Hangover drinks.

Max Headroom

The Master of Disaster
Title explains it. I'm sure many of you enjoy having some drinks from time to time. You don't always get hungover but hey, I wasn't that lucky this time.

So yeah, you wake up and you feel like crap, what's your favorite thing to do/drink to help it/make it not so bad? For me, it would have to be a nice big glass of gingerale or 7-up. Sadly I have none here right now, and I aint willing to go to the store, so I settled for some Sunny D. Not as good, but still helps.

So yeah, WZ, whats your favorite cure for a hangover? And while we're at it, what's your absolute favorite drink to have to get a buzz on off of?

Give me a couple of Tylenol going to bed, and ice cold Pepsi in the morning, and I am ready to go.

My favorite drink is beer, specifically Molson Canadian. Definitely not Black Horse. And certainly not Screech ;)
Ah, an ice cold pepsi would be nice right now, thanks for the idea!

And I'm not big on Screech either, but I do love the rum, most specifically lambs & pepsi, loves it!
Irn Bru. The champion of hangover cures.

If you're going to be drinking a lot, water is the key. If you're going to have mixed drinks, you need to be drinking water pretty often and keeping yourself hydrated, and drink water before you go to bed. And then, drink water when you wake up. Of course, you'll be going to the bathroom a lot during the course of the night, but it's a small price to pay to not feel like death in the morning.
Its scotlands greatest product, only country in the world where Coca Cola is not the number 1 drink seller.

It looks great. I was never a Coke guy anyways, I barely ever drink it.

If you're going to be drinking a lot, water is the key. If you're going to have mixed drinks, you need to be drinking water pretty often and keeping yourself hydrated, and drink water before you go to bed. And then, drink water when you wake up. Of course, you'll be going to the bathroom a lot during the course of the night, but it's a small price to pay to not feel like death in the morning.

That's a good idea. There are times I would go so far as to mix my rum with water and ice only. It don't taste as great but damn you don't feel sick at all in the night or morning.

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