Has Vince Lost His Mind?


Dark Match Jobber
Ok, is it just me or has Vince hit the deep end. With Ecw and DX coming back wrestling seemed like it was just starting to get better. But when you do things like bring in Kevin Federline, have Foley in a storyline with Melina, and have some stupid cartoon on the website. What are Vince's real priorities? Is trying to make something in his company stronger or just throwing out ideas, which by being used makes things worse.
And why is this in the PPV Forum? It has nothing to do with a PPV what so ever.. Moving to WWE Forums..
Vince is only trying to keep up with todays generation he realises today its all about the internet so he is trying to expand wwe.com He puts foley in a storyline with melina to shake things up a bit because foley has come back and had grudge matches with people since he stopped retiring. And the K-Fed things was beause he thought Kfed is like the villian or heel of the celebrity world with the spears thing so he thought he could bring him in for a little run like WCW did with Leno and arquette even though arquette was actually because of the film. But do you see my point Vince is only trying to do things different so he can continue to shock the audience.
The Federline thing is just for media attention really....it's the only reason you would try to bring a guy in from Hollywood to work with a wrestler. It's all for the media. Actually at work today, this kid I work with was sayin to watch wrestling on New Years Day to watch Kevin Federline get his ass whipped by "that jacked up wrestling guy John Cena". So apparently, they're doin that right.

It's not good wrestling.....but it's a publicity stunt. I guess he's just trying a shitload of things out.....seeing what works and what doesn't. It's actually reminiscent to the WWF of the mid 90s....you may see some things you're gonna like, you may not. Some things are gonna work out well, others aren't gonna work so well.

They're good enough that they can afford to take chances like that. That kind of risk-taking really goes all the way back to the first Wrestlemania for Vince McMahon...it could have been a huge success(which it was) or it could have been a huge failure. He was the guy that would try it though and had the resources to do so. Vince has been doing it for his entire run as the Head Honcho, it's what made him what he is today and that kind of mentality from Vince is what made the wrestling industry in general what it is today.

As far as i'm concerned, he can keep doing what he's doing. We're gonna see things we like and we're gonna see things we don't like....but as long as the WWE has an audience, they're good.
Why must people persist with Vince bashing? He's not the only one who decides what goes. The WWE was consistently good for so many years and just because it's going through a rough patch, there's no need to blast Vince for trying something new. He's the one who has paved the way for new promotions like TNA. If the WWE is so bad, why do so many people continue watching? The main reason is that you know it's going to get better. It will start by getting more fans into the business and if the WWE (not just Vince) wants to use K-Fed, a world-renowned asshole, that is fine by me.
As far as i'm concerned,the WWE has survived these last few years inspite of Vince,not because of him.WCW could have smoked the WWF,but they gave Hogan and Vince Russo to much power and they held the real talent down.ECW was big on talent,put couldnt get access to big networks and arenas.Vince has allowed himself to be influenced by HHH,and oddly enough,HHH has probably done more good for the WWE,because all Vince's anfles have been shit(GOD at Backlash!)
The WWE will be better off when Vince dies.Shane and HHH will do a better job running things than vince ever did.
They need to drop this K-Fed sh*t, now that's he's been dumped by Britney he's a nobody. It's also frightening reminiscent of when WCW gave the title to David Arquette.
The wcw being brought into wwe was actually a great idea. It was just too bad that not more of their stars were signed to a contract and that they had used big stars such as DDP and Scott Steiner better.
Tributation Machine said:
He lost his mind when he brought WCW.

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