Hall of Fame (Not Hall of Very Good)

Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This list has been mentioned before in previous podcasts by people but it's never been released. Deadline is approaching for RPs and the place usually dies for a little bit. If you want something to talk about take a look.

This is just a copy of the original post with a few updates but it's not an essay or anything. It's quick and to the point. If you want to challenge me on someone feel free. I'd love to get into it. My opinion of course. Not the thoughts of anybody else but myself. You've seen many of creative disagree strongly over characters like Celeste for example. Nothing here says anything about what the team or anybody in the fed feels.


After the NBA released their nominations for the Hall of Fame it had me calling for the name change to Hall of Very Good once again. Was thinking about the WZCW Hall of Fame and started listing guys, in my opinion of course, who are either Hall of Fame or Hall of Very Good. The obvious ones aren't included, Sean Cruz and such, of course but rather focused on the guys who had a prominent role in the fed at some point and names people are likely to throw out as potential nominees.

Of course, just for fun and seeing how many I actually put into the Hall of Fame. I think the Hall of Fame should be saved for those at the elite level. Not something to induct everyone in. I hate that we induct 3 people a year. We're going to end up with very good people in there but when you stack them up against Ty and Showtime you'll know they don't come close.

Hall of Fame
Mikey Stormrage
Steven Holmes
Steven Kurtesy
Drake Callahan

Hall of Prophet Could Go Either Way
Carmen Bratchny - Always been a huge fan.
Rush - No World Championship hurts but the run going into and as Eurasian Champion was lit.

Hall of Very Good
Celeste Crimson - Lacking title reigns even with being in the fed for so long. See the Yaz podcast thread for long version of why I disagree with people on the character being in the HOF. Give Ech all the awards you want, Legacy him up but I'm not buying Celeste as a Hall of Fame character.

Austin Reynolds - Inability to win the World Championship hurts him badly. Tag reign is greatly overrated. Second Elite reign, win over Eve is impressive and final run with Vis Imperium and win over Hunnicutt at Kingdom Come makes a stronger case than when originally written. May even earn spot on the next level of going either way.

Theron Daggershield - Needs a second sustained run as the top guy with the World Championship with multiple defenses. Run was just too short at the top and never got back there before retirement. PPV record during final run was not good.

Garth Black - Needs to win the big one again and hold onto it. Looked directionless the moment he won the title. Win over Ty at Kingdom Come helps. Cannot afford to lose to Cooper at PPV. 0-4 against a guy with two being for the title would crush his chances. Needs to come through in the big moment against Cooper. Still needs long run at the top.

Flex Mussel - Big fan but just to new. Didn't want to leave him off the list cause it would look like comparing him to DK Wilton. The tag run is a great start though.

Ramparte - See above. Can't get in just on tag run.

Eve Taylor - Needs a World Championship. The Elite run with a World Championship is a really strong case.

Ricky Runn - Flash in the pan. Needs to do it again to earn a spot in the HOF. One good run while the rest was horrible. Title defense legit harmful to the fed.

Dr. Zeus - Needs a longer run as the top heel.

The Beard - See the two above. One amazing run but the fall is way to much. Must do it again.

Vega - No World Championship and no success on par with stuff in the mayhem division. You cannot smash everyone in the weakest division and then never win another title at the next level and get into the Hall of Fame.

James Howard - Middle of the pack. Not elite. Needs a World Championship.

Ace Stevens - Comedy gold but lack of gold outside of the mayhem division is costly. Just not around long enough with sustained success.

Triple X - Strong middle of the pack guy. Accomplishments don't stand up against current HOFers.

Saboteur - Victory over Ty to end the streak is huge. No singles gold however. Not even an Elite or Eurasian. Tag run is great but acts as a better case for the team to go into the Hall of Fame. Cannot see it as a single character.

Chris K.O. - If you take Ty out of KO's history everything changes. If you take KO out of Ty's... well not much changes. World Championship lacking, no real success in the main event once Ty was gone. Dependent on Ty. Failure to use win over Ty and major storyline to become top face in the fed.

Black Dragon - Lee just beat his reign. It hurts his case. Not around long enough following to rise up the main event. I think you have to have success in more than one division. Great character though.

Action Saxton - Same as his partner but without the Ty win. Case can be made for the team. Really helped change to a more story focus for the fed. Showed that fun characters can succeed. Stole the show at Kingdom Come when creative were pushing several matches harder and yet the people wanted to see Sax/Sab more than anything else. Shows the appeal they had and how invested people were in the character. I'll end up talking myself into it if I keep going. Can't induct them as singles but as a team, for the impact they had on the fed, maybe. I'd be a bigger support if they had singles gold though.

Alex Bowen - Was always supposed to rise above the mayhem division. Never did.

Sam Smith - A former 'Greatest Elite X Champion ever' but other than that he's got nothing to add unfortunately. Needed to do more outside of the one division no matter how strong those two title reigns were.

Wasabi Toyota - Dat theme song was nearly enough to get him in.

Gordito - Needed to actually win something.

Hunter S. Kravinoff - If only. Always on the brink but never breaking through. Story of his life.

Chris Beckford - I really liked Beckford. Strong mid card reign but lacking that elite status or main event showing.

Blade - Strong Eurasian reign but no main event run.

Karnage - As a pure reader at the time in high school I really liked Karnage. Not enough accomplishments to gain entry into the Hall of Fame though.
I don't think anybody would complain if you cut down the inductions to 2 characters per event, considering the potential candidates are lowering significantly. Counter point: you don't have to host a Hall of Fame at every Kingdom Come, nor do you have to host a Hall of Fame at a particular set date. This means you can "exhaust" the list of HoF-worthy candidates ASAP, and then when someone achieves a career of being in the HoF, you induct them at any point you wish. Multiple different ideas you can play with here.

Constantine has to be in the next Hall of Fame. Period.

Steven Holmes, Mikey Stormrage, and Drake Callahan are all great picks. No complaints. All of them could headline their own HoF, if we have headliners.

I am very unsure of Barbosa. Influential character who had great stories, and feuds, but the accomplishments are something to review. I'll have to revisit.

I am very flattered at Steven Kurtesy getting constant nods for nominations, but I don't believe that character deserves it. Maybe that's personal bias, or my distaste for my old character.

I agree with almost everything except for maybe Austin Reynolds. There is a case there. Possibly with Theron.
You saying that Saxton/Saboteur was the most in-demand match for that Kingdom Come (I don't remember numbers, what am I, a nerd? (yes)) validates everything I've ever believed about my time in the fed.

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