Hart Dynasty to Smackdown


American made.
So I was just on wwe.com and looked at the article about the trade... And the Hart Dynasty has been moved to Smackdown. I think that this is going to be a good move for them giving them more exposure, and possibly set them up for winning the tag titles from Jericho and Edge.

...a good move for them give them more exposure...

These were the exact thoughts in my head when I read the article. Smackdown has a good midcard for the Dynasty to pick on right now. Thus, they can seem like a really credible tag team and threats to the titles. This assumes that Edge and Jericho will be a team for a while, building up what will likely (or at least the popular vote to be) and Edge face turn and a Jericho backstabbing. Hopefully, the Hart Dynasty is in the right place to take advantage.

I don't see how this could be a bad thing. Even in the worst of scenarios, Natalya is back on a show that has a women's division.
Yes. This is awesome.

When i first heard about the trade, i was worried that Vince was going to "rebalance" by sending Cena to Smackdown, or Batista, or Orton. And that Smackdown's awesome roster would be raided.

Turns out he just wanted to pillage ECW. Score.

But yeah, i think this is great for all involved. I feel bad for Shelton, being demoted again. And I was really hoping to dump Rey, pick up Kofi, and get Christian and/or Swagger. But this works. Finlay will be buried, and i'm okay with that. Might be about time for ol' Fit to hang up the boots.

But yeah, on topic- The Hart Trilogy, Swagger, Christian, and Bourne were the only reasons i ever considered watching ECW. Now i don't have to! The Hart Trilogy will be huge on Smackdown, getting the titles as soon as NoC with the face turn of Edge close. I'm not clamoring to see Natalya get the Women's belt, but I lost my favorite diva (Gail) to Raw...so...it'd be a fresh change.
This is excellent. More opportunities for them there and that will make Smack Down even better,
I like this whole trade idea, save for one. Don't get me wrong, it's great for smackdown, but shit for Raw. I absolutely love the idea of the Hart Dynasty on SD!, but did Vince really have to move Regal to ECW? And who does Raw get? An unproven, relative newbie like Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger (who I approve of as a trade, he was too good for ECW in the first place.), and Mark Henry? Whereas Raw loses William Regal, and Matt Hardy? The Bella Twins, I can deal with, and Goldust, I didn't expect to last this long given his recent track record with no-showing. Back to the topic though, this is a good sign with the Hart Dynasty. Vince obviously has confidence in them, and they definately deserve it. Here's hopin' they get moved to Raw soon.`
When I watch SmackDown and realise that these Hart Dynasty fellows aren't nearly what they're cracked up to be, I'm going to come back here and tear a fucking hole through this thread.

You better hope I'm impressed, for your sake.
Raw or Smackdown does it really matter. I actually think Smackdown is a better show with better wrestling. Only reason people think Raw is so great is because it is live and it is the original prime time weekly WWE show. If Smackdown was back on Thursdays and live like it use to be im sure the ratings would be equal to those of Raw.
I think D.H. Smith is awful. Or he has been since he showed up on TV. I also think Kidd is small and, well, a bit shit too.

But it's a better move for them. There's nothing to do on ECW other than Tiffany.
As cute as Alicia Fox is, I'm glad to see that Smackdown now has a proper heel in their women's division with the trade of Natalya. She should be women's champ by WrestleMania after beating whoever Michelle drops it to, whether its Maria or back to Melina.

Smith has a lot of work to do before I consider him a real acquisition. He still seems too green to me. But maybe now that he can work with more people, he can start learning more.

Kidd I look forward to participating in the midcard. Mysterio/Kidd for the IC title, anyone? I hate how he screams so much and sounds like a girl in his matches, but he's got potential, and he may be able to capitalize on it by being on Smackdown. The main person in his way that I can see is actually Dolph Ziggler since they're similar in size. We'll see.
fuckin A. well no, I am unimpressed. Cool for them, since they are gon abe big, I think. Dumb move, becuase SD has like 4 faces, and 257 heels. Including heel tag champs. Oh well.
Really not seeing why this was done. The HD are both just green to me at this point. They're not bad, but they've had what, a month on TV and maybe one memorable match at best? As a unit they're a cool idea, but I think this is just way too early for them to make this jump. Maybe in 5-6 months this would work, but right now, coupled with the aforementioned heel dominance, I don't get the logic in this and it sems way too early.
They should have stayed. They could have used their time their to run all over ECW and been the people to beat on that show. They had already started a mini-feud with Dreamer and Christian and really solidified themselves at the top of the midcard. I'm interested to see where they go from here.
Dude, teh Hart Dynasty should hav gonez 2 Raw 2 merge w/ Legacy!!!!! Teh Dynastic Legacy!!!!!!!!!!11!! At TEH BASH!!!!!111!1

But seriously...I have MAYBE watched Tyson Kidd fight one time...and it was nothing special. These guys will be back on ECW before you know it. They are the Evan Bournes of Smackdown. Good talent, perhaps...but in no way are they even remotely over enough to be consistently part of the card.
I think they jumped the gun on this one. They should have let them stay on ECW for a while to develop more before sending them to better pastures. An option would have been to turn them face so they can feud with Legacy or Edge/Jericho but I don't believe the Canadian Clique will stay together for long. Hopefully that won't regress and fall into obscurity.
They could have done a lot more on ECW.

Like D.H. or Kidd wanting the ECW title, and the group consistently ambushing and beating the shit out of Dreamer until they get it, just like Orton and Legacy.

...oh wait, thats mind numbingly boring. Maybe its good they got moved to Smackdown. It is the best place in the WWE to allow them to grow, there is a lot of opportunity on the mid-card roster.
I really think this move is rather premature. They've been in ECW for how long? 2 months? And they're already moved to Smackdown, the land of a thousand heels?

This can go either way. Natalya will carry the reaction for this group and the group will flop once they try to have a match without her at ringside, or the Hart Dynasy will somehow pull it off. Don't ask me how. DH Smith and Tyson Kidd have all of no experience. At all.

Oh well. Let's see how it goes. I won't be holding out for anything special though.
these guys look like a joke, im not feeling them. it was the first time i ever saw them so i'll obviously keep a look out but i wasnt feeling the look, the style of wrestling or anything. i mean dh can be the brute muscle guy but he's just not there right yet, and kidd needs to shave that thingy haha
So what a debut. They immediately job to Cryme Time. Awesome. I personally think Cryme Time is better anyway. DH has been wrestling for quite a while, and he still looks green as fuck. Kidd..... I will never take him seriously as long as he has that dumb ass thing on his head. Natalya has a big ass. That is all. Bad move. They have no business being on a show people actually watch yet. Whats keeping you Sam?
I think this was a great move! The Hart Dynasty now has the oppertiunity to establish themselves more and finally Natalya might wrestle again! She is sooo good in the ring. One of the only divas today who can wrestle! Plus Kidd and Smith can go for the tag titles, and a possible feud might occur.
how is this a bad move. is this not where wwe is growing all there young talent at. plus it makes the blue brand more watchful with a good young team. to me yeah there are to many heels. but i think a face turn will come in the near future for these guys. they will more then likely run into Legacy for the straps sooner rather then later. Y2J will drop belts to Legacy at Nigh of Champions. then you can have them feud with Harts these guys would all bennfit from it. and Natayla will wrestle more and take that womens tittle from that dam Mccool nasty looking bitch. plus this is the best rising group in tag wrestling. they are what will make it matter again

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