Happy Halloween!!


Melon Farmer

Happy Halloween everybody!!!!!!

What did you do for Holloween? If you have kids or younger siblings, did you do anything with them?

Here is what I did on 31st of October:

Went to school. Came home. Me and my friend went to go get haircuts. We were then bored. We were outside. I didn't want to go back home. We then went to 2 houses. We said Trick-or-Treat. (I am not christian...but I wanted free food!!!!) I got lots of candy. Went home. Ate most of them. Stomach Ache. Here I am now.

My Wife & I are celebrating our 2nd year of being married. But we actually are going to celebrate earlier, as we take our Daughter out for Halloween. She's 19 monthes old, & tonight was her 2nd trick-or-treat night.

Last year she wasn't but a baby & didn't know any better.. but this year was fun, as she could walk up to houses & hold out her basket & get candy. She was dressed up as a Princess. She also won 2nd place in a costume contest. Last year, she won 1st place in the same (annual) contest.
My Wife & I are celebrating our 2nd year of being married. But we actually are going to celebrate earlier, as we take our Daughter out for Halloween. She's 19 monthes old, & tonight was her 2nd trick-or-treat night.

Last year she wasn't but a baby & didn't know any better.. but this year was fun, as she could walk up to houses & hold out her basket & get candy. She was dressed up as a Princess. She also won 2nd place in a costume contest. Last year, she won 1st place in the same (annual) contest.

aww...that is so adorable!!! Congrats on being married for 2 years...I wish u and ur wife the best. Your daughter really sounds so cute dude...can';t you just picture a small little child going up to a house and saying trick or treat or just hold a basket lol that reely is cool.
I feel well accomplished on my halloween, i got the night key holder fired, i have done all my school work so i have nothing to do for the next 4 weeks. :headbanger:
well I have a MAJOR Geometry (math) test and it is extremly hard and i dont know a lick of it...and the test is tomorrow and my mom won't let me stay home!!!!
well I have a MAJOR Geometry (math) test and it is extremly hard and i dont know a lick of it...and the test is tomorrow and my mom won't let me stay home!!!!

then you better get your rear off the computer and go study. You need to be prepared and a head of the game.
i know...i really am on this computer too much...i am addicted to this site...i cnt help it lol.

I have so much work and shit to do lol...it is 12 at night here..and im gonna go to sleep...i can study on the bus...during lunch and during my gym and ill pprolly not even do that.

I have a hebrew test tomorrow....global homework...math test...earth science homework...all for tomorrow and i did NOTHING.

Stupid me.
i know...i really am on this computer too much...i am addicted to this site...i cnt help it lol.

I have so much work and shit to do lol...it is 12 at night here..and im gonna go to sleep...i can study on the bus...during lunch and during my gym and ill pprolly not even do that.

I have a hebrew test tomorrow....global homework...math test...earth science homework...all for tomorrow and i did NOTHING.

Stupid me.

Don't feel bad, i am doing a report do in about 5 hours, i am reading my Cj book but other than that i am done for the semester.
I painted my face white...lips red and for 3 hours became THE JOKER! I did this to go to my work and give my coworkers something to talk about..sadly no parties this year...
For Halloween I got annoyed by loads of kids. I put a sign on my door saying NO TRICK OR TREATERS. And yet this woman and loads of kids knock on my door. Woman I said, look at the sign. I then shut the door. She came back a few minutes later, minus the kids and had a go at me. She said I was rude. I pointed out that it's rude to knock on somebodys door when there's a sign saying don't knock.Silly woman. I then had some lads who were about 16 knock on my door. They got a short and sweet fuck off.
My halloween got thrown for a loop quickly. I had a midterm at 9am. Then I got a call from the auto shop in my hometown that my car was ready. I got a ride out there from my sister who then left. It turns out my car wasn't ready, so I walked to my dad's. My dad was carpeting and painting his whole house so he made me help until my car was ready.

I finally got out of there around 5pm. So my Halloween was nonstop work until the evening. At last my girlfriend came over after her class and we watched Halloween and Halloween H2O (which I didn't think was that bad). Oh yeah, Halloween is also my Birthday.
My halloween got thrown for a loop quickly. I had a midterm at 9am. Then I got a call from the auto shop in my hometown that my car was ready. I got a ride out there from my sister who then left. It turns out my car wasn't ready, so I walked to my dad's. My dad was carpeting and painting his whole house so he made me help until my car was ready.

I finally got out of there around 5pm. So my Halloween was nonstop work until the evening. At last my girlfriend came over after her class and we watched Halloween and Halloween H2O (which I didn't think was that bad). Oh yeah, Halloween is also my Birthday.

Happy belated birthday!

I love Halloween- it's my favorite holiday. I usually buy loads of candy to hand out to all the kiddies, but this year I was working. It was necessity, but I'm still not happy about it. I was out and about during the Trick or Treat hours, so I got to see all the fun and scary costumes that the little bastards were wearing. Kids can be so creative some times.
lol little bastards...so you also saw Hornswoggle?

Did he dress up as a leprechaun? A Midget Vince McMahon? Or a Rapist?
My halloween got thrown for a loop quickly. I had a midterm at 9am. Then I got a call from the auto shop in my hometown that my car was ready. I got a ride out there from my sister who then left. It turns out my car wasn't ready, so I walked to my dad's. My dad was carpeting and painting his whole house so he made me help until my car was ready.

I finally got out of there around 5pm. So my Halloween was nonstop work until the evening. At last my girlfriend came over after her class and we watched Halloween and Halloween H2O (which I didn't think was that bad). Oh yeah, Halloween is also my Birthday.

Well then, happy belated birthday. Did it turn out to be a good one, or just like any other day?
Well then, happy belated birthday. Did it turn out to be a good one, or just like any other day?

It was worse than any other day until around 8pm when my girlfriend and I just decided to take it easy, watch some movies and pass out candy. However I had no idea that there were so little trick or treaters around my house (I just moved there two months ago). So we bought 8 bags of candy and didn't go through one. Anybody like Twix?
My Halloween was spent doing my American Studies Hnrs homework and turning kids away from my house because I didn't have any candy to give to them.:(

Sucks being the house that has no candy. On the plus side... at least I didn't gain 10 pounds eating candy.

Flames Out
It was worse than any other day until around 8pm when my girlfriend and I just decided to take it easy, watch some movies and pass out candy. However I had no idea that there were so little trick or treaters around my house (I just moved there two months ago). So we bought 8 bags of candy and didn't go through one. Anybody like Twix?

That sux, i worked, came home did homework, didnt sleep and went to school in the morning :-\

I do...plz mail it thanks.

No, you arent getting any. Stay off candy it rottens your teeth.

My Halloween was spent doing my American Studies Hnrs homework and turning kids away from my house because I didn't have any candy to give to them.:(

Sucks being the house that has no candy. On the plus side... at least I didn't gain 10 pounds eating candy.

Flames Out

Candy rottens the teeth anyway. O well those little kids are greedy. See peanuts post, he wants chocolate. :lol2:
O well those little kids are greedy. See peanuts post, he wants chocolate. :lol2:

lol...i am sigg-ing that and that will be rep for u sir lol (but i have to spread some around first but when it clears up...u will get repped!!!!) I got a good 10 second laugh. Been sad lately...hadn't have much of those as of late. lol, thank u.
lol...i am sigg-ing that and that will be rep for u sir lol (but i have to spread some around first but when it clears up...u will get repped!!!!) I got a good 10 second laugh. Been sad lately...hadn't have much of those as of late. lol, thank u.

Why there is nothing to be sad of. You wake up in the morning, you have a roof over your head, and you probably eat two meals a day.

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