Has WM lost it's lustre?

Has WM lost it's lustre?

  • No, it's still as great now as it has ever been

  • Yes, it feels forced now/ is no better than any other PPV

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I don't think Wrestlemania has lost its "luster" at all. The Week of I really start to get that Buzz feeling of Wrestlemania Sunday. WM still provides us with some of the Best Matches and Feuds of the Year. Plus you still get 60-70,000 people packing a Stadium or a Dome and it brings alot of Money to that City's Economy. Im going to WM 27 here in Atlanta Next Year and I cannot wait to get to the GA Dome that day and go Wow Im at Wrestlemania.
My point was that we get burned out by watching the themed PPV's all year that there is nothing to look forward to at Mania.
Not really. The themed PPVs last fall saw rematch after rematch in a lifeless feud between Cena and Orton that distinguished itself in no way, and a DX-Legacy feud that was just as dull. Also, Taker-Batista Round 17 and DX vs. JeriShow took place. Those feuds were also booked on cruise control. The shows generated little interest as a result.

For Mania this year, the writing took a total 180 of this. The feuds had character and were unique in their own way. You were invited to invest in the product. When the writing is good, you invest regardless of silly gimmickry.

Even if there had been better writing in the fall, continued quality writing heading into Mania still would have hooked people. Quality writing does that.

There is no logical way that the gimmick PPVs hurt Mania. I hate gimmick PPVs, but they're not at fault in here.
Not really. The themed PPVs last fall saw rematch after rematch in a lifeless feud between Cena and Orton that distinguished itself in no way, and a DX-Legacy feud that was just as dull. Also, Taker-Batista Round 17 and DX vs. JeriShow took place. Those feuds were also booked on cruise control. The shows generated little interest as a result.

For Mania this year, the writing took a total 180 of this. The feuds had character and were unique in their own way. You were invited to invest in the product. When the writing is good, you invest regardless of silly gimmickry.

Even if there had been better writing in the fall, continued quality writing heading into Mania still would have hooked people. Quality writing does that.

There is no logical way that the gimmick PPVs hurt Mania. I hate gimmick PPVs, but they're not at fault in here.

You contradict yourself lots there that it's unbelievable.
So you're saying Cena vs Orton 4/5 times in a row helped Mania?
No. People turned off the TV. Their view towards the flagship show was negative and people didn't bother coming back for Mania. And look how the buyrate ended up.
Even brilliant writing leading up to 'the big one' couldn't salvage it and return people to the screen.
And I think the majority would agree that gimmick PPV's do hurt Mania.
It's like eating too many sweets before dinner. You feel spoilt and feel forced to eat the dinner.
Oh. And as for criticizing the thread, don't be so rude. It's a good thought quoted from a top wrestling magazine and your comments about it being silly are therefore irrelevant.
You contradict yourself lots there that it's unbelievable.
So you're saying Cena vs Orton 4/5 times in a row helped Mania?
I'm arguing that poorly built shows make Mania look better. It didn't hurt.

Not wrong about that.

No. People turned off the TV. Their view towards the flagship show was negative and people didn't bother coming back for Mania. And look how the buyrate ended up.
Even brilliant writing leading up to 'the big one' couldn't salvage it and return people to the screen.
Ratings rose before Mania.

UFC having a PPV right before Mania hurt WWE more than anything it did with the gimmick PPVs in the fall.

And I think the majority would agree that gimmick PPV's do hurt Mania.
The majority also enjoy gang rape and used to think Toyota put out a superior product. What the hell do they know?

It's like eating too many sweets before dinner. You feel spoilt and feel forced to eat the dinner.
But those shows weren't sweet. Not at all. Making Mania look all the sweeter. In a non-food sense.

Oh. And as for criticizing the thread, don't be so rude. It's a good thought quoted from a top wrestling magazine and your comments about it being silly are therefore irrelevant.
Wrestling magazines haven't been relevant in ages.
wrestlemania could never lose it. states are bidding for it right now for future manias. whenthey had it in detroit they brought like 30 mil to 'em. wrestlemania weekend is serious. people hate on this years mania but i think it was rebuilding time. bret performed after having a stroke and is getting his glory. always got the best singin the anthem. money in the bank will always be the shit. putting in a couple big men aint a bad idea. they like extra weapons. taker and shawn headlined two manias straight. flair had his last best match against shawn. cena won it back to back.orton shined at this years mania. mysterio won a couple mania matches including titles.triple h always shines at the manias. the mania is right up there with the superbowl.
Like someone said for the mayors of these lucky towns its still a huge event. Other than the Super Bowl of course what single day Sporting event makes more money? To the company hell no they put there best matches at Mania. To the fans hell yes it has. Yes Shawn and Taker (and Flair) have stolen shows...buts its pretty much them. Take a look at Wrestlemania 17..Rock vs. Stone Cold ( the two biggest stars in the company and huge mainstream) you also had Austin team up with Vince the biggest swerve possible ever! next year u have The Great One vs. The Immortal One....Rock vs. Hogan...oh and u also had Taker vs. Flair to boot...next year u had austin vs rock III, Hogan vs McMahon, mainevent Angle vs. Lesnar....all mainstream stars...now days Cena is honestly the only "Mainstream" star. That and put in now days at mania there less OMFG moments.
IMO i think Wrestlemania has lost its luster....i think it started to go down when at Mania 22 in chicago i thought this was the worst mania...besides mania 25...i think they overexploted Eddies death i stilll think that Rey would never had been champ if it wasnt for Eddie dieing...i still dont consider him a former champ...That was Vinny Macs fault


the reason the rest of the manias have lost thoer luster isnt Vinny Macs fault..i think someone earlier said it best the fall of intrest in WWE or wrestling in general like if i miss a episode of Raw or Tna..and i miss alot if TNA ill just forget about it.....its not that big of a deal..whereas in the 90's early 2000's i wouldnt even go to the bathroom til Raw smackdown Nitro and thunder went off the air...i think the real fans that watch mania actually go there and you get the bunch that buy it..but with so many people streaming it online for free i think people resort to using that...i think if mania was more interesting people would buy it....
Starting with next year's Wrestlemania, it will have lost its lustre. Wrestlemania always has at least one BIG match that can be made into a poster and is the significant feature that can be hyped. Who is left that can make the big match happen? Jack Swagger vs. Sheamus for the title? Please. The ONLY, I repeat ONLY match left that can be WM worthy is HHH vs. Undertaker. That's it. There is no match that can possibly be made with the rest of the roster that has a BIG WM feel to it. Don't ge me wrong, there can still be some midcard classics. I'd love to see a Jericho/Morrison WM match. But next year there will be no BIG match, unless HHH-Taker go at it.

Losing that BIG hyped full size poster match is what will make WM finally lose its last bit of lustre.
I'm going to say no, but that's for a few reasons. Have you seen Mania 1 and 2? Watch them and you will realise that these are far from big showcase events, I've heard them called "glorified house shows" and I would be inclined to agree.

Now if you look at IX this was a huge "showcase" yet has gone on record as one of the worst wrestlemania events ever, Giant Gonzales v Undertaker, Roman Togas and a 21second Hulk Hogan title victory.

Another point is we have built mania up far too much in our heads, every year it's the same, a huge level of excitement and then two weeks of bitching about how shit it was afterwards. This happened this year/last/year before and no doubt will happen next year.

Now one area where it HAS lost it's luster is feuds. Back in the day a feud would end at Mania, that's the unofficial season end for WWE, but the past few years the PPV following has been the one for rematches of Wrestlemania, that takes a lot away from the event you just watched a month before.
YES! Wrestlemania has lost it's luster. One just needs to look at this past year's incarnation to see that. I will not order another Wrestlemania again for a long, long time because this year's was so damn boring.(In fact I was so turned off by what I saw, I haven't watched any WWE programming since!) We were treated to probably the worst announcing I have ever heard. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler DO NOT mesh, and Matt Striker is a third wheel on an already broken bike. The matches were all preceded by what felt like 20 minute montages. Then the matches felt like a WCW Saturday Night, not WRESTLE FRIGGIN MANIA! There was absolutely nothing that stood out to me on the card. There was no moment that I felt the "WOW" factor. Not even Taker vs. HBK 2 was enough to save the show. It was without a doubt the biggest disappointment in my wrestling watching life. So you ask if Wrestlemania has lost it's luster? You bet your ass it has and it has also lost me as a WWE fan.
Truthfully the more recent Manias do have a forced feel to them but at the same time have some great moments. The thing that makes them better than the other PPVs is the same that makes them feel forced, for me. The recent ones have everyone of semi importance on the card which gives me a forced feel and makes the matches a little less special. On the other hand Mania goes all out and has a match for everyone, by that I mean everyone usually has at least 1 match that tickles that particular viewer's fancy. I would enjoy my WrestleMania to have a few less matches to make it a true supershow where only the elite are showcased.

All n all Mania is great, but having too many matches on the card brings down the majesty a bit, for me at least.
First things first, why is Wrestlemania now being looked at as just another PPV?

There is FAR to many PPV's now, and most wrestlemania matches have already happened on normal PPV's THEN WWE try and wrap the matches up with a nice bowtie and say this is WRESTLEMANIA QUALITY, kind of like 2008/09 with HHH/Orton 2004-2005 plus the countless RAW matches then at Wrestlemania 24 and 25 (2008/09) how can you sell that match after it's happened loads of times on RAW and normal PPV's?

Personally I think Wrestlemania is a big deal, but I'm a fan first and foremost and I don't buy every monthly PPV so when I do fork out the £15 for a PPV I feel like it's special and I enjoy it rather then buy every months shows and feel like I've wasted £15.

The next few Wrestlemania I believe will lack in star power matches compared to say Mania X7-26, because there is no one really there at the level of people like Shawn Michaels, or Kurt Angle. And we can do without anymore Orton/Cena matches on PPV for a long time, even Edge/Orton I believe that was Wrestlemania main event worthy, if that happens at Mania 27 I'd be surprised simply because they're feuding now on normal PPV's WHY?? it seems to me like people have lost faith in the grandest stage of them all, maybe WWE invested to much stock on that tag line and now they're older guys are retiring they've realized that tag line will be dud,
I voted "yes" only because I completely disagree with "it's as great now as it has ever been". The problem with the past few WrestleManias is that they're being booked just like every other pay-per-view. It follows the same format as Over the Limit, for example, and there really isn't anything that sets it apart other than the massave stadiums Mania's taken place at lately. WrestleMania should feature grand entrances, wrestlers taking higher risks and upping their game, far less talking and more wrestling. There's no point having a 7 minute promo for every match since everyone should already be invested in the matches. Allow the unexpected to happen (Cena loses the title) and the wrestlers should go out to make a Mania moment for themselves since the event is billed as "Showcase of the Immortals". If I were running things, I would do everything in my power to ensure that some of the matches are ones that fans thought they'd never see.
It's HUGE....it was, still is, and always will be (credit to hart)....someone said if before, it has 10 cities trying to host it..was does that show you...it gathers fans from around the world...always has at elast 4 matches you look forward to the most...it's just a big show...theres a lot of excitement...
I dont think it has lost its lustre at all. I think the Mania moment thing has its advantages and disadvantages. People watch in anticipation of 1, but maybe it makes MITB too much of a spotfest, especially with too many people in the match. It becomes a my go, your go kind of thing.

I still really look forward to Mania, normally if the match is good enough, mania moments are created anyway. The forced ones dont get remembered. How many of us can remember all the MITB stunts in someones desperate attempts to get one?

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