Hardcore Legend or Hardcore Prostitute?


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Okay, here is another post. But, Before I Continue I want to say If you respond keep It respectful I know some of you developed cramps and bloating During My first post. (which was a success right here... on wrestlezone.com (The Mick Foley cheap pop)

Speaking of Foley here is my post.....

Shortly before One night Stand 2006, Paul Heyman came out on raw and said that Mick Foley was a "Prostitute" Now, while I thought that was an awesome promo by Heyman, I began to see it as years progressed...

Everywhere I turned I saw Foley, Whether it was ROH, TNA or multiple returns to WWE when all of this "appearances" were mainly to plug or promote his books.

So my question is this do you guys agree that foley prostituted himself? Please explain your answer.

For me I truly think he is a Prostitute.... Everywhere I saw him he usually ends up trying to sell me another one of his books. From "Scooter" to "Countdown to Lockdown" etc. While he is now back with the WWE (Again) No one has jumped around from promotion to promotion more than Mick.

So tell me agree or disagree?
You really couldn't be more wrong.

Mick Foley had a long career, and was good with his money, so he chose to semi-retire before the injuries in the ring could get the better of him. He's an author now and his audience is wrestling fans, which is why he comes back to plug his books. Right now he's trying his hand in stand up comedy, which I'm sure there's no great money in, it's just something he likes to do and wanted to try.

Mick Foley doesn't flop around promotions. He went to TNA for a couple of years, and worked some indy shows, but he's always been a WWE guy.

Also, Mick's whole life is pretty much dedicated to charity. He does everything from mow people's lawns for cash, to auctioning off his own stuff in order to raise money for his causes.
I disagree. This is a little concept known as Cross Promoting. Foley makes appearances for the wrestling fans, whether than be in WWE or TNA, and he gets to promote his books. It benefits everyone involved because the wrestling fans get to see one of their favorite oldschool wrestlers again and he is there promoting his books to the main demographic that might be interested in it. This is simple Business 101, people. Products get cross promoted all the time. Foley is helping by doing this and it helps him get more people to buy his books at the same time.
I disagree. This is a little concept known as Cross Promoting. Foley makes appearances for the wrestling fans, whether than be in WWE or TNA, and he gets to promote his books. It benefits everyone involved because the wrestling fans get to see one of their favorite oldschool wrestlers again and he is there promoting his books to the main demographic that might be interested in it. This is simple Business 101, people. Products get cross promoted all the time. Foley is helping by doing this and it helps him get more people to buy his books at the same time.

He's a Hardcore Legend, and he is not a prostitute for promoting his books. Everybody likes to see Foley make appearances and since he's a little past putting on great matches these days there's nothing better for him to do, but wrestling fans in general like to see legends come back for promos and segements with current talent and whatnot. His time back in the WWE in the past weeks I havent seen him doing too much book promoting, and even if he was it's not hurting anyone. Even if he was nobody would lose anything from it, people get to see one of their favorite old wrestlers, he mentions his books and a few people check them out and enjoy them, everybody wins.
You really couldn't be more wrong.

Mick Foley had a long career, and was good with his money, so he chose to semi-retire before the injuries in the ring could get the better of him. He's an author now and his audience is wrestling fans, which is why he comes back to plug his books. Right now he's trying his hand in stand up comedy, which I'm sure there's no great money in, it's just something he likes to do and wanted to try.

Mick Foley doesn't flop around promotions. He went to TNA for a couple of years, and worked some indy shows, but he's always been a WWE guy.

Also, Mick's whole life is pretty much dedicated to charity. He does everything from mow people's lawns for cash, to auctioning off his own stuff in order to raise money for his causes.

This guy says what I was thinking. Mick Foley is an absolute legend in the wrestling business, some of the things he has put his body through is mind-blowing. Sure, he comes back and gets to promote a book once in a while, so what? Alot of his books are wrestling related, and the audience of these books will be wrestling fans, so where better to promote the book than at a wrestling show infront of fans who love him, want to see him and are grateful he is there.

Foley does alot of charity work, alot of things for the Make A Wish foundation, and is an all-around great guy. I have no problem at all with Mick appearing on a WWE show every now and again, he has earned that right with what he did for the company as an active wrestler.

Also, he doesnt jump promotions all the time. He has been WWE for almost all of the past 15 years, bar a couple of years in TNA and 2 or 3 shows for ROH.
Mick Foley is in that group of people that pretty much can do whatever the fuck they want and will always be a Hardcore Legend. He has given so much to the world or pro wrestling including body parts. He has put his life on the line to entertain us the fans and at this point in time I feel he has earned the right to get something back by using his status in an industry that he gave so much to. I view him in the same light as Iggy Pop in that nomatter what he does nowdays he has given and done more for his brand of entertainment over the years than most ever will. A true Hardcore Legend in my eyes and I am more than happy to see him back in the WWE.
Or he could be doing it so that younger kids of today's wrestling era have someone to get advice from so that they can improve on their ring work. Don't let Mick's time in WWE fool you, nor his lack of cleanliness. Mick Foley, in WCW and even ECW, was a ring general who knew how to work in the ring. He wasn't in the best of physical shape, but damnit if there ever was a person who could go, it was Mick Foley.

And for him to go from WCW jobber to WWE legend, that takes a lot of hard work and determination... done only by a handful of others in WWE, that I can think of right now. If Foley ever returns to promote a book in TNA or WWE, I'm more than sure that he's also more than willing to talk to the younger guys and give them some help. Which, whether it's prostituting or not, it's still good for business because the more legends and veterans that the young guys have to get some advice from is a positive in the step forward.
Foley's a bit like Kevin Smith, a media ****e, but at the same time you can't resent him for this as he is making the best use possible of his talents. At the end of the day there's nothing wrong with what Foley does, he's just a shameless self-promoter. That's nothing new in the entertainment business.

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