Hall Of Shame-Worthy


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This is partly inspired by Will's (rather interesting) Hall Of Fame forum.

Who do you think is worthy of being in the Hall Of Shame? I'm not saying Shockmaster or Phantasio. I'm talking guys that had a career, or some semblance of one, and have nothing to show for it.

I'd pick the Bushwhackers. They had a credible run as the Moondogs, so I'm keeping this as a seperate entity. They were fun to watch, but routinely did nothing. They were essentially tag team jobbers that the kiddies ate up like chocolate ice cream.

I'd also go with Sean Waltman/X-Pac/1-2-3 Kid/Syxx. He started as a jobber, and worked his way up the ranks, to be a part of one of the biggest factions in WWE history, and then went on to the biggest faction in WCW history. He never had an important major title reign, and will probably be best remembered for being the guy that teamed with Kane. He could've done so much more, in my opinion.

My last pick would be Marty Jannetty. He had an OK singles career, but his highlights came from being a tag team wrestler. The most memorable part of that tag team? Shawn Michaels superkicking him through the Barbershop window. He was always loved by the fans, but never quite put it all together after Shawn turned his back in him.
Doink 'The Clown': Overall, he remained with the company from 1993 until somewhere around 1995. He was never meant to be anything more than a comic type character, but he did pull-off some rememberable feuds. Doink also made midgets mean something within the company. Thus, bringing in Dink.

The most rememberable feuds I remember him having were against Bam Bam Bigelow and Jerry Lawler.

Ultimately though, this is a character that could've had semi-potential, but they just never honestly tried for it.. because in the end, his character was that of a Clown. Still though, to this day they use the character from time to time. And whenever a "gimmick's from the past" type thing is brought up, Doink is one of the first to be shown.

I would say Doink 'The Clown' is the Ric Flair, to the Hall of Shame.
Bob Holly!! He wrestled in the WWE for YEARS and was nothing more than a mid card wrestler. He was never a great wrestler, great on the mic, and has a negative reputation for being a bully. He has to be 1st ballot for Hall of Shame.

Billy Gunn - he had to be one of the most overpushed wrestlers who never amounted to anything. Even when he was with Road Dogg in WWE, he really didn't fit into DX. The fact they paired the two because one was a Roadie and the other was a Rockabilly is sad.
what do you know, three of them are in my avatar;

Stevie Richards, Val Venis & The Godfather. Three career jobbers, three people who were with WWF/E for a while. Stevie came back from goodness knows how many broken necks and still performed, Val Venis a former two times IC champion and Godfather was pretty over, yet never went over.
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Perry Saturn-This guy had a great ring name, a great look, a great finishing hold that was unique and the in ring ability that was second to few. Yet his biggest career claim to fame is dating a mop. He was just kind of always there beating people up and being a tough guy, but he never did much of anything in the ring of note. A few pointless title reigns here and there, but other than that he's just a guy filling a roster spot.

Test-This guy had a tall frame and that's about it. he won a few titles and was involved in the second wedding in WWF history, but other than that he had nothing. His biggest claim to fame is he dated Stacy then got dumped once she hit fame outside of the ring. Overall he did nothing of note and then for some reason TNA thought he was a big deal and signed him into the main event. What the hell were they thinking?
Rob Van Dam

When one thinks of the word "overrated", Rob Van Dam must come to mind. Here's a guy that all the ECW marks thought was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He comes to the WWE, and proves his COMPLETE lack of psychology, many times noted as the only guy in the Alliance (a team of supposed heels) to get cheered by the crowd. Good job Rob.

Then, after years of midcard, we fast forward to 2006, and RVD's MITB win. This guarantees him a title shot. Well, it just so happened that the WWE was planning their ECW revival and wanted RVD to be the face of ECW and the leader of the "revolution". So, at the Hammerstein Ballroom, the WWE had their number 1 guy and their biggest draw lay down for a clean loss to RVD, about as big of a rub as there is in wrestling today. Then the WWE handed RVD the ECW title, meaning he was both WWE and ECW champion at the same time, the face of the new ECW, and the man to lead the third brand.

That lasted about 3 weeks.

On July 3, reports came out that RVD was busted with drugs, including marijuana. That night, RVD was defeated for the WWE title, and the next night, the ECW title. And needless to say, he was no longer the face of the ECW brand.

The man whom ECW marks put all their faith turned out to be one of the biggest fuck-ups in wrestling history. I nominate RVD for the Hall of Shame.
The issue I'd have with Van Dam against the rest of these guys here is that Van Dam hit popularity that none of the rest of them hit. Yes he was in the midcard for a lot of his career, but so what? What's wrong with dominating the mid card? Scott Hall did it, Hennig did it. You see him getting cheered insanely as his fault? It's his fault that he played a character so well before that no one wanted to boo him? To me that's the mark of a job well done. Not everyone is Hogan and can go from loved to hated at the drop of a hat. Yes he fucked up, but he did a lot before that. He carried ECW for a year more or less by himself, he won all kinds of titles in the WWE, he was good enough for them to put the title on him, and then he made a mistake. The rest of these guys had minor success here and there. Van Dam rarely was below the upper part of the midcard from the day he got to WWE. He's a disappointment and didn't live up to his potential, but that hardly makes him a failure.
Virgil/Vincent. First he starts off in WWF pretty much being a slave for Dibiase. Then he turns on Dibiase and gets a relatively modest push but that didnt work out because he returned to being a jobber.

Then he goes to WCW and becomes a slave again this time for Hogan and the NWO. All I can remember him doing with his time in WCW was continuously getting his ass kicked by the WCW faces. One of my favorite memories of him and showed just how big of a bitch he was, was back on Nitro Hogan, Bishchoff and I think Hall and Nash were all doing commentary since they took over the set like they always do. The Giant was laying unconscious in the ring and Hogan said something like "Vincent go down there and finish the job" so Vincent goes down there by himself only for The Giant to wake up and kick the shit out of him while the rest of the NWO stood and watched. Yep that pretty much summed up his career in WCW. So I really dont think there is any question he belongs in the Hall of Shame.
Perry Saturn- Pretty long career despite never having a great character or in ring skills. We may look back in ten or so years and still label him as the worst of the Radicalz, despite one killing his family, one being a drug addict who died from it a few years later, and one having a relatively short career after the jump. Most people couldn't even tell you where he is, so obviously people don't care about him that much. He was a joke for much of his time in the WWE, considering two of his partners went on to become world champions.
Jillian Hall. While she will probably never win the women's championship or a singles match for that matter, I think she deserves some recognition. Jillian is very good in the ring and has played her jobber role to a "T". She helps make girls like Kelly and Candice look good(I use the word helps because she isn't the reason for their improvements but she helps keep the matches going).

She also probably get's the most heel heat out of any of the divas(her boo's are louder than Pheonix, Maryse, McCool, and the other heels). She also plays her role well and even though the singing gimmick is just annoying, Jillian adds even more to the role.

It's sad that somewhat with Jillians mic & ring skills and her has charisma will probably never get any recognition but she deserves some.

I hate to say it, but I always felt like she could do so much more within the WWE. I never thought she was awful in the ring, and she played the crazy chick gimmick so well. I started to like her more when she started the angle with Stevie Richards, and I never stopped. She should've had a few title reigns, but ultimately was over-shadowed by the stars that were Lita and Trish, and later Mickie and Melina.

I hate to say it, but I always felt like she could do so much more within the WWE. I never thought she was awful in the ring, and she played the crazy chick gimmick so well. I started to like her more when she started the angle with Stevie Richards, and I never stopped. She should've had a few title reigns, but ultimately was over-shadowed by the stars that were Lita and Trish, and later Mickie and Melina.

This is the only one I disagree with.

By being such an awesome heel who looked so dangerous in the ring, she made Trish (along with Molly Holly and Jazz). Just like the quartet of Ted DiBiase, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude, and Roddy Piper worked to make guys like Hogan and Warrior as big as they were during the 80's.

Victoria won the womens championship twice during the boom period of women's wrestling, and had one of the best fueds during that time. Sure she ended her career as a jobber, but her accomplishments in 2003 and 2004 should ensure she stays out of the "hall of shame".
The issue I'd have with Van Dam against the rest of these guys here is that Van Dam hit popularity that none of the rest of them hit.
And did what with it? He was popular with some fans...but what did that get him? A 3 week title reign...because he fucked up. That's shameful, that you could work an entire career, and screw it up because you just can't quit doing drugs. That's shame.

Yes he was in the midcard for a lot of his career, but so what? What's wrong with dominating the mid card?
It shows the company doesn't trust you with the main-event. And, it looks like they were right. Shameful.

Scott Hall did it, Hennig did it.
Good point. After all, neither Hall nor Hennig ever did any kind of drugs ever. By the way, how come no one has mentioned Scott Hall of Hall of Shame. He needs to be. If someone else doesn't, I might later.

You see him getting cheered insanely as his fault?

It's his fault that he played a character so well before that no one wanted to boo him?
No, it's his fault he played a character SO POORLY that no one wanted to boo him. When your character is supposed to be booed, and he's not, then you have too look at why. In Steve Austin's case, it was because he was revolutionary. Steve didn't do anything a face shouldn't, he played his character heel, through and through...fans just liked it. With RVD though, even though his character was supposed to be heel, he wrestled like a face. That's poor psychology, and gets people cheering you. Thus, he played a poor heel character. So, yes, it is his fault.

To me that's the mark of a job well done.
And to me, it's shameful.

[quote[Not everyone is Hogan and can go from loved to hated at the drop of a hat. [/quote]Agreed, that talents talent and ability, to which RVD seemed to have little.

Yes he fucked up, but he did a lot before that. He carried ECW for a year more or less by himself, he won all kinds of titles in the WWE, he was good enough for them to put the title on him, and then he made a mistake.
Uhh, no. First of all, when you say he carried ECW, I assume you mean his run as midcard champion of ECW, correct? Doesn't matter. ECW sucked, and folded up shop not long after his run...they were already in dire straights before he got injured.

Won all kinds of titles...midcard titles. Who gives a fuck? My aunt won a midcard title. They put a title on him, and he fucked it up by doing drugs and getting caught. THAT'S Hall of Shame.

He's a disappointment and didn't live up to his potential, but that hardly makes him a failure.

I don't get this. People who didn't have much talent, but made the most of it to do their part is shameful, but someone who is a disappointment and didn't live up to their potential isn't? How does that make sense?
And yet again Sly fails to think that anyone from ECW has ever been worth a thing.

Van Dam played a poor heel because he was never pushed as a big face. There was next to no difference in the way that he was booked as a face or as a heel. He played it so poorly that WWE punished him with a main event of a PPV. People liked him and he made money for the company. That to me signals success. The company kept him at the top of the midcard for a good while. Many other successful wrestlers have done that and you don't hear them getting criticism. He was a differnt style of worker that got over. Is there something wrong with that? What's wrong with winning lots of midcard titles? He didn't live up to his potential, but you make it seem like he accomplished as much as Marty Jannetty in his career.
I have to disagree with Sly about Van Dam's ring psychology when it comes to the heel/face thing. Yes in general he is correct that he should have toned down his high flying moves and worked a slower pace to get the crowd to boo him but my mindset is that that philosophy is overrated when it comes to getting booed. My mindset is that you shouldnt have to adjust your ring work whether you're a face or a heel. You should still use heel tactics like giving cheap shots, rolling out of the ring when your getting your ass kicked, running from your opponent, taunting the crowd and things of that nature. But I dont think you should have to adjust your move set because ultimately I really dont think that has a big of effect on whether you get cheered or booed. Because Van Dam's been using that same style for years and thats what people will always know him by, if he decided to tone it down I really dont think most people would even pay attention and if they did they probably wouldnt hate him for it. If you do the things I mentioned above which I think Van Dam did when he was a heel(correct me if Im wong about that) you should still get booed.

If you dont get booed for doing those things I really dont think adjusting your moves would do anything, I think it just means that you will always be over with the crowd. Just like The Rock when he turned heel in 2003, he tried everything for the crowd to boo him and they did for the first month or so then he started getting cheers again cause he will always be over with the fans, and I think Van Dam is that same kind of guy.
Rob Van Dam

When one thinks of the word "overrated", Rob Van Dam must come to mind. Here's a guy that all the ECW marks thought was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He comes to the WWE, and proves his COMPLETE lack of psychology, many times noted as the only guy in the Alliance (a team of supposed heels) to get cheered by the crowd. Good job Rob.

Then, after years of midcard, we fast forward to 2006, and RVD's MITB win. This guarantees him a title shot. Well, it just so happened that the WWE was planning their ECW revival and wanted RVD to be the face of ECW and the leader of the "revolution". So, at the Hammerstein Ballroom, the WWE had their number 1 guy and their biggest draw lay down for a clean loss to RVD, about as big of a rub as there is in wrestling today. Then the WWE handed RVD the ECW title, meaning he was both WWE and ECW champion at the same time, the face of the new ECW, and the man to lead the third brand.

That lasted about 3 weeks.

On July 3, reports came out that RVD was busted with drugs, including marijuana. That night, RVD was defeated for the WWE title, and the next night, the ECW title. And needless to say, he was no longer the face of the ECW brand.

The man whom ECW marks put all their faith turned out to be one of the biggest fuck-ups in wrestling history. I nominate RVD for the Hall of Shame.

Jesus, Sly...you're killing me. I am not surprised that this is your take on one of the most popular guys in the wrestling business. Period. Whether it be a dirty bingo hall in South Philly or Madison Square Garden, this guy gets every fan in the house to get up and cheer. That's the mark of a babyface who is doing his job. The WWE had enough faith in RVD to have your beloved John Cena put him over cleanly. I think that says alot for the man.

You can say all you want about the marijuana- it's all bullshit. The WWE was well aware of what RVD was all about. He made no bones about the fact that he likes to smoke weed from the start of his career. The WWE knew that and exploited that for profit. That's right. How about the "Nobody Gets Higher" tshirts. I surely hope that you didn't think it was in reference to his frog splash.

You can't take away from his accomplishments because he got fined for having marijuana in his possession. This is the wrestling business. You would be hard pressed to find any guy in the WWE locker room who was not in possession of some kind of drug. Is Jimmy Hendrix an overrated guitar player because he used drugs? Let's focus on the in ring accomplishments of RVD instead of what Rob Szatkowski does on his own time.

Overrated- I think not. This man held 2 WWE world titles at the same time. How many others came claim yet. Can Ted Dibiase or Roddy Piper say that they were world champs? Nope. Are they are overrated as well because they dominated the mid card scene?

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