Has anybody noticed John Cena has been getting pinned more than usual?


Getting Noticed By Management
I was rewatching John Cena and Seth Rollins Lumberjack match and something dawned on me. John Cena has been getting pinned, beaten more than usual lately.

He got pinned (after being victimized ) by Brock Lesnar, He got pinned by Rollins at Survivor Series, Raw's Lumberjack Match among other matches...... This either speaks highly of how WWE wants Rollins to succeed or how finally they are starting to use Cena correctly and realizing cena can lose a fee matches here and there. This victories build up Opponents and Cena is still Cena (shocking I know!)

Is this the correct way to use Cena? You don't need him to lose every single bit match ala Jericho but losing a few matches by pinfall helps develop up and comers...

Yes, he is losing matches but only by getting ganged up on and taking a ton of finishers (and even then he still kicks out at 2 most of the time) especially against Rollins. Sure it's a feather in Rollins' cap but not as much as if he were beating Cena straight-up with little to no interference.
He's getting pinned more because he has to make room for others. In the past, he's taken on armies by himself and over came the odds because that was all that was needed for that time period. As for the authority and WM storylines, Cena needs to move over and make room for other faces as well as elevating heels because there are 8-9 matches and every 1 in the top 5 or so has to look some what strong. If he were the ME, you wouldn't be seeing him losing these kind of matches or allowing is team to get fired and not being able to get him back himself.
First off, John Cena getting pinned is not the true reflection of a guy going over. You remember a guy called Tensai who beat Cena some 2 years ago? That didn't turn out to be much. You have to take into account that under what conditions he is getting pinned.

So, Rollins pinned him twice this year. Both times, a lot of outside interference was involved. When Cena is pinned clean, a new star is born (see CM Punk and Daniel Bryan). When Cena is pinned clean, it's a huge achievement (Brock Lesnar anyone). However, the way he was pinned by Rollins or lost to Bray Wyatt didn't do much for either stars. You have to count the way he's pinned instead of whether he's pinned.
Don't get yourself all worked up here now sunny Jim. Cena had a bit of a loosing streak after he lost to The Rock at 28 (my brains not currently working, I think I got that right though.), Cena always has some sort of story of defeat that he must overcome and "address the wwe universe" live on air about.
I doubt this is much more than WWE getting Rollins over as a heel, then letting Cena bounce back stronger than ever.

However I do wonder what will happen if Orton comes back....I really don't see WWE creative letting him beat Orton in an overall feud.
First off, John Cena getting pinned is not the true reflection of a guy going over. You remember a guy called Tensai who beat Cena some 2 years ago? That didn't turn out to be much. You have to take into account that under what conditions he is getting pinned.

So, Rollins pinned him twice this year. Both times, a lot of outside interference was involved. When Cena is pinned clean, a new star is born (see CM Punk and Daniel Bryan). When Cena is pinned clean, it's a huge achievement (Brock Lesnar anyone). However, the way he was pinned by Rollins or lost to Bray Wyatt didn't do much for either stars. You have to count the way he's pinned instead of whether he's pinned.

Those are great points but a pinfall is still a pinfall. You mentioned Tensai, he "beat Cena but I don't recall him pinning Cena in those 2 weeks after WM 28. Cena didn't get pinned by Barret, neither by Wyatt earlier in the year, nor any other young up and coming worker since Cena started working with "the young guys" for the last 4 years or so and that included after several handicapped situations.

The only Pinfall loses i recall are against the rock, bryan , hhhand CM Punk ( although never a clean pin , there was a distraction by john lauranatis at MITB, foot on the rope at summerslam, double pinfall at night of champions, etc). Rollins joina that elite group of men that pinned John Cen
Those are great points but a pinfall is still a pinfall. You mentioned Tensai, he "beat Cena but I don't recall him pinning Cena in those 2 weeks after WM 28. Cena didn't get pinned by Barret, neither by Wyatt earlier in the year, nor any other young up and coming worker since Cena started working with "the young guys" for the last 4 years or so and that included after several handicapped situations.

The only Pinfall loses i recall are against the rock, bryan , hhhand CM Punk ( although never a clean pin , there was a distraction by john lauranatis at MITB, foot on the rope at summerslam, double pinfall at night of champions, etc). Rollins joina that elite group of men that pinned John Cen

Tensai actually did pin John Cena, so there's that. My point is, Cena, even in these pinfall losses, is heavily protected and by getting pinned in this way does nothing for his opponent. And if you are looking for the cleanest victory over Cena via pin fall, there have only been two, against Bryan and Lesnar.

He's getting pinned no more than he was when he lost to the Rock or CM Punk. He is still heavily protected in these losses. Rollins has just joined the long list of people who have 'beaten' John Cena, pinfall or otherwise.
A pinfall isn't still a pinfall. Aside from Lesnar he loses but still saves face since he didn't lose cleanly. It keeps his status in the title picture and kind of makes him an underdog. It's just to make Cena seem vulnerable but Vince has a lot more championship runs in store for Cena.
Like Cena, I remember Hulk Hogan going on quite the losing streak in WCW late 95 after Macho Man won the first ever World War 3. Hogan had lost the title to Big Show. Dungeon of Doom was getting wins on Hogan. Ric Flair got his only ever pinfall win over Hogan. Even Arn Anderson got one! Hogan started coming out without the Hulkamania shirts and developed a more aggressive attitude. He would disappear after a period where the fans seemed to be backing Savage and Sting more. And reappear at Bash at the Beach and turn heel.

So why is Cena on a losing by pinfall skid. Like Hogan in 95, his heel turn is in the works. My prediction? Cena turns on Daniel Bryan after Wrestlemania probably at some point this summer. It'll probably be an angle involving US enemy Rusev and the Authority.
Bret Hart beat Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13 yet still put him over massively. Pinfalls don't mean much, especially against Cena. Most of his rivals ultimately get crushed.

There's more to putting someone over than just taking the three count.
It makes his matches less predictable. I think it's a good thing. One of the problems I've always had about Cena is he'd win virtually every match he's in but it's good he's putting over people.

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