Thoughts on NOC


Dark Match Jobber
So just wondering what you all thought of Night of Champions.

Didn't watch it but this is from reading on the net.

Unified Tag Team Title Match chris Jericho and a mystery partner vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.

Ok so Big show. didn't see that comming. thought they would give hime another high flyer or smaller guy. Maybye Even Bourne.

Ok so the match at the start I thought is was going to be just another squash match, But when Jericho was getting beat down for ages Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase looked like a legit' threat to th champ's. IMO it's to early to change the titles if they want to bring presteige back to thm then it needs to look hard to win them and CR & TD need to be a little more established in the tag division.

Over all a good match with the right out come. Chirs jerico and Big Show winning.

ECW Championship Match Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian

Ok so this was one of the biggest shocks of the night. NoC is in Phill(ie or y I dont know not American) I didn't think dreamer would drop the title but it is the WWE anything can happen.

Match seems to have been good. Some tense oments but that makes a match better. good finish with a counter into a counter and then the finnish.( is the kill swith the new name for the code breaker?? It's been a while since i last watched WWE.) So this match looked to be realy crowded. Hard to keep up with. Reading the live stream was so annoying. I donn't realy have much to say on this one Kofi reained in a realy werired match would have served better to give someone who could not win one on one.

New champion Christian.

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. MVP vs. The Miz vs. Carlito vs. Jack Swagger vs. Big Show. In the SIX-pack challenge.

So this match looked to be realy crowded. Hard to keep up with. Reading the live stream was so annoying. I donn't realy have much to say on this one Kofi reained in a realy werired match would have served better to give someone who could not win one on one.

Kofie wins.

Women's Championship Match Michelle McCool vs. Melina.

Ok so IMO WWE has ruined the womens division. Now it's just a bunch of blond bimbos running around making wrestling look even faker than it already does. IMO there just hre for sex appeal.

Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H.

Great match long like it needed to be. Orton realy made him self look like he was better than Cena and HHH. Hopfuly they will end this feud now or as i think it will either change into Cena Vs HHH because he was pinned or it will be Orton Vs Cen for the same reason. could be good but I want and think it's needed badly a new face in the WWE title scene.

orton retains.

Women's Championship Match Michelle McCool vs. Melina.

Ok so this gets the same as the divas match. :banghead: is kinda how i feel about the womend division now.:banghead::wtf:

Intercontinental Championship Match Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler.

Ok so this match looks like Zigler dominated for a while then Rey wins like normal. IMO zigler wins their next match to continue the feud. should be good I can see Zigler as a world champion someday. This could be the Feud that lifts him to uper mid card well he needs to be a solid mid card first for that to happen.

World Heavyweight Championship Match CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy.

Ok so this Match was the biggest surpruse of the night by-far.

Ok so I will take it that Hardy signed a new contract or I hop he did and this isnt his good bye and we want some more merch' sold title reign.

Match looks to have been good high spots tense moments and what not.

Your winner Jeff Hardy and New World Heavyweight Champion.:worship::worship:

Ok so thats what i think, what did you guys think of NoC.
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