Hardcore Diaries


Testicles. That is all.
I hope I'm not wrong writing this here, but I cannot seem to find a Book forum.

Just finished Hardcore Diaries, and I was struck by a few things. If you've read it, have you noticed the drastic change from "Have a Nice Day" and "Foley is Good"?

In those books, Mick seemed very upbeat, and I especially respected his defense of WWE agains such douchebags as Brent Bossel in "Foley is Good".

I actually became a Foley fan because of his writing, even more then his wrestling.

But, some things in Diaries have turned me a bit. Doesn't he seem a bit into himself? The contractual demands he placed on Vince, his critisism of so many people. He talks about making "Wrestling History" with ECW angles? Huh? Wrestling history?

This is a sad fact. Foley, who I still do like, hasn't been capable of making wrestling history in about 7 years. He deserves much respect, but come on? He almost makes himself sound like a God of Wrestling in Diaries.

Yet, he still shows he has a big heart. He REALLY shows it by telling us about 5,000 times how he's helped Make a Wish kids, and how he "wants to make a difference." All very commendable, but still, geez, every two pages?

The drastic change in writing style was either intentional or not. "Happy Mick" was nowhere in Diaries.

I hope Mick's okay personally, and that his writing style doesn't mirror some serious personal problems. I still loved the book, but not as much as some of his others.

I'm curious how other Foley book fans feel.
I haven't read the book in a while but I do remember his style being drasticly different. IMO I think Foley was pretty down on himself at this point in his life. His other books didn't do that well and wrestling was moving on with out him. The book felt a little forced also, like he wasn't into writting at this point. Just my thoughts.

I do like the idea of a book forum though.
But, some things in Diaries have turned me a bit. Doesn't he seem a bit into himself?

This is exactly why I stopped reading the book. I stopped about half way in when he started talking about how much charity work he does, seemingly insinuating that he's a some kind of saint or something. There were other parts in the earlier chapters sort of dealing with how popular he is, and how much people like him (Something about Katie Couric that I can't quite remember). It was like he was giving himself a reach around.
I got fed up, put it down and have yet to pick it up again. I take it that it goes on like this then..?
Well when I started reading it, Knowing it covers a very small portion, and the latter portion of his career, I knew it had to be filled with a lot of other things. I did notice Mick was very high on himself, but the book did make me think to myself, maybe I should be helping people like Mick does. Then I think again, maybe I should worry about that when Im not rounding up enough money to pay rent:(. The book should be read by all, but will only be enjoyed by big Mick Foley (the loveable character) fans. Mick, three is enough, Thanks for the memories, but no more:p Also, there should be a book forum for all the Wresling books

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