Hamada is being misused


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TNA needs to use her more. I know she's really ugly, but women's wrestling in TNA has never been about beauty. Fucking ODB was the champ at one time. Supposedly their great women's division is the thing that was supposed the to set TNA apart from the WWE, or something like that.

Well, the Knockout's Division is mostly focused on Tara at the moment, who came from the WWE and more or less sucks. Hamada is an excellent wrestler, even though she is (alledgedly) female. She can brawl as well as to flippys and such. I know she's a part of the tag team champs, but that doesn't mean anything, as there are a million titles in TNA.

Hamada needs to be a singles wrestler and be featured every week. Supposedly Sarita is supposed to be pretty good as well. Maybe those 2 can like, feud or something? Mark it down.

So, thoughts on how brilliant this is?
You think Hamada is ugly? That's the only thing I disagree with you with though. Yeah she doesn't look like Kelly Kelly but I don't look at her and think I couldn't have her for a night cause I would break her in half she's so tiny. I think Hamada is beautiful and looks like a real woman and not a barbie doll. (haha get it Barbie doll? Barbie Blank? ah forget it.

I do think tshe should be used more but with Kong on suspension until recently, it would raise questions of where Kong was is Hamada, her tag team champion partner, were to be on weekly. With Kong's suspension coming to an end I'm hoping we see more of Hamada as I think she is trully an asset to the company and women's wrestling in general. i just wish Melissa was around because I was hoping to see one REALLY good brawl between the two of them in TNA.
Yeah awesome idea, love ugly people on TV. She's good to watch wrestle, like you said, at least the equal of the flippy's, and Tara does really need to be on TV a bit less, although Angelina and TBP are fine as they are.

Check out www.tnawrestling.com for webmatches featuring Taylor Wilde and Sarita by the way, they are probably worth the effort it takes to render them, if your into that sort of thing.
Dam i love Hamada's Wrestling Style.And i agree with you Nephew TNA really need to use her more.She could be the Knockout champion instead if being the TNA Knockout Tag champion.

But like you said TNA as of right now there are more into TARA,LOVE and TBP.I love Tara her wrestling styles are also awesome,but mixing her up wit all TBP and Loves Crap is really fucking her up.

Its time for TBP to stand outside for a bit and let Tara feud with Hamada,Daffney.The Knockouts that havent got any attention for the past 2 to 3 months.And shit if it was up to me Hamada will be the Top face of TNA right now.

The first time i seen Hamada i was like them this girl has it all.And when i seen her moonsault on Flash from the corner into the table i was like shit,This chick is like the Jeff hardy of TNA

Hamada isn't ugly first of all, she has a different look to her, and some of the styles that she does with her hair and make-up leave a little less to be desired, but she isn't ugly in the least.

The big thing I think with her is the fact that over the last few years (I've been watching her for a while) is that she added just a little too much weight. I'm not saying that she's fat, it's just that with the style that she uses, she could lose a few pounds, maybe have a body similar to that of Mickie James. She used to do a top rope springboard Asai Moonsault, and had more speed.

The problem with Ayako is the fact that it looks like TNA wants to go more in the direction of traditional "beauty" combined with Skank (sorry, but that's how the Beautiful People look to me, as well as Angelina Love, who's tattoos do NOTHING for me.) And people that don't fit in those categories, that have a more exotic look to them (Ayako, Melissa) are going to go by the wayside.
I personally like Hamada and most of the TNA Knockouts. The Beautiful People are the most entertaining female group of all time. Big fan of Tara too. I kinda actually like how TNA features female wrestlers who aren't pretty pretty girl. I Like Awesome Kong, ODB, and Hamada. I aslo like the hot girls like Lacy Von Erich and Velvet Sky too. This is just something different that TNA offers over WWE and I like it. For the Record....Molly Holly was the GREATEST EVER!
As it's been said, Hamada is far from ugly. And she's actually lost some weight over the last couple months. But anyway, I really would like to see a lot more of her and many of the other Knockouts.

As much as I've been enjoying Impact since Hogan arrived, I think the only KOs that have been regularly showcased are Tara, who I'd like to see less of, and TBP/Angelina (who deserve their air time).

I like Hamada's stiff style and the fact that she looks unique compared to what we usually see when it comes to women wrestlers in the US. I think she could compete with the men actually, that's how great she is in the ring.

I'm going to give TNA time because they could be coming up with more useful ways to use Hamada and the other KOs that haven't been seen in a while. So I'll just wait and hope for the best.
I love Hamada. She is one of one the main reasons why I always want to watch the Knockouts. There have been plenty of times where I'm looking forward to watching her matches more than anything else on Impact. She just wows me every time she gets in the ring. I think she's at a good place now as tag team champ along with Kong, but I wouldn't mind seeing her compete as a singles wrestler.

The only thing Hamada would need to make her run as a singles wrestler great is a mouthpiece. Someone to talk for her, and build her to be the threat of Knockout's division, sort of like what Saeed did for Kong.
Why does everyone think Hamada is hot all of a sudden? She's certainly not my type.

Of course she isn't your type. She isn't Rob Terry.

Anyway on topic. I like Hamada. I believe she is the best knockout they have, bar Sarita. I like where she is at the moment as she can't speak very good english that I know of so being in a tag team gives her the chance to be successful and on the show quite a bit without giving her the top spot where she wouldn't be able to have very good story lines as it would be all the other knockout, in terms of promo's anyway. If she got a manager I could see her being very successful in TNA.
Why does everyone think Hamada is hot all of a sudden? She's certainly not my type
Just because she is not your type doesn't mean others don't find her attractive. Hell another board i visit has tons of fans of the balloon lipped Jillian Hall when all I think about when I see her is if all the plastic surgery will melt under the lights.

I agree that Hamada needs a mouthpiece. She knows english but as we heard in an interview with her it's not very good or fluent at all. I am just hard pressed to think of a good mouthpiece for her. She is still probably one of the better knockouts in the division.
From what i've read on another wrestling websites, don'T be surprise of the knockout division slowly disappear and The beautiful People get more backstage vignettes while and the knockout division slowly becomes like what the WWE woman's division was back in the attitude era. Why i'm i writing this, because it concern knockouts like Hamada who doesn'T his beautiful be don'T fit the mold of what a woman'S wrestle should look like on t.v.

The way i see it, here and Awesome Kong will have a tag title reigns that nobody will cared about then probably lose the belts the the beautiful people and shortly after that get release or they will wait until their contract are up and just let them go.

I agree with you, Hamada is being misused but let face it, since Bischoff took over, the Knockout division hasn'T been the same and it's probably going disapear because anything that's more popular then Hogan as to disappear and the knockouts are more popular in the ratings then Hogan.
TNA should just release her. Sure she can wrestle but lets face it TNA wants to attract casual wrestling fans and womens wrestling doesn't draw. There's no upside to giving Hamada airtime since all that will happen is a ratings loss. She should just go back to the indys where technical wrestling alone matters.

The KO tag titles won't last much longer and the KO division is gonna become what WWE's womens division is. And honestly if TNA wants to expand their fanbase that's the right direction.
TNA should just release her. Sure she can wrestle but lets face it TNA wants to attract casual wrestling fans and womens wrestling doesn't draw. There's no upside to giving Hamada airtime since all that will happen is a ratings loss. She should just go back to the indys where technical wrestling alone matters.

The KO tag titles won't last much longer and the KO division is gonna become what WWE's womens division is. And honestly if TNA wants to expand their fanbase that's the right direction.

It's hard to claim that women's wrestling doesn't draw when the Knockouts have consistently drawn the highest ratings on Impact. I agree with you in a sense that an all Knockouts show probably wouldn't wouldn't draw, but it is certainly not hurting Impact.

Hamada is not ugly. She doesn't have much tv time, but the Knockouts in general only get 1-2 segments a week, and the focus is now on TPB, Tara, and Angelina Love. So the rest of the Division is bound to suffer. Although, I've also read that Daffney will be getting back in the ring, which is a good thing.
The KO tag titles won't last much longer and the KO division is gonna become what WWE's womens division is. And honestly if TNA wants to expand their fanbase that's the right direction.
How is having their women's division going the same way as WWE the right direction. Sure Women's wrestling isn't as popular and may (Sadly) never be as big or givent eh respect they deserve but it's something different. I would rather watch women put on a hell of a match than I would an Eric Young match right now. And I would qithout question watch two WRESTLERS in TNA put on a good knockouts match than I would watch two MODELS put on a 15 minute suckfest on WWE. Can you really tell me who are the good wrestlers in WWE's womens division? Katie, Gail, Beth, Mickie, Melina, Natalya. Katie & Nattie are doing nothing. Gail is going to be hte job girl to Maryse, Mickie and Beth are the only two really good wrestlers getting a push and Melina is hurt. I don't think that Michelle McCool or Maryse have the talent to really put on a good, entertaining and believeable match without one of the above mentioned wrestlers. Hell the only thing I believe in Michelle's matches is that she is gonna seriouslyhurt someone by screwing up the Styles Clash.

I don't think that because the knockouts are currently drawing mre viewers than Hogan is gonna stop them from getting more airtime. It's the lack of really good technically sound womens wrestlers who people will want to watch. That and they get maybe 10 minutes of airtime with backstage and in ring action combined. I'm still hoping that they smarten up give the Knockouts and hour each week of their own programming and sign up a couple of the girls from Shimmer. Then you will all be saying "Divas Who?"
TNA should just release her. Sure she can wrestle but lets face it TNA wants to attract casual wrestling fans and womens wrestling doesn't draw. There's no upside to giving Hamada airtime since all that will happen is a ratings loss. She should just go back to the indys where technical wrestling alone matters.

The KO tag titles won't last much longer and the KO division is gonna become what WWE's womens division is. And honestly if TNA wants to expand their fanbase that's the right direction.

I don't agree with that. Look back a year ago to 3 months ago. The women's division were out rating all of the men's segments by hundred of thousands of fans. To say women's wrestling doesn't draw is complete BS. It's a matter of how it is used.

When the Kong vs. Gail Kim storyline was going on, Kim and Kong set ratings records for TNA in their match segments, while the MEM lost horrendous amounts of viewers on average (rarely gaining many viewers).

Now that they are moving in a much more entertainment oriented product, they're going to push them same things WWE does (not to say they're copying them one bit, but it's a tried, tested and true methodology), so naturally the women's division will be relegated to a lower spot.

I personally believe Kong can single handedly carry the women's division as far as character exposure goes. Sure she doesn't have much actual charisma to her character, but her "destroyer" gimmick is very believable and that's what got her and Gail Kim to set new ratings heights for TNA back when they were feuding. I think Kong will have to work a little harder to get her spot back, because ever since that breakout she had in the locker room against BTLS, she's going to have to prove to management that she is responsible enough to handle herself both in the ring and backstage. Now, I'm not saying that she's being buried because she beat on one of "hogan's boys", I'm simply saying that she sort of shot herself in the foot by how she handled the whole situation, and really let a lot of people down who were supporting her.

So, hopefully, once Kong gets her spot back, the women's division will get their mega heel to push the faces against and become relevant once more.

Then there's the other girls that drive the women's ratings, TBP, i don't have to say much to say why they put butts in seats or in front of the TV, it's pretty obvious. So as long as these girls are gracing TV's continent-wide, the women's division will be entertaining and a draw all from their "assets"... lol.
I completely agree that Hamada is being misused. It should be pretty obvious though, considering she was getting pops from the Impact Zone, yet not really recieving a legit push, nor being given an interesting gimmick.

However, in general, the entire Knockout's division is being misused as of late, especially in the "Hogan Era". TNA used to have an intersting/compelling KO division, FAR superior to the boring/stale WWE Divas, but lately it's just becoming lame again. When I first began really tuning into TNA about 2 years ago, I found myself actually excited to watch a women's match for the first time in life. I've been watching wrestling for 20+ years. Kong vs Kim, Kong vs anyone really was great TV and TNA has really dropped the ball. They also created some compelling female characters - ODB is about as over as I've ever seen a female wrestler be. But now Bischoff and Hogan want to cut back the KO division? It's STUPID!!!! The KO's were actually something that made their product unique and really set the standard high above what the WWE is doing with their Divas. It gave them atleast one niche in the market that they dominated, another peice of the foundation that they could build upon. But NOW? Errr, I'm getting angry sorry.

Anyway, I could write an entire essay on the Knockout division and why TNA should promote it heavily, but I'll leave that for another post I guess. AS FAR AS Hamada? I always wanted to see a "Great Hamada" gimmick, a tribute to the Great Muta. Hamada would look cool in face-paint, it would toughen up her gimmick, make her interesting at least. Plus she has the moonsault and she could spit colored dye out her mouth, which is fun.
When did having victories over basically every Knockout in the division become a definition of being "misused?" They have booked her strongly ever since she came to TNA. Wins over Alissa Flash, wins over the BP, wins over the then-Tag Champions. Hell, they even gave her a match against Eric Young for the Global Championship where Hamada cleanly had the match won but Young screwed her over. She's now the Tag Champion and would have been on a role if this Kong incident didn't happen.

Hamada's push here was a deserving one, but because of her status, she probably didn't need it anyway. Tara, coming from the rival company, needed more of a push than Hamada because she was a WWE Diva. You need to get someone over with the crowd quickly and establish that she is a threat to the Knockouts. It has been done so successfully and is now a top KO. Maybe these two should have a feud soon?

The Knockout's division has generally been booked solid with some great matches. They have utilised every KO well, aside from the start of the BP 2.0, and made them look credible. If Hamada wasn't tag champion, she'd be booked solid as well.
Hamada's not ugly at all. She's chubby but if you just look at her face, she's pretty cute.

I don't know... I can't agree that they're "misusing" her, considering they're NOT using her. The whole thing with her teaming with Kong kinda ruined her push after Kong revealed herself to be a crazy bitch.
well, finally a little sense on this thread.
i completely agree with perregrine. hamada was in the middle of a substantial push that got put on hold until the kong mess is settled.

as for the knockouts getting buried, i don't see hogan doing it? what old man doesn't want an excuse to hang out with hot chicks?

now, for those of you who say hamada is not attractive, you know out of which orifice you can blow it! hamada has a prettier face than at least half of the supposedly hot chicks in tna. traci, val, angelina, and even christie hemme wish they were as pretty in the face as hamada.

as far as wrestling is concerned, i can count on my fingers the TNA wrestlers (of either gender) who have exhibited better in ring skills than hamada lately without having to put down my drink.

she could use more exposure at TNA as a single's wrestler while kong's fate is determined. use her as a monster heel, then when kong returns, the team looks even more intimidating than before. especially if hamada rips through the rest of the knockouts during the wait.

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