Hall shows up to 4/8 event. Needs help getting to the ring


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Shawn Michaels commented via Twitter on the Scott Hall situation: A lot of people have asked about Scott Hall. Simply put, its a private matter. He is getting help. All of us want the best 4 him.

- Dutch Mantel: To Scott Hall: Scott buddy…get yourself straightened out. You got a lot of friends…use them.

- Kevin Nash: Talked to Scott today,told him how many of you are upset.He is resting in a hospital,and had me laughing.Thought he was in the UK last nite


Below is more from Kevin Nash
“Scott is in the hospitial up north, I’ll be at the airport when he lands and taking him to my home when he lands. Please don’t judge Scott on what you just saw. He would give any of you a kidney. To the motherf*ckers that made a joke who would want his kidney lol send me your address and lets see how funny it is. He’s my brother we will get through this. To Scott’s fans thank you 4 your love you’re as special as he is.”

From Eric Bischoff
TNA executive Eric Bischoff posted the following on his Facebook page regarding Scott Hall's latest incident:

"Just watched the video of Scott Hall's appearance in New England. Wish I knew how to help him. I know that others (including Vince McMahon) have tried recently. He was such an amazing talent, and deep down inside, a great person. His demons are killing him."
After the TVs the next day, a bunch of us were up in Curt’s room drinking beers. Razor had taken a handful of Somas and wilted in a slow-motion sit-up; soon he was floating off to dreamland while the rest of us sat around telling war stories. Mabel was really bummed out, having taken some heat for collapsing on Taker while delivering an elbow drop, shattering Taker’s eye socket. Luckily, Taker would be able to work around it as long as he wore a protective purple mask, resembling something out of Phantom of the Opera. Curt sang my praises while denouncing the clique to The 1-2-3 Kid. Staring at Razor, Curt rummaged through his toilet bag, hit the switch on an electric shaver and casually buzzed off Razor’s right eyebrow. Kid took up for Scott as Curt menaced the other eyebrow: “Don’t do it, Curt, c’mon!” At first Curt heeded Kid, but when we all thought he’d forgotten, he suddenly blurted out, “Fuck you, Kid.” He hit the switch and shaved off Razor’s left eyebrow. Razor never budged, only managing a dreamy smile.

Funny rib on Scott Hall .. Curt Henning was beast! lol
Statement issued from the owner of the promotion that Scott Hall showed up to trashed:

- Top Rope Promotions owner Steve Ricard sent out the following today…


Top Rope Promotions has been holding family oriented wrestling shows for 30 years now, and on our 30th Anniversary event, we brought in one of the biggest names in pro wrestling, Scott Hall (aka Razor Ramon).

We drew a packed house and a good majority of them were there to see Hall. Hall and his people down in FL had all claimed he was clean and good to go. His flight and hotel were pre paid, and his appearance fee was demanded upon arrival at the airport (which he asked for within 3 min of being picked up).

Hall had arrived in a wheel chair with 3 bottles of prescription pills in his posession. Hall had performed an interview with our local newspaper The Herald News around 6 PM on Thursday night, saying how much he was looking forward to coming to the show, and how he was clean. Less then 24 hrs later, he showed up in the state he was in, demanding his appearance fee. Right off the bat, we were in a bad situation.

Having Hall at the building, already pre paid with his appearance fee, hotel, flight, etc. He even harassed my driver in the process. Hall was persistent to appear on the show. His heart was in the right place, unfortunately I can't say the same about his mind or his body.

Throughout the night he made threats to numerous members of my staff, as well as myself demanding more money, demanding to go to the ring when he wanted to etc. He was also threatening to kill me if I "screwed" him over. I'm 31 years old and I should be in no circumstances, babysitting someone in there 50's.

Hall made at best, an embarrassing performance in the ring and for the fans who came to see him, trashing matches that were on the show before him and addressing the crowd as if we were in England.

Neither Hall, nor anyone who helped line up the date, or any of his close friends or agents have called to apologize or offer a refund for his "less then stellar" appearance. He showed his true colors and who he was this past Friday night. If he's upset that we're airing a stream of this atrocious appearance, maybe he should issue an apology to the fans, the promotion, and the workers of the company. One would only assume that no one that night got what they paid for, myself included.

Scott basically needs to get clean at this point or just accept that he'll be dead very soon, with little friends, little money, and little respect.
xfear said it best. Scott Hall has some damn loyal, and damn good friends in Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, and Shawn Michaels all coming to the defense of their friend. I don't blame the promoter for what he's said in the interviews, he's just given his side.

Whatever's happening to Scott, I just hope he can conquer his demons. Sobriety is a challenge; any recovering addict will tell you this. Relapses happen to people even after many years of sobriety. I just hope Scott can get back on track before we're doing a RIP thread on the "bad guy".

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