What's the craic?
That's always my favorite.
The only thing that gets to me more is when a twenty-something year old decides to review Wrestlemanias that happened before they were born and they bury the events based on today's match standards. They have no clue that it wasn't all about 5-star matches back then and the bar has risen miles above where it once was. Most of those matches that they shit on were superior back then.
Perfect example: Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules from Wrestlemania III. If only they were able to watch the feud unfold on All-American Wrestling and WWF Superstars every Friday and Saturday for months and month leading up to the match. Their claim to owning the full-nelson finishing maneuver was the simplest and most effective of all the feud featured on that card. To this day, it amazes me when young reviewers shit on that match because, unless they watched the build-up, they don't have the slightest clue of what it was all about.
"But D-Man, I spend hours on youtube!"