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Had one hell of a nightmare


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
I was in Winchester (hometown about 30 minutes from Lexington, really small town) for some kind of city wide festival and I had to see my father who lives there also. I called my mom after a bit and she was mad as hell at me over something. I got in my car and for some reason there was a horse in the next seat over which was fine by me.

So then I tried to head back to Lexington while taking a shortcut through what is a church/school in Winchester but it was hollowed out and it was the big center for the festival instead. I left my keys, wallet and phone in the car with the horse and got out to try to find out how to get away. I ran into my family including my mom who said they were leaving.

I went back to find my car and it was done. So i started walking around everywhere trying to find it and it turned out there was a desk you could go to to find if/where to your car had been towed. I head over there and they won't tell me where it is for some reason. Finally we found someone that would let me know and they sent me to a car lot not far away.

Head over there with some people I went to school with that kind of appeared. We think we see my car but there are like 5 of them that are identical. The guy finally comes over and says that he has my car but there's a lot of work that needs to be done on it so I can buy another car instead.

I say no and that I want my own car back and he gets all violent about it, shoving me around and saying that he's going to do this the way he wants to do it no matter what. I say like hell he is and he puts a knife in my mouth (I have a bit of a sore throat so that likely has something to do with it).

Somehow I got away from him and it's now daylight. The same friends and I are told there's another car lot where it might be and now I'm really worried about the horse for some reason. We get the information about where it is and the three of us climb up rooftops and slide down through the snow to get around. We get there and there are no cars anywhere.

I find the cast of Smart Guy to hang out with and wind up at their house watching TV where the dad says I have nothing to worry about now. Then it's the next day and it's really early in the morning. I'm still trying to find my car so I go to this church kind of place.

For some reason I know the guy with the knife is going to be there and I can either fly or I have this harness system that I swing from the ceiling with. The guy and some other people come in through the door and I start pulling these big strings hanging from the ceiling (I was up in the air at this point).

A lot of blood starts falling down on them and they don't seem to mind. I pull the last one and land and they're all happy because it was some kind of ritual or something. They see me and the whole town wants to kill me. I have a knife of my own from somewhere and keep slashing at them until I can get away.

The next day I'm still stuck in Winchester and I go to a gas station. Inside the guy is there and so is one of the first girls I ever had a crush on. he puts his knife in her back and says they're going to rob the cash register. Someone hits him in the hand with something and he drops the knife.

I start fighting him and then it gets ridiculous as we both have energy bars to tell us how much more damage we can take. he starts choking me and I slash at him with my knife. He loses and turns into a ghost or something and runs away. The point of view rolls backwards to Kaval on a phone, trying to get some help here. And then Wolverine, Cyclops and another X-Man who I couldn't recognize but might have been Jubilee walked in and I realized it was a dream and woke up.
Well I couldn't get a good look at her. Wolverine was in the middle and Cyclops was on the right. Also she would have been tall for Jubilee.
I had a nightmare last night where everyone openly knew my dad was raping my brother yet no one except me seemed to care about it and I had to try and stop it happening. Strange shit.

Also lol at the part about the horse.
I had a nightmare that i was stuck in a zombie apocalypse with elements of the game Dead Rising 2, Land Of The Dead, Zombieland and my own zombie novel i was writing all combined. It was insane, i had a baseball bat with nails embedded in it and i just kept kiling the undead while my girlfriend was being eaten alive and then i was being held back and i couldn't do anything. By the end of the dream i was walking through a valley of dead zombies and blood pool with 2 chainsaws attached to a kayak paddle in my left hand and a machete attached to a broomstick in my right hand. I woke up just as a zombie grabbed me from behind. It was freakish but cool.

What else is disturbing is re occuring nightmares, i remember a nightmare that i used to have as a kid back in elementary/primary school, i would walk into my school grounds late at night, no one was around and instead of walking, i'd skip into the school, but then when i got inside, i'd go underneath the school's hall/auditorium. There is this bike shed and inside the shed was another door, that no one would ever go inside while i went that school for 6 years, but in my nightmare i would, and it was pitch black, and i would hear noises coming from under the auditorium's stage, everytime something touched my shoulder, i'd always wake up.
I had a dream last night that Samoa Joe joined the WWE and was called Super Dragon.
I dreamed that I went to a WWE house show. When I got out, AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson appeared and kicked my ass.
I have a recurring nightmare that I am in the first house I ever lived in and a werewolf is chasing me all around. I finally hide in a closet, only to be discovered by the werewolf moments later. He opens the door and begins to eat my stomach. However, instead of incredible pain, it tickles the ever loving shit out of me. I laugh hysterically until I wake up.

Also, one other quick recurring dream. I am a Jedi Knight and have a light saber battle with Darth Vader. That dream is kickass though, as I rarely lose the dual!
I had a dream 2 days ago where zombies rose & invaded the Earth, killing everybody but me and my girlfried(that I don't currently have...yet). After over 15 years, all of the zombies have eaten themselves and eachother out of hunger, while me and my girlfriend must try to repopulate the entire Earth. Pretty wierd.
KB...that reminds me of those dreams I had when I was younger, you drive somewhere you always know your way to. Then you suddenly forget how you got there, or how to get back to where you are going. It really freaks the hell out of you. Or, another one, I'm 31, and then you realize you're late for school, :wtf: I haven't had to be at school for like 13 years. I'm standing at my old locking trying to unlock the combination, and the tardy bell rings, and down the hall comes robo-cop patrolman, threatening to issue detention to those who are still roaming the hall, and a tumbleweed rolls down the desolate hallway. LOL...and you hear that eerie music from the old west..LOL
What's with all these werewolf and zombie dreams?!

Doesn't anyone see strawberry shortcake or the gummy bears around here! Where's Lee?
Pretty sure he will come along and describe a dream where he made out with Zelda, and make the world alright again.
Its because zombie's are fuckin awesome, and in reality, zombies more so than werewolves, vampires and stuff like that could actually be real, due to a virus or plague and an outbreak is caused, then we have zombies and an apocalypse.

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