Have the WWE creative lost it?


Championship Contender
Batista, like him or hate him, is a known and tried main-eventer. It cannot be said that he's as great a wrestler as Kurt Angle, but he's not that bad either.
Friday night on Smackdown we saw his clear evolution into a heel who should and must rightfully defecate on abominable Bryan fans and haters who despise Batista for having a spot in the main event at WM XXX(Regardless of his 4 yr absence, he deserves that spot) and defecate he did! In an amazing contest he beat Dolph Ziggler authoritatively and his promo on SD was the first time it felt like Dave is really back!

Now, this match did not end Smackdown. A wonderful match involving Dolph Ziggler and one half of WM championship main event did not end SD! But week after week, a tiny little goof named Daniel Bryan did end SD and if the WWE creative think they're doing Bryan fans a favour by ending shows with him as the victor, how is it logical that him and an overrated bunch Usos should face and beat a tag-team consisting of washed-up bums such as old-aged New age Outlaws and that washed-up corporate doofus Kane?
What's the last time Road Dogg and Billy Gunn were relevant in mainstream wrestling? That's right- 2000. And Kane? He's not the antagonist to Bryan leading into WM, he isn't a monster right now but a corporate idiot.

Another interesting fact- Road Dogg is 6'3, Billy Gunn is 6'4 and Kane is well, 6'10-11. And the other team are all under 6 ft. If you want a babyface little-men team to win a 6-man tag that's fine , but to end Smackdown with that when clearly the championship main-eventers should be doing that is a fallacy. That's like Paul London and Brian Kendrick(that's what Usos are, Samoan versions of Brian and London) ending SD in 2006 beating some heel tag team instead of Batista/King Booker/Lashley.

Batista has just returned and his return was underwhelming, fine. But to not bank on an opportunity to assert him as the dominant heel and end SD, if not Raw is illogical and instead a tiny little pipsqueak has been winning 6-man tags day in and day out. 5 of those 6 men play no major role as WM shapes, and 3(Outlaws and Kane) shouldn't even be in television main-events anymore.
Why? Even terrible "big" wrestlers like Mark Henry and Big Show weekly ended Smackdown when they were involved in the WHC picture . Why can't Batista, a very entertaining heel and Dolph Ziggler, a superior performer to Usos, Kane and Outlaws combined ?
Baista is high on HHH's friend list, HHH is pretty much in control of creative, go figure.

Personally I think Bore-Tista is a fat Goldberg wannabe who is only getting pushed to the moon because he's fat, has no mic skills and does 2 moves, and as mentioned he's one of HHH's best friends so he automatically gets pushed to the moon.

Tiny little pipsqueak? You are an idiot, that "tiny little pipsqueak" is Daniel Bryan, the man who is second only to CM Punk in the IWC's hearts.
Baista is high on HHH's friend list, HHH is pretty much in control of creative, go figure.

Personally I think Bore-Tista is a fat Goldberg wannabe who is only getting pushed to the moon because he's fat, has no mic skills and does 2 moves, and as mentioned he's one of HHH's best friends so he automatically gets pushed to the moon.

Tiny little pipsqueak? You are an idiot, that "tiny little pipsqueak" is Daniel Bryan, the man who is second only to CM Punk in the IWC's hearts.

He may be to you, IWC is not just you and others but me and my opinion differs. CM Punk is the first and shall always remain so, that will I agree. And this was CM Punk's time, not Batista's and certainly not Bryan's. No one but Punk deserved to main event WM XXX but since that did not happen and won't happen I'm not here to argue that. I've accepted Batista as a more entertaining and superior performer to Daniel Bryan. IMO, Bryan shouldn't even be talked about so much. What the fuck has he done besides his beard and being a tiny wrestler? The fucking YES chants? They're abominable. CM Punk, on the other hand was my hero and the IWC's hero and should still be. CM Punk can talk. Can Bryan?
So you think that just because a wrestler is a big, muscular brute that he's automatically superior? Bullshit. Complete and total bullshit. When it comes to muscularity, it's all Batista has ever had going for him. He has a great look and presence, but if I had to pick between watching him and 10 guys exactly like him wrestle and one guy like Bryan, I'll pick the "tiny little pipsqueak" every single time because he's VASTLY more entertaining. I'm not anti-Batista because he's a big, muscular guy. If a wrestler has a great look and is loaded with muscles, that's just fine so long as he has ability to go along with it. Inside the ring and on the mic, Batista's pretty mediocre most of the time. His match against Ziggler last night was pretty good, but let's not go off the deep end here. It wasn't some "wonderful" or "amazing" 5 star classic that'll be remembered throughout the ages. A huge reason why it was as good as it was is because of Ziggler, especially when you consider Batista's cardiovascular conditioning is extremely subpar. His charisma is limited to walking around the ring, flexing his muscles, jiggling his pecs and shaking the ropes. That may have been enough once upon a time, but a lot's changed in four years. Being a jacked up, tattooed muscle man in 2014 isn't enough for fans to just automatically swoon over you. But hey, if that's what you're into, more power to you.

Take all that out of it, however, and get right down to sheer numbers. At this point in time, there's a lot more money in Daniel Bryan than Batista. Bryan's segments & matches on WWE TV are among the most watched, if not THE most watched sometimes, on the show, he's one of the top merchandise movers in the company, he's garnering mainstream attention for WWE and he's ultimately who fans have chosen. As of right now, Daniel Bryan is where the money is, not Batista. Batista being the alpha male upon returning MAY have been the ultimate goal WWE management had in mind, but it seems that they grossly underestimated Batista's star power and popularity. Might be a hard pill to swallow but, as Batista says, deal with it.

As far as Batista "deserving" the spotlight, why? Batista isn't The Rock, he's nowhere remotely close to The Rock when it comes to ability and star power. The Rock's a legitimate movie star whereas Batista, as of right now, has had a few bit roles in low budget and/or straight-to-DVD B-movies. The Rock's a legitimate crossover star and Batista is the "wannbe" in this particular instance. Even if you agree or disagree, there's an argument can be made for inserting The Rock into main event spots upon his return because of his star power and because of his drawing ability. However, that doesn't mean that WWE can do the same thing to each & ever former big star and multi-time World Champion. Even though what Ziggler said last night was part of an angle, in the eyes of fans, there's some truth to it. WWE management may have expected fans to simply bow down and worship Batista because, as I alluded to, they overestimated his star power and things have changed.

As for the relevance of the New Age Outlaws, it's true that they're a lot older. But as to when the last time was they were relevant, they seem to be pretty relevant right now based on the reception they've gotten. During their matches, prior to their heel turn, when fans were chanting "You've still got it", they were doing so because...well they've still got it. Road Dogg is every bit as charismatic on the mic as he always was, they're both still in good shape and can both still get inside the ring and get it done. Batista's also a lot older and still pretty muscular but since his return, he can't wrestle for 5 minute straight without getting gassed.
Jesus Christ, the anti-IWC are worse than we are. You're basically doing what you accuse us of doing but in the very opposite direction. The fans are, simply put, sick and tired of the same main eventers time after time after time. We want something new and fresh, Daniel Bryan brings this to the table. Batista, however, does not. And he was handed that WM spot ahead of wrestlers that give it their all 300 days/year. Shocking.
this was CM Punk's time

This is not CM Punk's time. Punk's time was 2011-2013. The guy got pushed to the moon.
-434 day WWE Title reign
-Longest reigning WWE Champion of the last 25 years.
-Got all high profile fueds with John Cena, Triple H, The Rock and even wrestled Undertaker for the streak at Wrestlemania.

Bryan is the one getting the loudest reactions whereas Punk has been an afterthought since last year. So, regardless if you care about Daniel Bryan or not, majority of fans do. The people want Daniel Bryan in main-events. WWE is giving them more Daniel Bryan. Bryan gets more than 25% of air-time on the show because thats what the people want.
He may be to you, IWC is not just you and others but me and my opinion differs. CM Punk is the first and shall always remain so, that will I agree. And this was CM Punk's time, not Batista's and certainly not Bryan's. No one but Punk deserved to main event WM XXX but since that did not happen and won't happen I'm not here to argue that. I've accepted Batista as a more entertaining and superior performer to Daniel Bryan. IMO, Bryan shouldn't even be talked about so much. What the fuck has he done besides his beard and being a tiny wrestler? The fucking YES chants? They're abominable. CM Punk, on the other hand was my hero and the IWC's hero and should still be. CM Punk can talk. Can Bryan?

Lol. Bryan > CM Punk.

"Being a tiny wrestler" Yeah sorry, we all can't be giants like CM Punk, the 7'3 monster hahaha.

CM Punk can talk, can bryan?


I think this promo will answer your question.

CM Punk is the IWC's hero? Hahahaha yeah sure ;)

Look at how internet smarks reacted to the elimination of your hero?


Hahahaha lmao.

That was the last time he showed up. He left because he was jealous of Bryan.

"No one but punk deserved to main event WMXXX" lmao.

After Summerslam 2013, he did absolutely NOTHING.

Even his Summerslam match was great mainly because of Lesnar's intensity and hard-hitting style in the match.
Punk was just getting beat up and selling Lesnar's moves.

Bryan was the hottest star in 2013, by far. He deserved to main event WMXXX but he didn't.

Bryan is a humble guy, Punk is a self-serving egomaniac.

Bryan is the People's champion, Punk became champ like he said "despite of the people".

His rise to superstardom wasn't natural, he became a star because WWE pushed him down our throats.

Austin, Rock, Cena, Bryan... were over as mid-carders that's why WWE pushed them.

CM Punk was pushed and put in a main event program with Cena because he b!tched and used backstage politics.

CM Punk threatened to leave the company, that's why he became champion.

And now he's doing the same thing to get a WM Main event.

Daniel Bryan never b!tched or wh!ned or compla!ned about anyth!ng.
That's why fans love him because they can relate to him more than punk, he's got a goal and determined to achieve it by being humble and by working hard not by threatening to leave the company.

CM Punk is a b!tch, get over it
Lol. Bryan > CM Punk.

"Being a tiny wrestler" Yeah sorry, we all can't be giants like CM Punk, the 7'3 monster hahaha.

CM Punk can talk, can bryan?


I think this promo will answer your question.

CM Punk is the IWC's hero? Hahahaha yeah sure ;)

Look at how internet smarks reacted to the elimination of your hero?


Hahahaha lmao.

That was the last time he showed up. He left because he was jealous of Bryan.

"No one but punk deserved to main event WMXXX" lmao.

After Summerslam 2013, he did absolutely NOTHING.

Even his Summerslam match was great mainly because of Lesnar's intensity and hard-hitting style in the match.
Punk was just getting beat up and selling Lesnar's moves.

Bryan was the hottest star in 2013, by far. He deserved to main event WMXXX but he didn't.

Bryan is a humble guy, Punk is a self-serving egomaniac.

Bryan is the People's champion, Punk became champ like he said "despite of the people".

His rise to superstardom wasn't natural, he became a star because WWE pushed him down our throats.

Austin, Rock, Cena, Bryan... were over as mid-carders that's why WWE pushed them.

CM Punk was pushed and put in a main event program with Cena because he b!tched and used backstage politics.

CM Punk threatened to leave the company, that's why he became champion.

And now he's doing the same thing to get a WM Main event.

Daniel Bryan never b!tched or wh!ned or compla!ned about anyth!ng.
That's why fans love him because they can relate to him more than punk, he's got a goal and determined to achieve it by being humble and by working hard not by threatening to leave the company.

CM Punk is a b!tch, get over it

Bryan is unoriginal and hasn't done anything revolutionary in wrestling unlike Punk. He's a good wrestler, no one will deny that but the YES and NO chants being the cause of elevating him suddenly into main-events is absurd. Even those chants are a mishap, an accident after that Sheamus vs Bryan debacle at WM. Why should Bryan be considered a revolutionary hero? He's a modern-day Owen Hart with a cartoon gimmick and had an entertaining run as a tag-team champion with Kane just like the role Owen Hart had. Both were short, and couldn't talk for shit. A 5'8 Bryan intimidating HHH ? He doesn't have the size/guts/intensity of a Kurt Angle. Hahahaha. He's going to intimidate HHH by calling him a coward now? They might as well have had Rey Mysterio intimidating Khali or Big Show by his childlike voice .

Proof Bryan is unoriginal and a copycat:-

1. The Beard. It was CM Punk who made the beard/long hair "cool" in his Anti-Christ Messiah/Saviour gimmick from 2009. Punk was the classic heel and nonconformist and his hair/beard was symbolic of that. Why does Bryan, a goatfaced short person whom non-wrestling folks would take for a plumber if they encountered him in a supermarket, have a beard and a fucking T-shirt with a Beard on it? He has nothing to back that beard, he doesn't play the Renaissance man ideal gimmick that Sandow plays in reminiscence of artists/poets such as Rabindranath Tagore. He's not a thrash-metal or heavy metal buff. He doesn't have the appeal of a dark charismatic anti-christ hero such as Taker(ministry) nor Bray Wyatt. In 2010, he was a tiny US title holder with that shabby face and suddenly he decided to grow a fucking beard ? He looks uglier than he already is. This proves Bryan is nothing but a 5'8 wannabe and the beard is symbolic of not any gimmick/character but shabbiness. Owen Hart might well should've grown his beard to make up for his lack of size/masculinity/mic skills and won the WWE title over the likes of Rock or HHH. Bryan is a shame to intimidating/charismatic men with big beards both in wrestling and real-life. Example, Rabindranath Tagore, any heavy metal guitarist, Damien Sandow, Bray Wyatt. He might be a representative of those pedophiles or homeless bums walking hither to thither on a cold winter morning, though.

2. "You're a coward hiding behind Stephanie". Really? And no, The Rock or Chris Jericho did not "invent" bashing HHH by calling Stephanie a ****. Back then it was a norm/cool to do that for babyfaces because both HHH and Steph were very young and Steph was quite new to WWF programming and HHH was the biggest most hated heel(2000). But in 2011 , it was CM Punk who was so fiery and venomous that he'd loathe the owner's daughter by virtue of his expressions and threaten/challenge HHH's manliness and manhood by calling him a coward who keeps his "balls" in Stephanie's purse. Daniel Bryan doing the same in 2014? Hahaha. You may as well have Usos and Evan Bourne get in HHH's face and say that. It's not believable when a short tiny guy does that to a huge muscular and intimidating wrestler. Quite simply, Bryan is a wannabe and a copycat. Punk isn't. Punk knew his limits within kayfabe and his size. When he challenged HHH by insulting Stephanie, it was plausible.
So you think that just because a wrestler is a big, muscular brute that he's automatically superior? Bullshit. Complete and total bullshit. When it comes to muscularity, it's all Batista has ever had going for him. He has a great look and presence, but if I had to pick between watching him and 10 guys exactly like him wrestle and one guy like Bryan, I'll pick the "tiny little pipsqueak" every single time because he's VASTLY more entertaining. I'm not anti-Batista because he's a big, muscular guy. If a wrestler has a great look and is loaded with muscles, that's just fine so long as he has ability to go along with it. Inside the ring and on the mic, Batista's pretty mediocre most of the time. His match against Ziggler last night was pretty good, but let's not go off the deep end here. It wasn't some "wonderful" or "amazing" 5 star classic that'll be remembered throughout the ages. A huge reason why it was as good as it was is because of Ziggler, especially when you consider Batista's cardiovascular conditioning is extremely subpar. His charisma is limited to walking around the ring, flexing his muscles, jiggling his pecs and shaking the ropes. That may have been enough once upon a time, but a lot's changed in four years. Being a jacked up, tattooed muscle man in 2014 isn't enough for fans to just automatically swoon over you. But hey, if that's what you're into, more power to you.

Take all that out of it, however, and get right down to sheer numbers. At this point in time, there's a lot more money in Daniel Bryan than Batista. Bryan's segments & matches on WWE TV are among the most watched, if not THE most watched sometimes, on the show, he's one of the top merchandise movers in the company, he's garnering mainstream attention for WWE and he's ultimately who fans have chosen. As of right now, Daniel Bryan is where the money is, not Batista. Batista being the alpha male upon returning MAY have been the ultimate goal WWE management had in mind, but it seems that they grossly underestimated Batista's star power and popularity. Might be a hard pill to swallow but, as Batista says, deal with it.

As far as Batista "deserving" the spotlight, why? Batista isn't The Rock, he's nowhere remotely close to The Rock when it comes to ability and star power. The Rock's a legitimate movie star whereas Batista, as of right now, has had a few bit roles in low budget and/or straight-to-DVD B-movies. The Rock's a legitimate crossover star and Batista is the "wannbe" in this particular instance. Even if you agree or disagree, there's an argument can be made for inserting The Rock into main event spots upon his return because of his star power and because of his drawing ability. However, that doesn't mean that WWE can do the same thing to each & ever former big star and multi-time World Champion. Even though what Ziggler said last night was part of an angle, in the eyes of fans, there's some truth to it. WWE management may have expected fans to simply bow down and worship Batista because, as I alluded to, they overestimated his star power and things have changed.

As for the relevance of the New Age Outlaws, it's true that they're a lot older. But as to when the last time was they were relevant, they seem to be pretty relevant right now based on the reception they've gotten. During their matches, prior to their heel turn, when fans were chanting "You've still got it", they were doing so because...well they've still got it. Road Dogg is every bit as charismatic on the mic as he always was, they're both still in good shape and can both still get inside the ring and get it done. Batista's also a lot older and still pretty muscular but since his return, he can't wrestle for 5 minute straight without getting gassed.

Agreed with all points you make and I'm not necessarily saying Batista is a very great wrestler. Anyone with a reasonable grasp/knowledge of Wrestling beyond the casual fan's reach will say Sandow, Ziggler, Swagger, Cesaro could outwrestle guys like Cena and Batista with their eyes closed. Batista merely being a beefed-up dude doesn't make him a superior entertainer/performer. But Batista's programmes from the past especially his heel run were enjoyable and he's not that bad in the ring either. And when did I ever assert a comparison between Batista and The Rock? 100 Batista's but together will never generate the amount of Charisma, enthusiasm and fan interest as one Rock.

The point is , if it's not CM Punk, Bryan, Sandow, Ziggler who're the main event of WM XXX but Batista, why book him against Ziggler to not mainevent SD but instead book another of weekly 6-man tags we've been getting? At this point, like it or not , Batista is the dominant heel into the title pic, Orton's role is yet ambivalent, so he deserves to end SD. Not Bryan or Usos or anybody.
Bryan is unoriginal and hasn't done anything revolutionary in wrestling unlike Punk. He's a good wrestler, no one will deny that but the YES and NO chants being the cause of elevating him suddenly into main-events is absurd. Even those chants are a mishap, an accident after that Sheamus vs Bryan debacle at WM. Why should Bryan be considered a revolutionary hero? He's a modern-day Owen Hart with a cartoon gimmick and had an entertaining run as a tag-team champion with Kane just like the role Owen Hart had. Both were short, and couldn't talk for shit. A 5'8 Bryan intimidating HHH ? He doesn't have the size/guts/intensity of a Kurt Angle. Hahahaha. He's going to intimidate HHH by calling him a coward now? They might as well have had Rey Mysterio intimidating Khali or Big Show by his childlike voice .

Proof Bryan is unoriginal and a copycat:-

1. The Beard. It was CM Punk who made the beard/long hair "cool" in his Anti-Christ Messiah/Saviour gimmick from 2009. Punk was the classic heel and nonconformist and his hair/beard was symbolic of that. Why does Bryan, a goatfaced short person whom non-wrestling folks would take for a plumber if they encountered him in a supermarket, have a beard and a fucking T-shirt with a Beard on it? He has nothing to back that beard, he doesn't play the Renaissance man ideal gimmick that Sandow plays in reminiscence of artists/poets such as Rabindranath Tagore. He's not a thrash-metal or heavy metal buff. He doesn't have the appeal of a dark charismatic anti-christ hero such as Taker(ministry) nor Bray Wyatt. In 2010, he was a tiny US title holder with that shabby face and suddenly he decided to grow a fucking beard ? He looks uglier than he already is. This proves Bryan is nothing but a 5'8 wannabe and the beard is symbolic of not any gimmick/character but shabbiness. Owen Hart might well should've grown his beard to make up for his lack of size/masculinity/mic skills and won the WWE title over the likes of Rock or HHH. Bryan is a shame to intimidating/charismatic men with big beards both in wrestling and real-life. Example, Rabindranath Tagore, any heavy metal guitarist, Damien Sandow, Bray Wyatt. He might be a representative of those pedophiles or homeless bums walking hither to thither on a cold winter morning, though.

2. "You're a coward hiding behind Stephanie". Really? And no, The Rock or Chris Jericho did not "invent" bashing HHH by calling Stephanie a ****. Back then it was a norm/cool to do that for babyfaces because both HHH and Steph were very young and Steph was quite new to WWF programming and HHH was the biggest most hated heel(2000). But in 2011 , it was CM Punk who was so fiery and venomous that he'd loathe the owner's daughter by virtue of his expressions and threaten/challenge HHH's manliness and manhood by calling him a coward who keeps his "balls" in Stephanie's purse. Daniel Bryan doing the same in 2014? Hahaha. You may as well have Usos and Evan Bourne get in HHH's face and say that. It's not believable when a short tiny guy does that to a huge muscular and intimidating wrestler. Quite simply, Bryan is a wannabe and a copycat. Punk isn't. Punk knew his limits within kayfabe and his size. When he challenged HHH by insulting Stephanie, it was plausible.

You are an idiot.

So WWE is the exclusive domain of big fat guys who do 2 moves and have no mic skills? Unless their name is CM Punk? Fuck off, like I said on another thread about half an hour ago, the likes of Batista get handed title shots and Wrestlemania main events because HHH and Mr McMahon get hard ons for big 6'5" 300 lbs plus giants who do 2 moves and have limited to no mic skills.
Dolph Ziggler closing a show. That's hilarious.

Look, this is 2014. Syfy is looking to WWE to give them the strongest lead in to their next program. WWE isn't selling the show based on one performer that they put on a marquee and on poster stapled to telephone poles across the city. They also want to send fans home happy. DB works for a big part of the audience, the Usos are big with kids who love the colors and high flying Samoan style. It makes sense.

Plus it's Smackdown, so who really cares?
WWE Creative is just plain lazy. It seems like it's a (roughly) 4 week cycle between pay per views, where the following happens over and over:

Sunday - PPV
Week 1 - Majority of the matches are PPV rematches, tag matches from the PPV are made into singles matches
Week 2 - Some PPV rematches continue, other random matches made
Week 3 - Maddox/Guerrero backstage segment making random matches with no buildup
Week 4 - Tag matches with the PPV combatants, contract signings, lots of talk during the show hyping random feuds. Majority of the matches end in DQ or no contest. Whoever ends the show on top is guaranteed to lose at PPV.
Sunday - PPV

Eat, sleep, kiss ass, REPEAT.
Batista is stuck in the past he really is.. I am going to go as far as saying he wont finish up his deal,he will quit on the fans yet again.. The only thing he has had,is his muscles and the fact he can growl and shake the ropes.. Batista has never been that good in the ring,he has been sub-par but at least in the past,his cardio was pretty impressive..

He took more than one jab at Daniel Bryan,opening segment of smackdown.. TBH IMO,i think he is jealous of Daniel Bryan. The fact that Daniel is so insanely over,fans chant his name.. No shit batista,DB cant be a jacked up dude like you,his frame is not built for that.. But what batista is failing to realize is,is that Daniel Bryan has got more charisma in his pinky than boretista does in his whole repertoire!..

So Batista is going to boo the people that boo him.. Not a smart move,IMO as it gets closer to WM the cheers will be crickets for him.. No one likes him,no one missed him when he left.. Yes your right Dave the business has changed in the last four years,it always does..

TO me being a jacked up guy who thinks his shit doesn't stink is not impressive.. Maybe ten years ago it was,but now you gotta be able to connect with the fans,got to have charisma,make us believe in you! If the fans,believe your only in it for a paycheck,and are a phony your going to catch hell no matter what town you go into! When Batista says he loves this business,I personally dont believe him and i take it neither does anyone on here
You are an idiot.

So WWE is the exclusive domain of big fat guys who do 2 moves and have no mic skills? Unless their name is CM Punk? Fuck off, like I said on another thread about half an hour ago, the likes of Batista get handed title shots and Wrestlemania main events because HHH and Mr McMahon get hard ons for big 6'5" 300 lbs plus giants who do 2 moves and have limited to no mic skills.

You're an idiotic goof to think Batista does "2 moves". You fucking nerd, if tiny little men doing 1000 moves in a match meant they should be elevated to main-event status over guys like Hogan, Rock, or Austin then why in the hell were Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Psychosis , Juventud Guerrero and Rey Mysterio fighting for the cruiserweight title?

And asshole, hating John Cena for his stupid moves such as you can't see me and same-old FU is understandable but hating on Batista because he's not a technical wrestler and underrating him? You're a complete moron because Batista wrestles perfectly fine for his style/build. I can enlist 10 moves from Batista's repertoire to shut your putrid nerdish little mouth. Running Powerslam, Powerslam, Scoop Slam, Big Suplex, Power Clothesline(or whatever it's called), Elbow in the corner, Spinebuster, Sitout Powerbomb. So what, to pander to a nerd and a bum like you, should all big guys like Rock, Goldberg, Batista start wrestling like tiny pipsqueaks such as Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero or Daniel Bryan?

Get over yourself, putrid scumbag. Batista's movelist is bigger than Austin who wouldn't do much except punches, kicks, Mudhole Stomp, running press followed by punches, Suplex, Stomp to the opponent's groin, Chop and Stunner. And yet Austin was the biggest star of the Attitude Era.

Big men are supposed to wrestle a style quite dissimilar to that of technical wrestling gods such as Hart, Benoit ,or Angle. You think Scott Hall sucks too? Guess what, Scott Hall had a similar move-set to Batista's and only differed in his Signature moves- Example, Fallaway Slam. Two cruiserweights(I think one was Billy Kidman) once wrestled a totally high-flying match with 100 moves. In the back, Scott Hall said "Nice match. Now watch me get a bigger pop with a headlock". And boy was Scott Hall right!
You're an idiotic goof to think Batista does "2 moves". You fucking nerd, if tiny little men doing 1000 moves in a match meant they should be elevated to main-event status over guys like Hogan, Rock, or Austin then why in the hell were Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Psychosis , Juventud Guerrero and Rey Mysterio fighting for the cruiserweight title?

And asshole, hating John Cena for his stupid moves such as you can't see me and same-old FU is understandable but hating on Batista because he's not a technical wrestler and underrating him? You're a complete moron because Batista wrestles perfectly fine for his style/build. I can enlist 10 moves from Batista's repertoire to shut your putrid nerdish little mouth. Running Powerslam, Powerslam, Scoop Slam, Big Suplex, Power Clothesline(or whatever it's called), Elbow in the corner, Spinebuster, Sitout Powerbomb. So what, to pander to a nerd and a bum like you, should all big guys like Rock, Goldberg, Batista start wrestling like tiny pipsqueaks such as Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero or Daniel Bryan?

Get over yourself, putrid scumbag. Batista's movelist is bigger than Austin who wouldn't do much except punches, kicks, Mudhole Stomp, running press followed by punches, Suplex, Stomp to the opponent's groin, Chop and Stunner. And yet Austin was the biggest star of the Attitude Era.

Big men are supposed to wrestle a style quite dissimilar to that of technical wrestling gods such as Hart, Benoit ,or Angle. You think Scott Hall sucks too? Guess what, Scott Hall had a similar move-set to Batista's and only differed in his Signature moves- Example, Fallaway Slam. Two cruiserweights(I think one was Billy Kidman) once wrestled a totally high-flying match with 100 moves. In the back, Scott Hall said "Nice match. Now watch me get a bigger pop with a headlock". And boy was Scott Hall right!

Thank you for proving to me that you are indeed, completely fucking ******ed.

Scott Hall is a washed up has-been who used to be "cool" when his ring name was Razor Ramon, so I care not one jot about his opinions.
Thank you for proving to me that you are indeed, completely fucking ******ed.

Scott Hall is a washed up has-been who used to be "cool" when his ring name was Razor Ramon, so I care not one jot about his opinions.

Thank you for proving your lack of intellectual and verbal ability by countering my assertions with a dumb assertion that I'm "completely fucking ******ed". That's enough to establish you as a biased clown.

Now keep cheering for your nerdy tiny wrestlers with 1000 holds such as Daniel Bryan while Scott Hall will still go down as one of the prime performers and legends who participated in the biggest wrestling angle of the 90s that was The Outsiders/NWO.
Contrary to your completely wrong opinion, I am not one of these IWC drones who is in love with Daniel Bryan at the expense of almost everyone else, I simply respect the guy, despite the fact that he does all of a certain deceased Canadian wrestler's moves, including the Crossface and the flying head butt.
The WWE creative team takes direction from the "Powers that be"...and we all know who those people are. Point being, the creative team has little to no room to even BE creative. Question then becomes...why have them in the first place? Just have people there with a laptop computer sit in front of the "Powers that be" and dictate word-for-word what they request for wrestlers to push, wrestlers to bury, angles (when, where, how) and then just present the results to the wrestlers as needed. The wrestlers can then script out their own match ahead of time, practice, and then perform it the night of the show. Why have a middle man (creative team) when his services aren't actually required?
You're an idiotic goof to think Batista does "2 moves". You fucking nerd, if tiny little men doing 1000 moves in a match meant they should be elevated to main-event status over guys like Hogan, Rock, or Austin then why in the hell were Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Psychosis , Juventud Guerrero and Rey Mysterio fighting for the cruiserweight title?

And asshole, hating John Cena for his stupid moves such as you can't see me and same-old FU is understandable but hating on Batista because he's not a technical wrestler and underrating him? You're a complete moron because Batista wrestles perfectly fine for his style/build. I can enlist 10 moves from Batista's repertoire to shut your putrid nerdish little mouth. Running Powerslam, Powerslam, Scoop Slam, Big Suplex, Power Clothesline(or whatever it's called), Elbow in the corner, Spinebuster, Sitout Powerbomb. So what, to pander to a nerd and a bum like you, should all big guys like Rock, Goldberg, Batista start wrestling like tiny pipsqueaks such as Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero or Daniel Bryan?

Get over yourself, putrid scumbag. Batista's movelist is bigger than Austin who wouldn't do much except punches, kicks, Mudhole Stomp, running press followed by punches, Suplex, Stomp to the opponent's groin, Chop and Stunner. And yet Austin was the biggest star of the Attitude Era.

Big men are supposed to wrestle a style quite dissimilar to that of technical wrestling gods such as Hart, Benoit ,or Angle. You think Scott Hall sucks too? Guess what, Scott Hall had a similar move-set to Batista's and only differed in his Signature moves- Example, Fallaway Slam. Two cruiserweights(I think one was Billy Kidman) once wrestled a totally high-flying match with 100 moves. In the back, Scott Hall said "Nice match. Now watch me get a bigger pop with a headlock". And boy was Scott Hall right!

WTF is your problem bitch? I state my opinion, you call me all the names under the sun because you don't agree? And you have the brass neck to call ME "unintelligent"?!

OK maybe Bore-Tista does more than 2 moves, but my point still stands about the fact the guy has the charm of a Potato, and can't cut a good promo to save his pointless life IMO.
I think that the WWE looked at Batista as a guy who would draw big money for WrestleMania XXX and that he will do. The problem is that it should of been against Daniel Bryan not Randy Orton. Randy Orton should faced Triple H or CM Punk. I am not a Daniel Bryan fan and certainly I don't work for the WWE creative team but I am smart enough to see that if WWE had just had Bryan win the rumble, Batista could of beaten Orton at EC to win the WWE World title and this could of setup a very interesting feud. Batista (heel) vs Daniel Bryan tells the perfect story of corporate Champion represented by Triple H (of all people) vs the the complete opposite of Corporate,a guy who is smaller and more of a technician but very popular.

This could of been a great story to tell and would of stopped this stupid hi jacking of the shows nonsense that's going on now. Randy Orton is flat out boring, lets not sugar coat for one second. He is boring.
I think that the WWE looked at Batista as a guy who would draw big money for WrestleMania XXX and that he will do. The problem is that it should of been against Daniel Bryan not Randy Orton. Randy Orton should faced Triple H or CM Punk. I am not a Daniel Bryan fan and certainly I don't work for the WWE creative team but I am smart enough to see that if WWE had just had Bryan win the rumble, Batista could of beaten Orton at EC to win the WWE World title and this could of setup a very interesting feud. Batista (heel) vs Daniel Bryan tells the perfect story of corporate Champion represented by Triple H (of all people) vs the the complete opposite of Corporate,a guy who is smaller and more of a technician but very popular.

This could of been a great story to tell and would of stopped this stupid hi jacking of the shows nonsense that's going on now. Randy Orton is flat out boring, lets not sugar coat for one second. He is boring.

The only reason Randy Orton is even Champion is because HHH is high on him and his Dad and Grandfather are Hall of Fame members.

I personally don't like him, the kid has the charm of a Potato, and does what? 3 or 4 moves?

And as for Daniel Bryan, sure I like the guy but I am not one of these IWC Sheep who think he's the greatest wrestler in the known galaxy.
Guys, you know TC is trying to play "internet heel", right? I guess if you are gonna do that, a wrestling message board is the place. That being said, I agree that Batista is a pretty interesting heel. Like many others, I'm of the mindset that his last run as "Hollywood Spotlight" Dave was his most enjoyable.

And to the question "have the WWE creative lost it?", I'm afraid I have some bad news. They didn't have much to lose to begin with, and the occasional moment of competence is usually either derailed by Vince himself, or Trips and his cronies hogging the spotlight.
Bryan is unoriginal and hasn't done anything revolutionary in wrestling unlike Punk. He's a good wrestler, no one will deny that but the YES and NO chants being the cause of elevating him suddenly into main-events is absurd. Even those chants are a mishap, an accident after that Sheamus vs Bryan debacle at WM. Why should Bryan be considered a revolutionary hero? He's a modern-day Owen Hart with a cartoon gimmick and had an entertaining run as a tag-team champion with Kane just like the role Owen Hart had. Both were short, and couldn't talk for shit. A 5'8 Bryan intimidating HHH ? He doesn't have the size/guts/intensity of a Kurt Angle. Hahahaha. He's going to intimidate HHH by calling him a coward now? They might as well have had Rey Mysterio intimidating Khali or Big Show by his childlike voice .

Proof Bryan is unoriginal and a copycat:-

1. The Beard. It was CM Punk who made the beard/long hair "cool" in his Anti-Christ Messiah/Saviour gimmick from 2009. Punk was the classic heel and nonconformist and his hair/beard was symbolic of that. Why does Bryan, a goatfaced short person whom non-wrestling folks would take for a plumber if they encountered him in a supermarket, have a beard and a fucking T-shirt with a Beard on it? He has nothing to back that beard, he doesn't play the Renaissance man ideal gimmick that Sandow plays in reminiscence of artists/poets such as Rabindranath Tagore. He's not a thrash-metal or heavy metal buff. He doesn't have the appeal of a dark charismatic anti-christ hero such as Taker(ministry) nor Bray Wyatt. In 2010, he was a tiny US title holder with that shabby face and suddenly he decided to grow a fucking beard ? He looks uglier than he already is. This proves Bryan is nothing but a 5'8 wannabe and the beard is symbolic of not any gimmick/character but shabbiness. Owen Hart might well should've grown his beard to make up for his lack of size/masculinity/mic skills and won the WWE title over the likes of Rock or HHH. Bryan is a shame to intimidating/charismatic men with big beards both in wrestling and real-life. Example, Rabindranath Tagore, any heavy metal guitarist, Damien Sandow, Bray Wyatt. He might be a representative of those pedophiles or homeless bums walking hither to thither on a cold winter morning, though.

2. "You're a coward hiding behind Stephanie". Really? And no, The Rock or Chris Jericho did not "invent" bashing HHH by calling Stephanie a ****. Back then it was a norm/cool to do that for babyfaces because both HHH and Steph were very young and Steph was quite new to WWF programming and HHH was the biggest most hated heel(2000). But in 2011 , it was CM Punk who was so fiery and venomous that he'd loathe the owner's daughter by virtue of his expressions and threaten/challenge HHH's manliness and manhood by calling him a coward who keeps his "balls" in Stephanie's purse. Daniel Bryan doing the same in 2014? Hahaha. You may as well have Usos and Evan Bourne get in HHH's face and say that. It's not believable when a short tiny guy does that to a huge muscular and intimidating wrestler. Quite simply, Bryan is a wannabe and a copycat. Punk isn't. Punk knew his limits within kayfabe and his size. When he challenged HHH by insulting Stephanie, it was plausible.

LMAO you're accusing Bryan for being unoriginal? You're the worst troll ever.

CM Punk is the biggest copycat ever.

CM Punk invented having a beard? LMFAO!! Nobody thought it was cool or anything, he was just growing his beard.

Punk insulting hunter and Nash is believable?

If that happened in real life, Nash and hunter could kill punk and take a sh!t on his dead corpse then burn him and pi$$ on his ashes.

Cm punk would get his asss handed to him in a real fight, everything about him is fake
The only reason Randy Orton is even Champion is because HHH is high on him and his Dad and Grandfather are Hall of Fame members.

I personally don't like him, the kid has the charm of a Potato, and does what? 3 or 4 moves?

And as for Daniel Bryan, sure I like the guy but I am not one of these IWC Sheep who think he's the greatest wrestler in the known galaxy.

You fucking idiot. How old are you, like 80? Randy Orton is not 22-23 anymore nor is he a tiny little pipsqueak like Bryan and you. He'd slap you off the ground just like that. You call him "kid" ? Laughable. And 3-4 moves? Batista-2 moves. Randy Orton-4 moves. Please tell us how many moves John Cena has?
You're the biggest piece of shit I've encountered here of late. Disgusting. I bet you're some fatass typing away from your couch because you'll never be half as charismatic as Orton so you resent him while cheering for that goofball Daniel Bryan. Shame on you.
LMAO you're accusing Bryan for being unoriginal? You're the worst troll ever.

CM Punk is the biggest copycat ever.

CM Punk invented having a beard? LMFAO!! Nobody thought it was cool or anything, he was just growing his beard.

Punk insulting hunter and Nash is believable?

If that happened in real life, Nash and hunter could kill punk and take a sh!t on his dead corpse then burn him and pi$$ on his ashes.

Cm punk would get his asss handed to him in a real fight, everything about him is fake

You hating CM Punk doesn't change the fact that Punk had the summer of punk , and was the WWE champion for a very very long time from nov 2011 till that bastard The Rock stole his championship from him. As for Bryan, he's still a tiny little pipsqueak who hasn't been able to even impress HHH or Vince enough for them to allow him to hold the title for a month. Fact!

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