Have we been spoiled?


Getting Noticed By Management
I was talking to a friend of mine who also watches wwe normally as do I and he brought something up that really made me think and wanted to run it by you guys... Have we been spoiled as of late with the fact that a top guy should get either just cheered. It just seems that 2005-2011 people where just like ok maybe this is how a top guy really should be mixed reaction similar to how cena would get, people just kind of gave up on the whole entire crowd getting on their feet for one guy that made that made them excited. Then we would have the rise of punk and bryan and their crowd reactions where just pure cheer not like the 50/50 similar to cena. The reason I am asking this is because when people where talking about reigns or anyone and talking about crowd reactions and if they mean anything toward a reaction. Should we be and have the mentality that a top guy/face should only get cheered or is it truly ok to have the reaction cena and many other get with the 50/50 reaction
Top guy in late 1997 to mid 1998 was a heel Shawn Micheals.

No-one was even close to his level at the time (bar Bret, which was of course in the midst or Survivor Series in Montreal), and he was comfortably the top guy in WWF, with MASSIVE heat (especially after Montreal).

The top guy, is the top guy, regardless of crowd reaction. If you judge purely off crowd reaction then at the moment the "top guys" are Ziggler and Ambrose. In REALITY it's Lesnar, and probably have to count Cena. Then a big jump down to the Orton, Reigns, Jericho, Rollins level.
I was talking to a friend of mine who also watches wwe normally as do I and he brought something up that really made me think and wanted to run it by you guys... Have we been spoiled as of late with the fact that a top guy should get either just cheered. It just seems that 2005-2011 people where just like ok maybe this is how a top guy really should be mixed reaction similar to how cena would get, people just kind of gave up on the whole entire crowd getting on their feet for one guy that made that made them excited. Then we would have the rise of punk and bryan and their crowd reactions where just pure cheer not like the 50/50 similar to cena. The reason I am asking this is because when people where talking about reigns or anyone and talking about crowd reactions and if they mean anything toward a reaction. Should we be and have the mentality that a top guy/face should only get cheered or is it truly ok to have the reaction cena and many other get with the 50/50 reaction

It's like I just said on another thread. Fans should be able to boo and cheer for whomever they please, and not worry about how other people think.

It's fine to boo Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Jericho and any number of other wrestlers. If you don't find them to your taste then hell do what you want, Cena however, seems to be the exception to the rule. You can sit there all day and boo everyone else, but Jesus don't boo Cena. The guy works hard and does all this charity work and God knows what else.

I declare shenanigans on it. Every wrestler, or most, go out there on a daily basis and work hard, most do charity work, they just don't put it out there like others do. I've met a couple of them and believe it or not they are all nice guys. Cena isn't cornering the market on being nice, working hard or fulfilling wishes, but he is the one who seems to be above the rules.

I truly believe that any wrestler getting any reaction, whether it's positive or negative is better than getting nothing at all from a live crowd. I've been to a couple of Live events recently, and take Rusev for example, the crowd is dead for him. Lana gets heat, he gets none, the crowd at both events just didn't care for him. Kind of made you feel sorry for him in a way. If I was John Cena, I would take the cheers and the boos, rather than a dead silence. If people are reacting then it means they notice I'm there.
It's not "us" who have been spoiled but WWE itself by believing we will cheer for who they tell us because "they're such great marketeers". The era for that has long gone.

Bray Wyatt is the classic example right now of someone who has gotten over as a "face" when the WWE absolutely don't want him to. They're not even smart enough to use the "cult" comparison that Bray is "adding to the Family" every week with every "firefly", they just put the breaks on his push and try to "force us" to go with Reigns. The same will happen with Ambrose in the coming weeks. Vince is, sadly that arrogant.

Bray doesn't sell lunchboxes like Cena or Reigns will, Ambrose could but he's far more likely to tip coke into them and cuss the parents out... Vince doesn't want organic pushes... he doesn't want guys to find their niche and get over on their own... he wants to be responsible so he can use the "I made you" argument... he showed that with the obscene amount of time it took to push Bryan. It could/should have just been done at Summerslam, but even for months it seemed "I know better than you fans, you will have Dave and you will like it..."

So no, I don't think we are spoiled at all.. if anything only NOW are we building up to some more guys "breaking through in spite of Vince" rather than with his help.
I hate that saying any reaction is a good thing.. The way I see it is there are 3 ways the fans should act toward you.. Cheer, boo, get out off our screen. If a face can't get a baby face reaction or a heel can't get a heel reaction than my opinion is that they failed their job. But that is beside the point... I think we might have gotten a little spoiled by the fact that sometimes we believe someone should either act heel and get booed or act face and get cheered

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