used effectively.

I wish there was time for good comedy characters in TNA right now (how I miss you Curry Man), but all of the "comedy" time is being taken up by Deaner at the moment, and you see how that's going. TNA is trying kinda serious now, especially with their big PPV coming up.

They aren't going to have a bunch of comedy gimmicks going at once. A Jethro/Shark Boy team would be better than a lot of stuff we see, but they'd have to get rid of The Deaner first, preferablly by shipping him to Scottsdale.
according to some early spoilers he will be in action this week on impact so there you go. The thing with TNA doing their tv tapings together is if you miss a set your off tv for a whole month, so it feels like they are gone for a while.
I quite liked Cade & Murdoch as a team in the WWE.

They weren't my favourites but I did like them.

I always though that Jethro Holiday was a stupid name, and didn't really enjoy watching him without Cade.

I think that TNA should hire Cade as well.

It would give them both something to do, and it would be another Tag Team to throw in to the mix.
I heard Cade and Murdoch wanted to pursue singles careers but look nothing has has happened since they left WWE. They should go back to being a team. They had good chemistry in the ring and out. Is there a problem with teams wanting to stay together. It's like 2 or 3 title reigns and poof done, don't wanna do it anymore. They should get back together. They were good and a legit force in the ring together.

As for Jethro Holliday...ugh really?!? How dumb can you be? Wait...this is TNA for the love of God nevermind!
How about Jethro Holliday and Cody Deaner teaming up? Now that would be comedy gold. :lol:

I have to second this notion as those two would make a good pair. Both are perceived as White Trash. It would give each of them something to do, assuming Deaner is done his feud with ODB.
What happened to him? My guess would be his worthlessness has been noticed. He's generic as hell and just ok at best in the ring. What is the appeal of someone like this? OOO he's a cowboy. Wait, no, he's an OUTLAW. That instantly makes him a great heel right? He's there because of his former job and brings nothing new to the table at all. He's likely going to be released soon, as he's just taking up a roster spot and a paycheck for doing nothing at all.
Klunderbunker is absolutely right in that we'll see him getting his walking papers soon. but he's not completely worthless, i mean someone has to get squashed in matches here and there. Is he amazing in the ring? no, but he's no worse than some of the other wrestlers in tna. He doesn't have much purpose but to job and anyone can do that job so he'll be fired as soon as some money saving needs to happen.
So yeah...Found him...

His match with Bobby Lashley is just about to start, and I'm guessing it'll be over by the time I'm done with this post. I knew he'd be a jobber, and not really do much of anything, but the character is good enough to throw on TV to put people over. Eric Young was talent enhancement once too, ya know...
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