Has Evan Bourne's Moment Passed?


Occasional Pre-Show
Evan Bourne, not too long ago, was a rising star in WWE. Those of us who watched the final few months of WWE:ECW will agree that he showed immense talent. He was a breath of fresh air compared to some of the stale talent that was shoved there. This point was emphasised when he wrestled the likes of Nunzio, Mike Knox and Chavo Guerrero. Both he and Kofi Kingston were tipped as future stars, and when they both moved over to Raw, it seemd just a matter of time. Bourne continued to scale heights, metaphorically and literally, wrestling WWE Champion Sheamus.
Evan went on to compete in Money In The Bank, and though I didn't see it, I imagine his talent was well used in the match.
From there, Evan went on to team with John Cena against Edge & Sheamus. I saw that, and I thought, they're actually going to do it...a new main eventer is coming soon!

This flicker of hope became a steady flame when Evan Bourne defeated Chris Jericho at Fatal-4-Way, it was a good match and I couldn't help but think back to Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy's brief feud, shortly before Hardy moved to Smackdown for the Main Event Push.

Bourne was then pushed to the side a lot when The Nexus started to hit full speed. He was one of John Cena's allies in the war against The Nexus, unlike Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Edge, who, one way or another managed to avoid being labelled in the minds of the WWE fans as one of his sidekicks.

Then, came the tag team turmoil match, teaming with Mark Henry. I felt this as just a way to find Evan something to do...and soon after came the injury.

Now, Kofi Kingston looks like the up-and-coming star, with Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel highly rated by most. I ask, has Evan Bourne's moment passed? Will we never see him in the Main Event? Will he be another could-have-been like Lance Cade or Christian?

Your thoughts?
i think he is still on the rise, he is a high flyer and is very good, and one thing you got to remember one of the best flyers is about to probably leave the wwe, that is rey mysterio
I would say it depends on how he returns, if he returns and goes into a good feud perhaps for the ic or us title against someone established then he could push on from that into the main event, similarly to the Miz's transition from us title to wwe title.
However if he comes back and gets put into some random tag partnership or a low card feud i don't think he would be able to recover and would likely end up in TNA
It's really unfortunate, but the fact of the matter is the WWE sees injured superstars as liabilities. It's almost like they blame the superstar for getting hurt. The same thing happened to Mr Kennedy - he got hurt (twice, I believe) right as he was getting a main event push - and look where he is now. I do know that the WWE is still very high on Bourne because despite there being other high fliers in the company, nobody can do what he does. Nobody can fire off Shooting Star Presses with the consistency of Bourne (let's just ask Billy Kidman and Shawn O'Haire how easy that shit is) and Vince knows that. I read somewhere that the WWE was planning on airing videos hyping Bourne's return and giving him a good feud/match at Wrestlemania, but it is getting a little late for that, so really, who knows? I don't.
Bourne has been on a rise with a program with Chris Jericho, as he has shown his skill in the ring based on his quickness and various luchador-like offense. But I think his injury currently will hinder that push considering WWE's time is not on his side. When he does recover and make his return I expect to see him start from the bottom again, however won't be as long as many will think. This makes me wish that the Cruiserweight division was still around, but Vince wouldn't have that which is a shame :(
I really hope not! bourne shows great talent and commitment. I just hope he has been practicing his mic skills while he was injured because he is a little lacking in that regard.
Bourne is great I can't help but think it would have been him instead of R-f***ing-Truth in the EC match if he could return like a couple of weeks before the event that is.

He's a great talent in the ring and is a solid mid carder who maybe, just maybe, could replace Mysterio as top high flyer in the WWE. *I say maybe because of the constant WWE and Mistico link*

Just please WWE for god's sake don't put him in a match for the tag titles with Mark Henry... I wouldn't mind if he is in the tag division if WWE decide to reform it *which I highly doubt, I'm personally hoping they drop the belts completely*. But even then WWE seem to believe for a tag team to be big they need a powerhouse... we will never in the near future get an energetic high flying tag team =[
I think once Rey goes, some one will need to fill that void of "the ultimate underdog". It's unlikely he'll eve reach the heights or have half the career of Mysterio but I don't see Evan Bourne fading away. I reckon it'll be a year or two before he's in any really big matches but I have high hopes for Bourne. My prediction is that he'll return to a couple midcard quasi-important feuds, get himself more over and keep a consistent level of entertaining matches until he starts chasing either the IC or US title.

Or maybe he goes right after Daniel Bryan's US title after WrestleMania leading to what can only be a damn entertaining series of matches.
Frankly, Bourne is a White Rey Mysterio Light. He's pretty comparible to Diet, invisible cola - lighter in color and not quite the same flavor.

If only he would have been around in the mid-late 90's for the Cruiserweight belt in WCW. THAT would have been awesome. In WWE, has any little guy besides Rey EVER done ANYTHING?

Although Hornswoggle did outlast half the roster in the rumble.
Evan Bourne, not too long ago, was a rising star in WWE. Those of us who watched the final few months of WWE:ECW will agree that he showed immense talent. He was a breath of fresh air compared to some of the stale talent that was shoved there. This point was emphasised when he wrestled the likes of Nunzio, Mike Knox and Chavo Guerrero. Both he and Kofi Kingston were tipped as future stars, and when they both moved over to Raw, it seemd just a matter of time. Bourne continued to scale heights, metaphorically and literally, wrestling WWE Champion Sheamus.
Evan went on to compete in Money In The Bank, and though I didn't see it, I imagine his talent was well used in the match.
From there, Evan went on to team with John Cena against Edge & Sheamus. I saw that, and I thought, they're actually going to do it...a new main eventer is coming soon!

This flicker of hope became a steady flame when Evan Bourne defeated Chris Jericho at Fatal-4-Way, it was a good match and I couldn't help but think back to Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy's brief feud, shortly before Hardy moved to Smackdown for the Main Event Push.

Bourne was then pushed to the side a lot when The Nexus started to hit full speed. He was one of John Cena's allies in the war against The Nexus, unlike Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Edge, who, one way or another managed to avoid being labelled in the minds of the WWE fans as one of his sidekicks.

Then, came the tag team turmoil match, teaming with Mark Henry. I felt this as just a way to find Evan something to do...and soon after came the injury.

Now, Kofi Kingston looks like the up-and-coming star, with Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel highly rated by most. I ask, has Evan Bourne's moment passed? Will we never see him in the Main Event? Will he be another could-have-been like Lance Cade or Christian?

Your thoughts?

I wouldn't say it's passed. A lot of people thought the same thing about John Morrison, but now he's being pushed to the stars. Evan Bourne has the talent, I don't think he'll be a perennial main eventer but when everyone's ready they can put him where ever they want.
i dont think he's done with his push. bourne is very talented and one of the last great high flyers around in the wwe. i dont think he'll ever make it to the mainevent but he is deff. good enough to get a top guy in the midcard. i see him being a us/ic champ one day and maybe a good tagteam run if he gets the right partner. but if the wwe and vince give him the chance i think he can succeed.
evan bourne has been injured for quite some time, his push was a long time ago. your time cant pass if youre not there for it to come. when he comes back he's going to make an impact. maybe start with him and danielson reshaping the tag division??
I never really saw Evan Bourne as more then that guy who will pull out the occasional big upset, put over the bigger stars and provide fans with a couple gasps of appreciation as he soars through the air with the Shooting Star Press.

You've got to have some semblance of a character or mic skills to break through the glass ceiling that he is currently crushed against. The in ring skill set is all there. The man can fly, mat wrestle and has some exciting striking in his arsenal. Unfortunately, when a mic was put in front of him, the moment he opened his mouth, I cringed uncontrollably.

So, truth be told, I think that unless he develops his game outside of his wrestling skills, Evan's claim to fame is going to be the cat who flew off the top rope with the Shooting Star Press and got drilled on his noggin with an RKO by the Viper.
evan bourne has been injured for quite some time, his push was a long time ago. your time cant pass if youre not there for it to come. when he comes back he's going to make an impact. maybe start with him and danielson reshaping the tag division??

My thoughts exactly. I know WWE likes to throw random people together to win the Tag Belts (JeriShow, ShowMiz, Santino/Kozlov etc), so why not Bourne and Bryan? It would be a good jump start for his career, since he hasn't won any titles yet. Or have him feud with Daniel Bryan for the US Championship. Anything is fine by me, just as long as they stop trying to force R-Truth down our throats. But seriously...

Bournes push hasn't passed yet, I just feel that he is on the wrong show. There are already too many Main Event wrestlers on Raw, I think he should be drafted to Smackdown, and build up some wins.
I wouldnt say his time has passed at all, Evan was loved by many fans, children and adult because of what he can do in the ring. He is a much awaited return, because I think people miss what the man can do. Now lets say they start airing his return videos and you get people looking forward to it, whos to say they couldnt put him in a program for the U.S title. I do believe that the U.S title is on the rise and this could only help the Title, and the two people involved (likely DB and Bourne).

Also as mentioned with Rey leaving here soon someone will need to take his spot as that tough ass little underdog who you can never count out. Not to mention that R-Turth gets a shit load of air time and I can only imagin that Bourne will come back and take his spot.

I still see big things for Evan maybe never that Main Event title run but I can see him doing great things for what he has to work with.
I remember him having a brief push into the main event with Cena...but other than that...where is everyone getting the impression that Bourne is going to be anything? Yeah...he's a flyer, but so what? What's so special? To me, he flew into an RKO and that was his end. I'm struggling with the idea that there's some sort of hole waiting to be filled with his return.
Poor Evan Bourne... Great in the ring... Boring as watching paint dry on the mic.

And for that reason, I never see him going past a few odd tag teams and then future endeavored. How he comes back this time around will tell what happens to his future. But honestly, I hate to say this (about any wrestler) but he just doesn't cut it when it comes to being a profitable investment for the WWE.
Has his time passed? Jesus. A guy gets injured and he's already being panned and some of you even have him getting released. Wow.

Evan Bourne is still one of the youngest guys in the locker room at 27. Sure you can't be a super high flyer forever, but give him time to develop a little more for cryin' out loud. He might get older, pack on some mass like Mysterio did (without the juice), and be involved at the top of the card much like Mysterio or a Jeff Hardy. Just because you're injured one time doesn't mean your done and your time is up. He'll come back to a huge pop and he'll start gaining momentum in his career. With Mysterio's window closing slowly, I would argue that other than Cena, Evan Bourne is the next favorite wrestler of a lot of the younger WWE fans. I'm not saying he's going to come back and be a main event player, but he's hardly going to rot to shit like many of you think.
As Gideon said...I would love, love, love to see Evan Bourne team with Daniel Bryan.

To be honest, if they are going to form this team with Trent Baretta, and Curt Hawkins that I keep reading about, that could be an awesome feud, if it is built right.

If they have a MITB match at Wrestlemania, I hope Evan Bourne is able to be in it. Much like Rey Mysterio, he is highly underrated, if you ever seen him in the Ring of Honor as Matt Sydal, you would understand.

Like I read earlier, if, they dont do the tag team thing with him and Bryan, or Henry, or anyone else, I dont see why he cant become the US or IC champion at some point.
In a matter of opinion, I think he's screwed! History has shown that when you're a top guy and u get injured, you very rarely ever lose your spot. But if you're a mid-carder, who was getting a slight push, then people will be pushed ahead of you, and you'll have a rough time getting that spot back. I don't like Bourne's chances.
The one question with Evan is how are they going to bring him back and get him to make an impact. I know wwe can do it somehow it's just a question of to what level they are likely to push him. He has the potential to main event it's just all down to his return, how big a pop he get's and finally how much backing creative will give to him.
The one question with Evan is how are they going to bring him back and get him to make an impact. I know wwe can do it somehow it's just a question of to what level they are likely to push him. He has the potential to main event it's just all down to his return, how big a pop he get's and finally how much backing creative will give to him.

When he got injured he jsut didnt disappear, he had a match with cm punk who won the afterwards attacked his arm and shoulder. They then announced the follwing week on Raw Bourne was injured from punks attack.

I see Bourne returning and maybe forming some sort of alliance with Orton to get his revenge agaisnt punk. They are also both from St louis. I think the St Louis fans would love it.
I seen this guy have a 20 minute match with edge and it was one of the best matched Ive seen Live it was ppv quality.
The obvious answer is no, it hasnt passed. He still has a chance but i doubt it. I never really saw him in the main event. I love Evan Bourne but he just doesnt have the look. Mysterio is small but hes alot more buff. I see evan bourne as basisly a Christian or Matt Hardy but with a little bit more. A jobber to the stars if you will. He will have quite a few reigns to his name and maybe at one point he will have a world title match but nothing more. Im not saying he doesnt deserve it. He does. But we all know vince is biased against the small guys.

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