'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan: Worthy or Not?

Does 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan deserve to be in the Hall of Fame?

  • Yes. He was a great wrestler.

  • No. He didn't do anything worth getting in.

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Well he won the first ever Rumble, so just that alone should get him in. He has never been a world champ, but fans all over the world no his signature phrase, "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and moreover was a great wrestler both in the ring and out
I think hacksaw deserves a spot. Everybody keeps on talking about how the man won the first rumble and while it was a great achievement, he has also trained a lot of young wrestlers and helped them get in the bussiness
Yeah, he won the Rumble. Have one or two moments in the sun, however,does not a Hall of Famer make. I know the guy worked hard, I know he was respected backstage. I admire that about Duggan, but there just simply should be more to it. When I look at Duggan's contribution to the business overall, I don't see a HOF career. Duggan chose the easiest way to get over with American crowds: become a flag waving patriot. No matter what company, no matter how big or small, you work for, waving the flag will always help get you over. Maybe not as over now as 20 or 25 years ago, but it'll still do the job.
Yes he does deserve to be in

For those of u that say no, u need 2 open ur eyes.. he is a great wrestler.

For those of you that say he only won the royal rumble u r wrong .. he has had multiple tittles just not from the 2 big companys.... some might say King Duggan hwas a bit of a joke but so was Harly Race.

However before you condem him look at the track record of guys he has faced... Andre..... Sgt Slauter... Macho Man.... Yokozuna... Ted Dibiase.. Rick Rude ( all his matches were with guys that were on there way to the top... at the top... or just on their way down)...not 2 metion all the great survivor series matches he was in... all the tag teams he has faced...

The guy is a legend in his own right...... if you compare his track record to say someone like the Ultimate warrior, he still comes out on top as far as his track record... so 2 say he is not HOF worth is just spitting out garbage.

Sry he is a big Time YES!!!!
In My honest opinion, he does NOT deserve to get in.

Longevity and such is not a good enough reason. I cannot name a single match that he had that blew me away, nor an person he put over and made them look good.

He was a horrible heel in Wcw, his promos were just about the only thing interesting about him since they were so intense.

He got a pity run as US champ in Wcw and it was embarassing.

All in all, no I dont think he should get in
Hacksaw while a fairly entertaining character/gimmick, did not do enough in my opinion to warrant entry into the HOF. Yes he won the first royal rumble and was involved in some major storylines, but mainly he was used in those feuds to get the other person over. He was like the biggest jobber of his time. I love Hacksaw, but he does not belong in the HOF, neither does Koko though, but he is and so it will be the same with Hacksaw, he will get in.
I think Hacksaw belongs in the Hall. If Koko B Ware can get in, then Hacksaw deserves a spot. Don't get me wrong, Koko is entertaining as hell and I always enjoyed him. And I can say the same for Hacksaw. The guy won the first Royal Rumble and he is a former US champ. Albeit the Rumble isn't what it is now, but it is still a Rumble victory. Hacksaw entertained and held a spot on the card during the Hogan era in the WWF. I say put him in, deserving or not, dude was entertaining as hell and will be over no matter what.

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