Has Michaels/Taker already sealed the deal on match of the year?


Getting Noticed By Management
Some people are saying this is the greatest match ever, so it's going to be really hard to beat it. But I think if you add the right people and the right match together it might be able to be beat.

Triple H vs Randy Orton: Hell in a Cell for the WWE title.
This would have to be the big payoff for their feud. Orton would finally win the WWE title and pin Triple H clean in the middle of the ring. Triple H always has good gimmick matches and Orton's athletisism works well in the cell. So it could be a great match.

Cena vs Edge LMS
I love Cena and Edge, and LMS is my favorite gimmick match. So I have high hopes for it. Chances are this is the last match of their long feud, so they'll put a lot of effort into it. I'm really looking forward to it.

Davey Richards vs Kenta
I havent seen it yet but it's supposed to be awesome. So I cant wait to see it whenever it pops up on youtube or dvd.

Randy Orton vs Edge
I doubt it'll happen this year, but it's going to be awesome when it does happen. So I can hold out hope that they'll feud this year.

Chris Jericho vs Undertaker
It'd be badass. Jericho and Taker both could put on a great match with a pop can, so they'd work great together. This match is going to happen eventually, if not this year, then next year at Wrestlemania 26.

Punk/Cena Punk/Orton Punk/Michaels
They could all be phenomenal

Jeff Jarrett vs Mick Foley
If they did the right storyline to go along with the match it could be great. Both can still go in the ring and I think it'd be something the fans would like to see.
HBK/Taker from WM26 is undoubtly the match of the year....Everything from the build up the near falls and that crazy diving plancha taker pulled off was awsome. This is what wrestling fans have been wanting for a while now and I don't think it will be topped anytime soon

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