Have You Ever Committed Social Plagiarism?

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I originally found out about this phrase on urbandictionary.com, but, I don't agree with the exact definition there, so I'm making my own here. Simply put, social plagiarism is the act of passing another's story or feat off as your own.

So, for example, if I found IrishCanadian25's boasts of drinking at least three nights a week impressive, and I went ahead and boasted to my co-workers about how I drink three nights a week without actually doing so, this would be social plagiarism.

Another example would be me telling you that I got a blowjob last night, and that, while I was getting off, I accidentally shot in the girl's eye and her contact fell out. As this never happened to me and this is the only thing I remember about the movie Go, I would be committing social plagiarism in this instance as well.

So, have you ever committed social plagiarism?
All the time. I don't lead a particularly exciting life.

Actually, I lie. I just straight up make stuff up. At least I'm not unoriginal.
Does all of us sleeping wiht same girl count? I mean, it was someone else's story, then it bacame mine, and a few more of our friends' as well. Is that plagiarism or just kinda sick?
No, but I have a lot of dull arse stories that start "when my friend/girlfriend/brother went....", so perhaps I should start.
Nope. The only times I ever lie is when I'm trying to spare someone's feelings or if I promised to keep a secret for someone (and it isn't detrimental, obviously). I think its pathetic to pass off a story as your own when it isn't. I'll even go out of my way to say "This comedian, (insert name), said...." instead of just using a comedian's joke and trying to pass it off as my own.

This one dude in an oral communications class I had did this whole section of Daniel Tosh's "Comedy Central Presents" act and tried to pass it off as himself just being funny on a whim. So I called him out on it and made him look like jackass.

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