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As y'all may know, Bo Dallas is out for several weeks with a foot injury.

WWE should capitalize on this and have a series of promos showcasing Bo's recovery stages.

He could do them in character, talking about he will do even better, and prevail even more. Ending each video with "all you have to do is Bo-lieve!"

Sound like an idea?
He should do promos with a doctor. The doctor should explain in each promo that the injury is pretty routine and the healing process should take six to eight weeks. Dallas can then obnoxiously "correct" the doctor by explaining his injury is life threatening and anyone else may never walk again, become paralyzed, possibly die from such an injury but Bo is determined to not just live through this but come back stronger than ever before and continue to be the biggest inspiration in the world because he Bolieves.

When it is time to return Bo can come out with the same doctor saying that the injury was never more than a six to eight week injury and Bo can say the only reason the doctor came around to give such a positive prognosis is because Bo not only healed himself but he created a new Boliever.

Or something like that. He'll just go back to trading wins with other low carders once he is back anyway.
I think that this is a fantastic idea! It'll give Bo more exposure n help him get over with the crowds more. This will give WWE some "filler" for their TV shows as well.
Geex I didn't even notice that he was gone. How bad is that. Since it seems that he's now going downhill, maybe this injury is a blessing in disguise.

He was funny with his 12-Bo, but now that it's gone, he's just become another mid carder of really no importance. Maybe put him into a tag team with someone, or as another poster suggested do little clips of him Bolieving in himself. The problem with that is he looks so much like his brother, you want to try and separate them somehow, and we don't need Bo Dallas doing clips like Bray Wyatt.
It makes great sense, they could start with him talking to the doctors & follow him all the way through - it's a fantastic idea, that makes a lot of sense.......that's probably why WWE won't do it
After Bo returns, give him a mini push to a mid card title match. Have him "re-injure" himself and lose. Let him go the next couple months jobbing and hobbling. Then bring out Bray to kidnap and heel him with some Louisiana voodoo. Bo Dallas is no longer a Boliever, he is now Bo Wyatt, a tortured sole who spent years of his life lying to himself and lying to the people.
@GSB I love the idea in your first post. It makes me think of Ricky Bobby over selling the loss of using his legs.
He should do promos with a doctor. The doctor should explain in each promo that the injury is pretty routine and the healing process should take six to eight weeks. Dallas can then obnoxiously "correct" the doctor by explaining his injury is life threatening and anyone else may never walk again, become paralyzed, possibly die from such an injury but Bo is determined to not just live through this but come back stronger than ever before and continue to be the biggest inspiration in the world because he Bolieves.

When it is time to return Bo can come out with the same doctor saying that the injury was never more than a six to eight week injury and Bo can say the only reason the doctor came around to give such a positive prognosis is because Bo not only healed himself but he created a new Boliever.

I would love to see something a lot like that, it is easy to visualize with his character. I fear though, your assessment and that of others on this thread that he'll go back to the low card upon his return is true.

WWE Creative probably will not invest in the promos therefore because of that pre-ordained destination.

A pity too, because I am Bo-liever. He may be average in the ring, but that is partly what makes his character so over the top awesome.
Awesome Idea. That would be perfect. Bo is a great mic worker and this injury and the storyline proposed by the OP would help to launch his career even further.
That's a pretty good idea!

I'm with George Steele's Barber on this too, I think it'd work much better if every segment went the extra mile to show Bo with some kind of doctor, physical therapist, even one of the producers backstage, etc. & have all of them basically say the injury isn't serious in the slightest & he should be back on his feet in no time but then have Bo talk about how serious the injury really is & how much of a struggle he's been through. Then at the end of every segment he could change everyone's mind & make them all into "Bo-Lievers".

Unfortunately WWE probably won't do this thought because Bo will most likely continue to be squashed by more mid-carders once he returns, so spending extra time, money & effort on Bo almost seems like a waste at this point.
The RNN Breaking News thing with Randy Orton comes to mind here. Maybe they can recreate that and have a BNN Breaking News. Maybe when someone's cutting a promo, we get a BNN Breaking News with Bo Dallas popping in and updating us with his injury status. Great idea.
Ah the RNN, that brings me back. Randy was really green at the time so those segments didn't work all that well. Bo on the other hand is more experienced on the mic and has a actual character/gimmick to play so chances are it'll be a lot more entertaining than the old RNN, even more so if you add in Barber's doctor idea. Since unlike most of the other things WWE likes to call comedy that would actually be funny.
Yeh they should do this. They probably won't but they should. It can only be good for Bo and can be the much needed comedy segment that is used to break up the show.

Bo's personality can shine through and it can be entertaining. I'm thinking defying the expertise of the doctor with a little bit of Rocky thrown in. Could be fun and it's certainly better than him doing nothing.

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